Archived Blue Moon Masquerade

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This thread may include adult content including violence, strong language or nudity, readers' discretion is advised.

E. Mayhew

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Amber eyes stared out from behind a carved metal mask, the way it curved around her features making it seem like it was one with her skin. As the gondolier pushed his gondola across the water towards its destination the person wearing said mask gave a light sigh, or as much as she could beneath the bodice top of her gown which, if its influence had to be named, seemed vaguely like that of a french aristocrat. Its emerald green with metallic accents made it seem like the design of the metal on her face extended down into her gown. Her hair sat atop her head in a mountain of curls with only a few tendrils allowed to make their way down.

The plan had been to buy something to cover her whole face and a dress to let her blend with the crowds. Allow her to say her hellos, be accounted for as present and then hide somewhere against a wall or by the pier, leaving her more enthusiastic peers to mingle and network and whatever else there was to do. It wasn't that Missy necessarily hated holiday get togethers... she just had bad luck when it came to company holiday get togethers. The number of years with ACME had only numbered three but after last year's Holiday Party where one too many honest drunks were followed by one man vomiting into her lap Missy had decided that she wanted nothing to do with it all. So what part of 'nothing to do with it all' had to do with a bright emerald dress, a fancy metal colombina mask and the rest of her 'look at me, I'm pretty' ensemble? Missy couldn't say though she was pretty sure it had something to do with the silver tongued salesman at the costume store. Her trip had indeed left her wallet crying for mercy after she'd finished getting her last minute masquerade help. One thing she COULD say was if anyone vomited in her lap THIS year there would be hell to pay.

The gondola bumped against the waterway's edge finally and, after securing the boat, the gondolier started to let its small group of guests off, offering a hand to each person in turn. Silver shoes clacked against concrete finally and, making sure she'd remembered her purse, Missy made her way into the party. Looking out over the sea of masked faces Missy couldn't help but be thankful that the dress allowed plenty of room for her Smith and Wesson.


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Pete scratched his stomach then his neck where the costume was itching. This party was full of sophisticated people, he felt very out of place. He didn't know what he was going to wear until Dan and Nevon convinced him that costume rental was cheaper if they went as the musketeers. He took off his mask and hat for a bit to breathe a little. Tucking them under his arm, he grabbed a drink while he listedn to Nevon's excited yell about being on TV. What isn't new with this guy?

Pete looked around at the reporters and TV cameras. This wasn't what he thought the party was going to be like at all. He didn't know it was so high profile. Luckily, he started seeing some familiar faces. Chase was up where almost everyone can see him, and Pete thought he could see Missy, the girl that lived upstairs in the dorms.

"Mates, is that Missy, yeh? In the green?" He asked his two other musketeers. He waved to the girl, so maybe she'd look his way.


Queen of Crime
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Carmen Sandiego, still as Morgan Kent, allowed herself some time to adjust to the weight of her dress. Walking back and forth in a swinging gait before a large mirror, she judged how well her wardrobe had been fastened, and how her steps would look to the casual observer. Finding a natural rhythm, one that made her demeanour appropriately British, she smiled in a self-congratulatory way and moved on to her crowning accessory. The golden masterpiece radiated as light played off its lustre. Meticulously created by an undiscovered Italian artist who dubbed it 'La Regina dei Ghiacci', its allure was worthy of the highest spot in coveted galleries. As with all things of beauty, the mask required extra preparation, the woman wore a silk maschera to cushion her skin from the metal.

Many minutes later, as her lazy gondola glided along the Grand Canal and drew nearer to destination, lights and voices rising from the squares showed the event's magnitude. Behind the disguise, her eyes worked to capture this chaos from a distance. Doing so kept her cognizant as she stepped on to the pier. Before anyone asked her to present an identity, the flamboyant Italian she had met in London, Giulio Sarno, greeted her. This was according to plan; they had discussed 'La Regina dei Ghiacci' and its artist over afternoon tea.

"Piacere, Morgan!" Giulio quickly pulled her into the crowd, speaking in unpractised English, "You must meet Jeffrey Bruno's American friend, l'ospite d'onore, handsome man!"

Comprehending that she will need to spend the next few moments with the Italian, Carmen could no longer account for the rest of V.I.L.E. Presumably, they would find their own experiences, in some way, enlightening.



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Iv', Ives
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Ivy arrived from the pier and looked around at the bustling party. She had never been comfortable wearing dresses, but this was a special occasion for ACME. Still, the self proclaimed tomboy couldn’t quite bring herself to wear one of the antique styled gowns, so she opted for a more modern look.

