Well Invader is from another dimension, but wound up here during a storm between worlds. They were origonally sent to recover a lost princess from another world, found them, but took her place here to keep this time line intact. They have largely forgotten how they got here, and are still seeking a door home, or a possible connection between this world and her home world. They spent time in a lab, that they have yet to go back to, and will at some point. They were freed after a fire by an AI that took them to ACME headquarters. They were found by Chase and taken in so to speak, and wound up living in an empty basment room. Being near the laundry facilities, and later became known as the laundry room ghost. They were rather wary at first, but soon warmed up to a few people. They kinda look up to Chase a lot. They are usually easygoing, but can be ferocious when provoked, or you go after anyone they care for. They are tiny, and often get dismissed over it, or underestimated. She seems to have a way with insects of all kinds, to the point of semi commanding them.