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  • Note this policy does not restrict zero-turn taxi, if equipped, so long as all other ramp movement safety requirements are observed.
    If reverse taxi is is operationally necessary, you are now required to call for an aircraft tug. There will be no exceptions.
    Effective immediately, all ACME flight crew and flight crew contracted to ACME are prohibited from reverse taxiing under power (more commonly referred to as 'powerback')
    Here you go, Eugene, Happy Birthday! *Place a list of aviation museums he should try and visit on his desk*
    publishes elective class info and extracurricular training activities available through ACME air ops
    Happy Birthday Eugene! I hope this come in handy in case of a dangerous situation.* place down a pocket grappling hook, a multi-tool survival axe, a waterproof duffel bag, a military grade compass and a tactical defender pen on the table*
    is considering how to get the team fitted for new STUN suits while adhering to infection control guidelines
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    Reactions: Lucy
    Julie Justice
    Julie Justice
    I'm sure if there's a way to di it--you will find it. ?
    "If I lick it, its mine" type protocol. If they touch it, its theirs
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Q: Why did the brother strawberry cry? – Because his mom was in a jam!
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    anybody have any fresh conspiracies for the ACME board? That was fun :)
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    Lucy Lucy: anybody have any fresh conspiracies for the ACME board? That was fun :)