The detective donned a long satin taupe dress, with draping that resembled a Grecian tunic. It tied at her neck and waist with the same colored material rope, leaving her back exposed. Her fiery red hair was tamed in a tight bun, and she wore a silver cat-eared mask which covered her eyes and nose.

After a few moments of taking in the sights and catching up with some of ACME Italia’s finest, Ivy realized that the night was colder than she had anticipated, and excused herself to stand near one of the large fires.

“Should have gone with a layered dress…” She said quietly to herself.


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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Patty was amped, totally amped to be going to a Venetian Masquerade. Ok, so it wasn't really the February Carnival when everyone was going to be in costume, but this was going to do. Special occasions were her thing and Patty knew how to fit into places. It didn't start out this way, though. Several years ago, she had to work at being social, and she still spends plenty of days making mistakes.

For the party, Pats a was playful clown in a free-flowing dress checkered with red and black, and a harlequin mask to match. In the Commedia Dell'Arte, she would be considered a Columbina, or a maidservant of an Innamorata, whose up-lifting role would be to disguise herself as her mistress to fool the mistress's love interest. Comedies must have been simpler back in 17th century Italy.

Patty hopped off the gondola along with a bunch of other people, traveling in a crowd was safest, just in time to see the most awesome golden mask disappear into the party. She wondered what kind of women had the time and grace to wear something like that.

Up on the steps of the basilica, she saw a tall guy standing with a group of people. That has to be ACME's poster boy, Chase Devineaux, looking good in a tux and a black mask. It's so easy for men.

From where she stood, she saw three, no, two musketeers and one fool with his mask off trying to wave to someone. Then a little to the side, she could see two girls greeting each other, that's probably Crim and Loralye, both in darling eveningwear. Showing her invitation and walking in, Patty headed to the girls.

Emma Bezzle

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Emma, Em, Bez, or Bezzy
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Loralye pulledback from her friend's embrace. "It's not my fault. Where were you? I was starting to worry." Crimson just shrugged her shoulders.

Now that Crimson was here, Lora really didn't want to drink. Looking around, she spied a group talking nearby. As no one was looking, Lora tipped her almost untouched drink into an empty glass. A waiter was walking by and she placed her now empty glass onto the tray. Thinking about it, it was stupid to pick up the drink at all. Every time she drank, she became closer to being inebriated, and being drunk in a room full of ACME agents was not a good thing. Lora sighed. Those blasted ACME agents were getting to her.

"They'll be the death of me," Lora muttered to herself. To Crim she said, "Come on, let's go mingle." Loralye was determined to enjoy herself.


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((Originally posted by Crimson))

"You ok?" Crim said to Lora. She looked sick, or maybe just really tense. Or both. Either way, they were here at a party with ACME agents. No big deal and no turning back now. Crimson actually liked the idea, though. She liked parties and the rush she was getting from possibly being caught by ACME, and the scene that could result, was probably one of the most intense feelings she has ever felt.

"Fine, we will mingle." she said to her friend. While walking toward a crowd, Crimson spotted a blond girl in a clown style dress . "That is probably Patty" she whispered to Lora. "Let's go see." Crim walked over to the girl and said "Ciao!"


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((Originally posted by Little-Mac))

Just arriving in Venice Italy Mac knew he was prepared with his just bought and tailored suit from Monaco and a Phantom of the Opera styled Mask in his hand along with the invite slip to the Party.. Mac has never been to Italy nor is he very familar with it all he knows is Venice and Naples as far as Italy goes and the food as much as the Culture the closest he has been is Little Italy back in NYC.. But he knew there was a diffrence from those two places.. One thing about Mac Suits and Parties were and are not his style at all but he decided that This maybe fun and Too he heard that the Acme agents from Italy knew how to Party..

Stepping into the gondola Mac looked at the sights of Venice The People of Venice were having the Time of their lives espcially with his Boat Driver singing as Mac smiled looking at Venice.. Minutes Passed by and Mac was at the Place the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute Italy.. Mac tipped the Gondola Driver and Went into the Group putting on his Mask that was like the Phantom of the Opera's along with his Bandaged wrapped Hands.. He entered the Group of People


Confidence Man
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Poi Pet, Cambodia - Gambling town (Illegal)

Vic got a message from Patty about some mascarpone in Venice, Italy. At first, he ignored it, but then he read the message again and found out it had nothing to do with cheese. Hauling himself off the mattress of the $6 a night "hotel" he was staying in, the part time salesman and conman rubbed the drowse off his face and grabbed himself a towel for a shower.

