Archived Blue Moon Masquerade

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This thread may include adult content including violence, strong language or nudity, readers' discretion is advised.


Queen of Crime
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If 'William Blake' had not stopped, Carmen may have overlooked the shorter man with a peculiar temperament. He referred to her by 'name' while failing to give his own, and then made an impossible request. Pertaining to her role as the elegant Morgan Kent, she had little choice but to ignore him. With a courteously apologetic smile, she pulled her escort's arm and moved away from the Phantom of the Opera.

She took Sarah gliding along the outside of the Punta della Dogana Contemporary Arts Exhibition. When they were far enough from the party, Carmen quoted, " '...a lady may go as she pleases'?" She laughed effortlessly, "Rather medieval, don't you think, 'Mr. Blake'?" Sarah Nade had been by her side longer than most, it was refreshing to speak freely again, albeit under disguise.


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Mike, Khalid Rifai
Mikal was silent for much of the mayor's speech. He was wondering if the flame-haired girl in front of him was an ACME detective, given her American accent. From there, his mind fluidly drifted to thoughts of how her sharp features might look under the mask.

Cat-mask girl said:
"You don't mind if I head towards the museum?" "I don't mind if we head towards the museum." He amended.
As they passed the crowd, Mikal took note of the caramel-stoned structure that was the former customs house. What he could see was a large room, filled with colorful pieces and tables of food. People were already mingling inside, dining and admiring the displays. One of the most noticeable pieces was a horse that had been anchored to the wall in the fashion of a head mount, except it was the body that was on display, with the head disappearing into the stone wall. Mikal shrugged. He didn't quite understand modern art.

Keeping one eye back at the party, the Israeli noticed that Chase Devineaux was now making his way into the crowd. In a gathering of this caliber, one could easily loose a target. He grunted. Even if he'd rather continue a conversation with the pretty American girl, there was a job to complete.

"I need to uh... speak first, with someone. Maybe, I meet you inside?"

Sarah Nade

Musical Genius
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'William Blake' gave a light shrug as if to say 'Better luck next time' as he was lead away. The Sarah Nade sitting inside suppressed the urge to give a light laugh as she and Carmen made their way around the outside of the art exhibit. The tuxedo jacket thankfully guarded against the night cold better than she could have expected.

The whole situation did have a bit of a nostalgic feel... not the costumes or the cross dressing but the ability to be alone with the boss somewhere they shouldn't be. Sarah had been in VILE alot longer than many could claim... she remembered the early close calls. When the schemes consisted of little more than a get away driver, a daring thief and the satisfaction that they had accomplished the unbelievable. They'd both been so young back then...

"...A lady may go as she pleases?" She laughed effortlessly, "Rather medieval, don't you think, 'Mr. Blake'?"
'William' chuckled lowly, covering her mouth quickly to make sure any stray feminine tone would be well covered. "Well it was either that or a dirty limerick about a leprechaun..." she replied in a hushed tone, the tenor remaining but Sarah's smile coming through instantly. "Some one's gotta stay under the radar..."


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((Originally written by Xander))

Tanya said:
"You are so cute um.. when you ask, da?" she giggled, "reminds me of why I call you Zaychik (Bunny)," then in her Russian version of French, she whispered, "Je peux danser... toute la nuit."
"Moi Aussi Yana...Moi Aussi." he said as he grabbed her hand and led her onto the dance floor. Zack lead into a slow song, and tried to hold his frame properly. While he was away, he learned more "elegant" dancing so he could impress her.

He tripped over his own feet halfway through the song. Zack was good at skateboarding, but not at dancing.

"Sorry!" he whispered hastily into his partner's ear and gave an apologetic, yet goofy cute smile.


Queen of Crime
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'William' chuckled lowly, "Well it was either that or a dirty limerick about leprechaun..." she replied in a hushed tone, "Some one's gotta stay under the radar..."
"Thank you for coming," she said as she rolled the watch she had stolen from Chase in her left hand, "I know you were looking forward to another round of that Celtic punk this year... but if I may make it up to you when the Stones go on tour next year?" Lifting the object to the light of a nearby lamppost, in part to show Sarah, she paused to inspect her prize.

Carmen knew this piece was different the moment she slipped it from his wrist. A smirk confirmed her suspicions; Chase's watch was a Patek Phillipe, a long-standing brand whose minimum price begins at 5-figures. An inscription on the back had the manufacturer's logo in gold, the letters 'CDR'. Its worn strap seemed unfitting for its classical face and the thief imagined her victim to have replaced it several times after receiving the watch as a gift from his father.

She sighed without a thought. The smirk, so finely crafted, evaporated as she considered what she had taken from him. Chase Devineaux was a man of sentimental values, and the decades-old timepiece was only worth anything while attached to its owner.

What happens now? Discomforted by the mild pang of guilt, she raised her eyes to Sarah, "Chase Devineaux's," she finally said in a careless tone that she hoped would deter Sarah from asking 'why', "...should I give it back?"


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Iv', Ives
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It was nice to see how everyone was moving along. Ivy chuckled as she saw her little brother attempt to lead a dance with Tanya.

Mikal said:
"I need to uh... speak first, with someone. Maybe, I meet you inside?"
Ivy smirked, "More damsels to rescue from the cold?"
She really didn't mind. After all, she was only a few steps away from the warm museum, and there was a really interesting modern art exhibition tonight.

"Thank you for the jacket, and the company." The ACME detective noted politely. "Oh, and Happy New Year... That is, if I don’t see you inside before midnight."

She slid the jacket off her shoulder and returned it to the owner with a smile, then headed indoors.

