ACME Canine Unit
Hello again everyone.
I had another interesting dream this morning. The dream was IC, as Julie, but it did have a little bit of an OOC element to it, and I know exactly why I dreamed it, but let me speak OOC for a minute. As you can see, if you look at Jacqueline's WoEiCS? Watch party post, I was up late last night. That was OK; it is not necessarily unusual for me to do that, and I really hadn't had a chance to have very much computer time yesterday.
So, I was trying to catch up with some things on Facebook, since I had not been on much lately. And that explains the first part of the dream, that was kinda OOC. In the dream my friends were kinda upset because I hadn't been talking to them quite as much (IRL, I know this would never happen) and it led to us discussing some unrelated and controversial topic of some kind (I don't remember what, now) which again I would never do, because I go to great lengths to avoid such topics on-line, especially when I know people will disagree with me. At any rate, whatever it was, it was OK we resolved it.
So, that led to the part that was IC, that had Chase trying to teach Julie some kind of card game. I don't remember what it was, if it was poker or something else; but things that mathematical have always been challenging for me, IRL, I have a learning disability when it comes to math, and I remember how patient he was, and I think I was just starting to really "get it" whatever the game was, when these voices came over some kinda radio, interrupting us; and I think it was my friends from the earlier part of the dream, which makes no sense, because those friends are not here (on TECS) at all. And what they said was not really important, it was like they were teasing me a little (though not in a mean way) and Chase was going to tell them to be quiet.
And that was when I woke up, to my mom and her boyfriend coming in house (I do intend to mention them both in a story at some point, but until I come up with a name for him, I won't mention their names here) after staying up late last night, taking care of our 19 yr. old Paint gelding, who is very sick with colic. He improved a tiny bit in the overnight hours til about 7:30; resting comfortably, in a stall, and not needing any meds til about 9:30 a.m. But now he has stopped drinking, and the decision has been made to have the vet come back out, and put him down. This horse is very sweet, with a very mischievous personality. (He likes to let other horses out of their stalls.) He never lays down like this, and no doubt, the other horses know that something is wrong.
Anyway, that is the dream I had this morning, and that also explains what I won't be on too much for the rest of the day, or for the next few days, either.![]()
I like this, Chase was going to tell people to be quiet for you.