"Sin!" he yelled to his Cambodian landlady when he was dressed and ready to leave "I go, ah? The pay's in yer room." He put the dollars in an envelope, because locals preferred it to the Riel, and kicked it under her door.

Sin yelled back something in Cambodian that Vic couldn't understand, but she ended with a loud "Come again!" and that, he got. Vic called a cab to the airport in Phnom Penh.

No way was he going into a party unprepared with a whole bunch of ACME agents in masks ready to off him. He don't like parties but that "Chase Devineaux" kinda danger is involved and VILE could always use backup.


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((Originally posted by Kyzano))

Dragon was arriving on her own, she for one damn approved of boats as a way of travel. They weren't as noisy and honestly the water was quite nice at night. She was sitting in a gondola, what exactly that was she didn't know, but she figured it was the boat. She didn't know what anything beyond the utmost basic things, and those that were the same in her home country, were but she was enjoying the country nonetheless. Dragon hadn't ever been to a new country before now, never seen the point. Italy was, in some places, beautiful. As the small boat continued to glide along Dragon took in the night air. She had to give credit where it was due, despite her concerns on it, Dragon actually liked what she was wearing to this party.

It wasn't a dress, that had been the first thing that had worried her when she'd seen what the others were to be wearing. But thankfully Alpha had a better idea. She'd also been told it was a costume party or something like that. Dragon didn't really have a full grip on the word... but she remembered that it usually came up around the 31 of October, Halloween. She actually enjoyed that human holiday. So she'd brought with her an old style scythe, blunted of course, but still it was a weapon and that gave Dragon a vast amount of calmness in the midst of the fact that she was going to be around so many humans. It stood at 6 feet tall so it was a few inches taller than Dragon, who stood at 5’8’’ flat, but it didn't really matter, it wasn't heavy to her.

She was coming to the party as something called a Grim Reaper. Honestly she enjoyed the idea and the customization that V.I.L.E. was able to get for her made her swear to send any further business their way. Hey, she wasn't completely feral she needed clothes and they always had to be customized because of her lifestyle. Regular clothing was not made for hunting or living in the woods. She'd foregone any kind of footwear, it really wasn't cold to her, hell she could probably bathe comfortably in the water if she wanted, and instead both her arms and legs had been painted, though with something that smelt weird that was called henna? Dragon didn't know but honestly her legs up to her knees and her arms up to her elbows looked like a skeleton. Hands included but not on her palms or the bottoms of her feet. Her pants were basically black half cargos, they cut off just after her knees, she found that comforting, it was almost like her regular clothing just a bit shorter. Her shirt however was something that had stunned her lightly.

In order to create almost a more ominous presence the shirt was a re-enforced t-shirt that had a black chain wrapped around her abdomen. When she took a rather heavy step or sometimes even a lighter one you could hear the links sometimes clink against one another. But with the cloak she was wearing you couldn't see any of this. In fact you could barely see her at all, the sleeve opened up and went past her hands, it clung to her body somewhat but didn’t give away her gender but it wasn’t something that would be awkwardly big or small to her, it was frayed lightly on the bottom by her feet but did not touch the ground, giving it an aged look and revealed the 'bones' on her legs a little, it had a hood that completely covered her head, it extended some at the back and made a curved point that ended somewhere around her shoulder blades. The hood came and covered a little bit of her forehead but not much, just enough so that you couldn't see the edges of her mask.

Dragon downright loved the mask. It was metal and padded lightly with something soft, she had no idea what it was, it was a single layer mask that was curved and made to fit her face, and hers alone. It went up to cover her forehead and came down in a bit of a tri point. It covered just a bit past the bridge of her nose in the center ‘point’ and came down to just past the center of her cheeks for the other two more curved points, it covered her jaw bones as it went to only just before her ears before the strap came in holding it to her face, black leather strap, Dragon’s eyes peered out of the eye holes and her crimson slit pupil eyes caught the light, making it seem, thanks to the design of the mask, that her eyes were coming from empty sockets. Yeah, Dragon really liked the mask, especially since she didn’t have to worry about her fangs for once. It was nice. The fact that it had been painted to look exactly like a skull in proportion just made it that much sweeter. Oh yes it did.

