Q & A Little Big Dreams


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I had one semi-in-character last night where we were hearing odd noises around VILE HQ and getting nervous until Chase let slip that he'd hired someone to get in the building and make the noises to distract us.
Sounds legit. Though that would mean I’d have to know the location of this super secret HQ...
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(I think this happened late last Friday morning; but I haven't been able to post about it until now. Technically, I guess, it was OOC, as I was not "Julie" but I was not "myself" either. In fact, it seemed like I was Carmen, herself; or at least that I was seeing things from her point of view. This was a dream, remember; no god-modding intended; no crimes committed. It went something like this...)

Carmen was walking briskly through some city, somewhere, with some kind of small green space; like a town square or a park nearby. It had rained, recently enough that all the different pavements were still wet, and even tough it was daylight, it was still kind of grey. But where she was, was not as important as where she was going. She seemed more concerned being seen by people passing by, than by any type of law enforcement.

Then, Carmen was in a much darker place; that seemed like an alley; but it also seemed like there was some kind of minor structure above; the right top edge of a building; or a catwalk; that also cast an extra shadow; making the location even more secluded.

Chase stepped out of the shadows, identifying himself as he did so. He told Carmen he was glad to see her, under the circumstances. He said he was concerned about her and all her people (at VILE).

Carmen nodded, and agreed that she was concerned about him, and all his people (at ACME) too; and they both agreed that this was one those times when both of them would have to work together to deal with someone who was a threat to both of their organizations.

Then, I woke up. :)
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ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
(I think this happened late last Friday morning; but I haven't been able to post about it until now. Technically, I guess, it was OOC, as I was not "Julie" but I was not "myself" either. In fact, it seemed like I was Carmen, herself; or at least that I was seeing things from her point of view. This was a dream, remember; no god-modding intended; no crimes committed. It went something like this...)

Carmen was walking briskly through some city, somewhere, with some kind of small green space; like a town square or a park nearby. It had rained, recently enough that all the different pavements were still wet, and even tough it was daylight, it was still kind of grey. But where she was, was not as important as where she was going. She seemed more concerned being seen by people passing by, than by any type of law enforcement.

Then, Carmen was in a much darker place; that seemed like an alley; but it also seemed like there was some kind of minor structure above; the right top edge of a building; or a catwalk; that also cast an extra shadow; making the location even more secluded.

Chase stepped out of the shadows, identifying himself as he did so. He told Carmen he was glad to see her, under the circumstances. He said he was concerned about her and all her people (at VILE).

Carmen nodded, and agreed that she was concerned about him, and all his people (at ACME) too; and they both agreed that this was one those times when both of them would have to work together to deal with someone who was a threat to both of their organizations.

Then, I woke up. :)
Okay now I'm really nervous, now we have to make sure that we say we are godmodding with our dreams? I can't already remember everything about not godmodding.....:mad::confused:o_O:mad:
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Okay now I'm really nervous, now we have to make sure that we say we are godmodding with our dreams? I can't already remember everything about not godmodding.....:mad::confused:o_O:mad:
No, I don't think you have anything to worry about @Lucy. But I was "busted" so much for god-modding when I was new here (as I think I've told you. Lol) that I'm just a little more cautious about it. That's all. :p


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
I was in class (As Lucy) Eugene and Ivy were teaching a class. We were in a big plane and Ivy was going to demonstrate. She tied a rope tightly around her waist and jumped but something went wrong and she was in trouble. I copied her by tying a rope around my waist and went after her and saved her. Unknown to all of us Chase had quietly walked in and saw the whole thing.


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
Last night, I was wandering ACME and I came across a room. I don't remember a lot about this room but I was hiding out there for some reason. It was really dark and I could watch everyone below. One of my managers found me and kinda gave me a little lecture about not wandering off. but I was really curious and did it a second time, finding a new room. This room had no roof and was harboring a stuffed clown that was out of the "IT" movie. I couldn't find a way back up and out again but someone found me. This time I was found again and I felt like the two managers were lecturing me about please don't do that. The third time I was stuck and no one found me. I started going through the pipes or something similar to get out. While traveling I lose my shoe, and someone at ACME finds it. (Probably Julie?) but they still can't locate me. I remember treading through water. I woke up after that.

I think the dream might be about my anxiety?

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    Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki: Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye