Archived Blue Moon Masquerade

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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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[OOC: I'm for it, Euge!]

Patty saw the glint of gold come her way as she was walking with Crim and Loralye to the musketeers, but she didn't expect to be pulled aside and given information on a new target. At her 10 o'clock, she saw Chase Devineaux coming down the steps. Now that she knew who Carmen was, Patty felt more wholesome.

"That's Chase Devineaux," Patty pointed out to her surrogate sisters, "we'll need to keep an eye on him, later." As a boy passed by, the Harlequin swooped up a glass of red wine. She could see next to the musketeers someone in an elaborate Death costume (that could to be the new Dragon girl Carmen picked up from Canada, Patty remembered her costume having to be custom tailored) and a man with three faces.

She overheard some of the conversation.

Dan said: "You're ACME right? Let me guess... Josha? Renne Santz? Mr. Grovington?"
Nevon said: "Mr. G, if it's you, and we guess right, can we get extra credits?"
"Dragon said: I'm not with ACME. As for a name... you can call me Death."
Eugene said: "If you're wrong, does that mean I get to fail you?"
ACME... Patty thought, the perfect way to stir up a good cappuccino. "Hey there! Hope I'm not interrupting," She said to the group in her sweetest country-belle accent, giving them all a nod of respect. "Ya'll look like a good time to be had. Not too many people speaking English at this party don't you know. I'm Lacy Boone, pleased meeting y'all."

"And if I can introduce these lovely ladies," she walked a few steps back to highlight the two women with her. Patty first pointed to Crim then to Lorayle. "This is Cassandra Kennedy, of the Kennedys', spent most of her life in Paris, and this is Abrielle Fiore, daughter of the Italian Premier's third nice."

'Lacy Boone' moved herself to the back of the boys. "They were both wondering how American boys danced," she winked and gave them a nudge, "and I promised that they wouldn't be disappointed..."


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Pete hoped Missy didn't say yes out of sympathy for an Aussie lost in a masquerade, he took her hand politely and guided her to the floor. It didn't take very long to reach an empty spot near the sides because his confidence in dancing wasn't very high. The closer he was to Missy the more nervous he got. He couldn't figure out why either, he thought this would be easy because they were casual friends. She used to ask him and Danny to turn the party down and they used to ask her to turn her power drills off. Now they were dancing.

"You look great tonight, mate - uh - Missy, ai?" Pete minded his feet, trying his best not to step on her pretty dress. "ACME ought make this a dress code."


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Nev thought a little about the consequences of dancing with a pretty girl in Italy while he has an on-again off-again girlfriend back in San Francisco... a girlfriend who would rather spend time with her parents for New Years... decision made! This is the best thing that could ever happen in his career, a random hot blonde comes up to introduce her two random hot friends. This must be what Chase Devineaux deals with every day. Nevon felt one step closer to his hero.

He adjusted his hat and chuckled off any second thoughts before they happened.

"May I have this dance?" He gave his hand to 'Cassandra Kennedy'.



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((Originally written by DetectiveAwesome))

Dragon Said:
"I'm not with ACME. As for a name... you can call me Death."
Well, that certainly wasn't his advance aviation teacher's voice. "Death? I get it, you're keeping your identity secret until midnight. There aren't many Americans here besides us." Danny said, automatically assuming that the accent was American. "Well if you're not with ACME then we haven't met. I'm Danny, ACME sleuth. This here is Nevon."

The agent paused a little as he noticed a bright red liquid on the metallic mask that looked convincingly like blood. Probably just red dye and corn syrup, he thought. Before Danny could offer a handshake he saw the three faced man come up to them.

Eugene Grovington Said:
"If you're wrong, does that mean I get to fail you?"
"Mr. G! Hey, awesome mask!" Danny had once peaked into Eugene Grovington's office and saw a few samples of his mask collection. To his memory, some of them looked similar to the one the grim reaper wore. "Have you met our new friend? Goes by the name of 'Death'. She'll give you a run for 'best dressed' tonight."

Patty Larceny Said:
"Hey there! Hope I'm not interrupting. Ya'll look like a good time to be had. Not too many people speaking English at this party don't you know. I'm Lacy Boone, pleased meeting y'all. And if I can introduce these lovely ladies This is Cassandra Kennedy, of the Kennedys', spent most of her life in Paris, and this is Abrielle Fiore, daughter of the Italian Premier's third nice. They were both wondering how American boys danced," she winked and gave them a nudge, "and I promised that they wouldn't be disappointed..."
Dan thought the southern blonde seemed mildly familiar, but he couldn't quite place where he'd seen her before. And why did the name 'Smith' come to mind? Skipping that thought he realized that Nevon had already set his sights on the Kennedy, Danny looked at Abrielle and gave his best smile. He had flashbacks of his seventh grade autumn ball, when it was completely nerve wrecking to ask a girl to dance.

"Would you do me the honor?" He bowed a bit as formally as he knew how and offered a hand. Danny would have also included her name in the question, but wasn't sure he could pronounce it properly.


Press Director
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Yana, Tanya, Tanechka, TanYUchen'ka, TanyUs'ka
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Tanya smiled and took Zack's hand. He barely had to ask, she was itching to dance since they left the gondola. The party had the kind of rare live music that makes everything more enjoyable. Playing old classics was a band with a string quartet, a pianist, and a flute player.

"You are so cute um.. when you ask, da?" she giggled, "reminds me of why I call you Zaychik (Bunny)," then in her Russian version of French, she whispered, "Je peux danser... toute la nuit."

Emma Bezzle

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Emma, Em, Bez, or Bezzy
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As Loralye, Crim, and Patty made thier way towards the intended targets, she was able to catch some snippets of conversation:

Nevon: "Mr. G, if it's you, and we guess right, can we get extra credits?"
Dragon: "I'm not with ACME. As for a name... you can call me Death."
Eugene: "If you're wrong, does that mean I get to fail you?"
So, these men were with ACME? Figures. Lora's heart rate began to race and she took deep, relaxing breaths to calm herself. She regained her composure and flashed a dazling smile. Lora listened as Patty introduced herself as 'Lacy Boone' and dubbed Lora with the name 'Abrielle'.

Crim was quickly swept away leaving Lora with the black haired man.

"Would you do me the honor?" he asked, bowing slightly. 'Abrielle' bowed her head in acceptance and placed her hand in his. "Amerei a," she said. "I would love to."


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((Originally written by Crimson))

Patty said:
"That's Chase Devineaux," Patty pointed out to her surrogate sisters, "we'll need to keep an eye on him, later."
Chase Devineaux. The name rang a bell. Once Crimson realized where she had heard the name, it hurt her like a punch to the gut. Little sis talks about him all the time. He's the main reason why she joined ACME... The former model couldn't think about this right now. It would spoil all the fun she was having.

Crim suddenly felt like she was being watched. She turned around and saw a man wearing a 'Phantom of the Opera' styled mask. He was looking at her but he appeared to be engaged in conversation with another man and a woman. I can't waste my time with trivial things like this. I could be doing more important things.

While walking with Lory and Pats, she had overheard a conversation with the three men. Crim didn't realize how dense certain men can be. And when 'Lacy' introduced 'Cassandra' and 'Abrielle' to the ACME agents, the former model had to hold back a smile. ACME really had no idea.

Nevon said:
"May I have this dance?" He gave his hand to 'Cassandra Kennedy'.
The former model though of her boyfriend, her kids, and her grandson back home. I'll regret this but... it is strictly for business...

'Cassandra' placed her and in his and said 'Oui, monsieur.'


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((OOC: Mates, I'm bringing in Lee for some extra fun if we can use him for more trouble, he uses the same colour as Pete, hope you don't mind, ai?))

Lee Jordan was in Venice and in the party, but not as one of the guests. He didn't need an invitation because he was part of the masked security team, one of a handful of men that were law enforcing here. With his job as an ACME informant still waiting on the next assignment, he heard about the party through other informants that were closer to base than he was. Knowing it was a masquerade, and guessing that VILE might be interested (he had no idea they would actually come), he jumped at the chance to send in his alias as a hired help for the Venetian government.

In his position by the pier, he saw every guest arrive, and he had handled almost everyone's invitation, everyone's but Morgan Kent's. She entered that party all too easily, with the help of a dignitary friend already inside. He dared not say he knew who she was, that would jinx things if he was wrong.


Confidence Man
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[OOC: Got permission for everything down here.]

Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok, Thailand
Days before the night of the party

Vic was on a layover from Phnom Penh to Rome. In Bangkok, he arranged to meet an Iranian contact here about some goods to be delivered when he gets to Venice. The Iranian lived in luxury in Dubai for 12 years. When Vic first met him, he was a thin kid trying to make his first international deal with random grafters. Now this man was sporting a belly fat on lamb and a wallet full of money. Vic told the Iranian what he needed, but knew he wouldn't get confirmation until he was already out of Bangkok and flying over the Himalayas. This made Vic jittery.

Like some people attending this party without an invitation, Vic was going to be doing a lot of guesswork. One of these guesses was easy. He knew which mask Carmen would be wearing because he found the contact that found the Italian artist and made the purchase deal for her. The artist didn't want any profit, practically giving her the mask, but Carmen made Vic forward a little higher than the asking price to the man's account. She was always like that, never took anything she couldn't give back or give away. When she first started, he had doubts, but she somehow found a way to get trust in a business where trust was scarce.


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What a wonderful night, thought Ennai as she breathed in the icy Venetian air. It had been almost 13 years since she had last been to Venice in winter. She had almost forgotten it's dreary romance. She had almost forgotten she had fallen in love here. The very air intoxicated her, as she wondered how she could have ever forgotten this feeling. Although Ennai had been here several times for business afterward, it was always in late spring or summer. Lovely, but not the same, and marred by the grime of the dirty deals she forged while undercover.

Ennai was sitting up on the seat her hands supporting her as she reminisced. Lost in her thoughts, Ennai had missed what the gondolier had spoken. "Sono spiacente?" she said quietly, in what little Italian she knew. "Siete arrivati, signorina." Ennai looked up. "Oh. Gratzie," she said to the gondolier with a smile, as he gave her his hand. Ennai was curious as to what it would be like to be at such a soiree where she didn't need to bring a gun, or worry about having someone out to kill her. Of course, she wasn't attending as herself... she was attending as Ennai, the ACME detective. But it was truly the closest thing she had ever played as to herself. It was strange. She could possibly just act ... natural. Huh.

As Ennai sweeped across the floor, her silver gown moved as though in a dream. It was perfect for the occasion and she couldn't believe she had found it in time. Her mask was old, a gift from an old Parisian friend from when they last met in Turkey. It was made from silver, which delicately twisted and fell into flower-like drops of Chinese rhodochrosite. She stopped in the middle of the floor, scanning the room for someone she knew. Her normally bright blue eyes, now a dark silvery-grey color in the lighting, landed on what looked like Euge in a three-faced mask. She smiled brightlyand made her way to one of her favorite people she'd met while in the Chief's employ. "Hi Euge! Have I missed anything good?"


Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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Euge felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as the harlequin moved behind him and the remaining musketeers, and was suddenly thankful he kept his wallet in his inner coat pocket. It wasn't security that motivated the choice as much as posture. Eight hours sitting sideways wreaks havoc on ones back. Now, though, having it secure was a definite bonus, especially in a crowd such as this.

Dan said:
"Have you met our new friend? Goes by the name of 'Death'. She'll give you a run for 'best dressed' tonight."
"A pleasure to meet you ma'am. That is a magnificent costume you have." Euge said to the Reaper. Out of the corner of his eye, Euge saw Nevon and Dan sliding away with their respective dance partners. "Have fun guys," Euge thought to himself with a small grin.

Ennai said:
"Hi Euge! Have I missed anything good?"
Euge didn't recognize the mask, nor the woman gracefully supporting it, until she spoke. Ennai's voice was immediately recognizable. "Ennai! I was beginning to think you were not going to make it!" Euge greeted her with a quick handshake. "No, you haven't missed much. The dance has just started."


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"Death? I get it, you're keeping your identity secret until midnight. There aren't many Americans here besides us." Danny said, automatically assuming that the accent was American. "Well if you're not with ACME then we haven't met. I'm Danny, ACME sleuth. This here is Nevon."

Before Dragon could give a reply she was cut off by someone in a triface mask who had come up behind the human that Danny had called Nevon. Wait, what was that about Midnight?

"If you're wrong, does that mean I get to fail you?"

"Mr. G! Hey, awesome mask! Have you met our new friend? Goes by the name of 'Death'. She'll give you a run for 'best dressed' tonight."

So this was 'Mr. Grovington'. She had to admit she liked this human's mask. Three females approached and Dragon turned to look at them.

"Hey there! Hope I'm not interrupting. Ya'll look like a good time to be had. Not too many people speaking English at this party don't you know. I'm Lacy Boone, pleased meeting y'all. And if I can introduce these lovely ladies This is Cassandra Kennedy, of the Kennedys', spent most of her life in Paris, and this is Abrielle Fiore, daughter of the Italian Premier's third nice. They were both wondering how American boys danced," she winked and gave them a nudge, "and I promised that they wouldn't be disappointed..."

Dragon tensed a little, so... many humans coming and going so quickly. Though she swore that Lacy's voice was familiar. 'A comrade?' That would be a stroke of fortune right about now. In the midst of enemies a pack member was ALWAYS welcome.

Euge: "A pleasure to meet you ma'am. That is a magnificent costume you have."
Dragon nodded and her eyes flicked over to Dan and Nevon as they left with two of the three females who had approached. Fair enough, but Argh... Dragon was starting to get that backed into a corner feeling again. No! She. Had. To. Remain. CALM! Forcing herself to relax, albeit only a little, she nodded in thanks to Grovington. "Thanks, I'm enjoying yours as well, I'm really liking your mask." She said to him.

Ennai: "Hi Euge! Have I missed anything good?"
Euge: "Ennai! I was beginning to think you were not going to make it!" Euge greeted her with a quick handshake. "No, you haven't missed much. The dance has just started."
Okay so the males name was Euge... good to know. But if he knew this 'Ennai' that meant she was also ACME. Forcing back a growl Dragon stayed put, she really just.. wanted to leave right now. Though... right now she felt kinda out of place, like she was intruding on something between Euge, Ennai, and Lacy. Even though she knew she probably wasn't.

Dragon could feel her arms lightly shaking again... damnit. She hated being around so many humans.. but Alpha wanted her here and she would do whatever her Alpha wanted. Come Heaven, Hell or high freezing water.

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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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