
Archive for canon plots and threads
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I may have posted this before but the LAST Blockbuster in the USA is in Bend, Oregon :)
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    They tried to shoot President Trump today. President Roosevelt says he can get a spot on Mount Rushmore now if he wants
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    yeah, that whole thing scares me @Tenchi Masaki . This might incite more violence. :(
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I have studying to do....someone was talking about the 7 wonders of the world and I couldn't name but two...dang it. I'm supposed to be an ACME agent and know this stuff :D
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  • Jon Eckart : Jon Eckart
    walks into the room, dirty with grease and oil, knuckles banged up, wiping off the socket set... and collapses in the recliner, and falls asleep, knocking over the warm can of beer in the can holder... finally done with fixing everyone's cars
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  • Jon Eckart : Jon Eckart
    hasn't seen the sun in two weeks, hadn't had anything other than gas station fast food, the bosses car required three semis of parts, and Jon's out of cigarettes, and his glasses are dirty
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  • Jon Eckart : Jon Eckart
    also duck taped a piece of oily paper to the sign over the door... "Please, get your cars serviced regularly... I don't want to find dust or an atmospheric vacuum or mushrooms growing in the engine... the check engine light isn't an alarm clock!"
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Greetings Jon Eckart :)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    If Carmen could be an Occult member of any kind, what do you guys think she'd be and why? I made her a spell caster in my sims game because it seems she "puts spells on people" :D
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    Lucy Lucy: If Carmen could be an Occult member of any kind, what do you guys think she'd be and why? I made...