Though she had been ready a while ago, Dragon had caught and eaten a small bird, hey she’d been hungry, and she had used some of the blood to lightly make some realistic stains on the cloak, she didn’t want to bloody the scythe though, so she’d left that alone. It was only after that she was glad that the people who had thought far enough ahead to make the designs on her hands had thought to make them waterproof. But anyway now she’d cleaned up and there were some realistic stains on her cloak, all completely dry and they weren't very red, hell they just made the black cloak look a bit darker in the right light but still it completed things, for Dragon anyway. Hey, from what she was told a Grim Reaper was a sign of death. Death meant someone had to kill and killing means blood.

The strange words from the man who had been... do you drive boats? Well he’d tapped her on the shoulder and pointed once he got no response from Dragon other then her turning her head slightly to glance at him from over her shoulder. Oh, she was here, carefully standing up she gave the man some coins, she didn’t even know what they were but she’d gotten them after buying some water earlier, she didn’t want to drink from the roads, and he nodded with a smile. Okay, she got out of the boat and heading towards the masses, her scythe across her shoulders her right arm holding onto it near the small handle for her other hand should she have been holding it in the correct position, the sleeve of her cloak sliding down to the elbow as she moved. For now she moved lightly, the chain not making noise, she’d spent nearly a day working on how to do so it is a lot harder then she thought, and froze on spot, her whole body tensing up along with the grip on her blunted weapon.

Cameras?! No one said anything about cameras! Breathing deeply Dragon forced herself to calm down. For all these humans knew, she was too. And she had her scythe, blunt but still useful if she wanted to bust some cameras. If all else failed she’d use her hands. But she would be civil for now. No reason to attract attention when none was being given.

Looking around again she sniffed lightly at the air, nope, she didn’t think she’d be able to peg anything specific but hey it never hurt to try. Deciding that for now she’d head over to the one of the fires where she could make out someone with red hair and... were those cat ears? Probably a mask, but still it intrigued her. She moved carefully, not quite so silently, timing her heavy footfalls appropriately, making sure not to hit anyone with either end of her scythe accidentally. As she made her way over she noticed someone without their mask who was waving at something, another person who most of the cameras were pointed at and a brief flash of gold from the corner of her eye that drew her eye but she missed where it came from as people mingled, she’d figure it out later.

Sarah Nade

Musical Genius
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The outfit was somewhere between gaudy and horrific. Bright colors, feathers... she looked like a Macy's day float. Who could look inconspicuous in that? There were shades of bright blue and purple streaked throughout peacock feathers that wove themselves into short blonde tresses.

The gentleman next to her, a clean cut blonde with a black and gold columbina boroque mask, adjusted the sleeves of his tuxedo just slightly as he sat next to the woman in question, attempting to keep a straight face as the feathers of this overgrown peacock waved into his face with the motion of the boat they were taking over to the party. As the gondola finally reached land the gentleman was the first to stand, offering his hand to the peacock which she took with a loud screech of a Thank You.

The woman entered the party quickly, her loud costume announcing her presence long before that screech of a tone did.

Hanging back to tip the gondalier the gentleman chuckled as he replaced his wallet. Or as much as 'he' could with his chest bundled that tight. Brushing a piece of freshly cut and bleached hair out of 'his' face and smoothing it back into the rest of his do he smiled.

With a well practiced masculine swagger and dashing grin this masked tuxedo presented his counterfit invite and slid in among the crowd. Sarah Nade knew how to make an entrance. However, she thought to herself as she attempted to drown out the sounds of the loud peacock from a number of yards away, she did at times know how to not make one.


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Boss (situational)
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7:00 PM (1900hrs), Local Time (60 minutes into the party)

Benito, Giulio, Carlo, Carlo's wife Antonia, Michel, his wife Marie, Alessandro number one, two, and three... Chase recounted in mind the names and faces he should memorize for the duration of this party.

The bright lights pointing his way started to hurt, causing an uncomfortable strain deep behind his temple. He felt somewhat dazed, his senses hindered by a veil of hot white and rippling sea of onlookers. Attendants had exchanged the warm, mostly full Champaign flute in his hand for a new glass three times. Luckily, the Mayor of Venice arrived ten minutes ago, meaning the 'introduzioni' session was ending. Chase breathed cautiously and snapped to attention as the next face greeted him. Giulio Sarno was back, introducing a striking woman with an intricate golden façade first to Jeffrey Bruno, then to ACME's Field Director.

"Ciao, Chase, ciao," Sarno started, "questa è la mia amica, Morgan Kent. Ci siamo incontrati a Londra!"

"Ms. Kent," Chase repeated then ran that inside his head as he reached for her hand, gold mask, Morgan Kent, London... beautiful smile, she can't be with Giulio Sarno, "Chase Devineaux. ACME, United States."

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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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