Sarah Nade

Musical Genius
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"Thank you for coming," she said as she rolled the watch she had stolen from Chase in her left hand, "I know you were looking forward to another round of that Celtic punk this year... but if I may make it up to you when the Stones go on tour in 2010?" Lifting the object to the light of a nearby lamppost, in part to show Sarah, she paused to inspect her prize.
Sarah turned her head to look at the claimed prize, pausing the motion as Carmen's words hit home. "Ah, you, eh, you heard about that?" she asked softly. She hadn't even mentioned her plans on seeing the Murphys or really complained to anyone about missing them. To be fair she'd never want Carmen to feel bad about making her miss something like a concert in London. A job like this, along with the monetary benefits, had allowed Sarah to take in the world in ways she'd never have been able to if things had turned out differently. Complaining about missing a band she'd seen 14 times on 4 different continents never seemed appropriate.

"Alright... you're coming with this time though, right?" She gave a toothy grin and narrowed her eyes to look at the watch in Carmen's hands. It looked worn. Nice but worn. Petty thievery really wasn't Carmen's style, especially in a place like this. Knowing Carmen the woman just couldn't resist in a room full of ACME's finest. As proud to walk off with someone's watch as a rabbit who can walk through a den of hungry wolves without being touched. It probably belonged to someone important.

"Chase Devineaux's,"

"Ah." Sarah said, giving a nod. Of course thats who it was from. Could Sarah call them or could she call them?

"...should I give it back?"

Sarah looked from the watch back up to her boss. The fact that she asked for an opinion was a bit of a telltale. She couldn't hold it against Carmen... afterall her boss had morals. 'William' nodded and held out a gloved hand. "Do you want me to?"

Sarah didn't know watches, she didn't really pay much attention to the year or the initials on the watch. However a man who can crash a Porsche Cayman in his day to day job didn't wear a watch like that without it meaning something. Even a highschool drop out like Sarah could tell that.

"He hasn't seen me yet and I'm sure he'll be glad to have it back... besides, how else would he know when the New Year starts?"

E. Mayhew

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The side of the dance floor was a fine enough place. The center seemed more reserved for those wanting to look impressive while twirling about. A couple of possibly professionals or at least overly practiced pairs twirled about, looking to the crowds as if they wanted applause.

What do they want? A cookie? Missy asked herself.

"You look great tonight, mate - uh - Missy, ai?" Pete minded his feet, trying his best not to step on her pretty dress. "ACME ought make this a dress code."
Looking back to her partner Missy smiled.

"Dress code... could be interesting... but I'd hate to see a dry cleaning bill for doing an oil change in this thing." She laughed lightly, smiling softly. Pete was so sweet but so nervous. Taking a breath she stopped her motion, saying a soft 'Wait.' She brought her hand under his chin, taking his eyes away from her dress and his feet. "Its ok... keep your eyes up." Her tone was soft but also instructive. At least it was good to know she'd learned something from those formal dance classes SOs had to take. Slowly she started the dancing motion again, shifting the lead from herself to him.

"There you go... the dress will swing out of the way..." she whispered. "Move your hand a little higher on the ribcage... right... and... much better." Her amber eyes sparked from beneath the mask as the two started to move as one unit with a previously unseen grace.


((Pete I hope this is ok... if you want me to change anything let me know.))


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((Originally written by DetectiveAwesome))

Danny led Abrielle to the dance floor, and bowed again before starting. He remembered to do this from last semester's Ballroom dancing class at ACME. It was one of the easier classes for him since it didn't require so much history and geography.

"My name's Daniel, by the way. Daniel Ainsworth." He thought it was polite to give a proper introduction since Lacy Boone had already told him all about Abrielle. "I'm a sleuth for ACME back in San Francisco."

Moving in time with the music, Dan continued, "So… do you live here in Venice , or are you visiting too?"


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((Originally written by El Halcon Verde))

Through the entrance with enough space around his shoulders for a dozen men his own size, came ACME's famous Luchador. "There is a such thing as being fashionably late." he reminded himself as he entered. The reason he was late was obvious, at least to certain people. He actually had replaced his luchador mask with one that looked the same except the matte green leather was replaced by a sparkling glittered green polymer. Taking a cue from the invitation he was otherwise dressed in a full black tuxedo, obviously tailored specifically to his large frame. He spent a long time in the room of his office looking at his reflection in the mirror sans mask. He hadn't looked upon his face since he was a child, and quizically wondered as he saw himself, whether or not, he had deprived that other person of a normal life for having donned his mask. "No," he said to himself. "It had to be done. I cannot be the mere son of my mother any more." And with that, he applied the formal mask.

The mask was new, but the tuxedo had a history. He was glad it still fit, since last he wore it he was in his twenties. He then wore it at a party thrown by "La Madre," a matron of the wrestling organization he belonged to. The night ended with a fight between him and El Narcissimo, a vein non masked wrestler, who tried to sabotage the party after not being invited. Since El Narcissimo eagered he would take El Halcon's mask that night, he in turn, had his head shaved by the partygoers for losing the bet. Looking down on the tuxedo now El Halcon wondered if anyone could see the black stitch marks.

Clancing around the room, El Halcon gave a sigh. "Que lastima, por the lady I would like to dance with cannot be here." True that, Eartha could make a similar attempt to crash the party, her large, feminine frame would make her stick out even in a crowd like this.


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((Originall written by Little-Mac))

Carmen said:
If 'William Blake' had not stopped, Carmen may have overlooked the shorter man with a peculiar temperament. He referred to her by 'name' while failing to give his own, and then made an impossible request. Pertaining to her role as the elegant Morgan Kent, she had little choice but to ignore him. With a courteously apologetic smile, she pulled her escort's arm and moved away from the Phantom of the Opera.
As Ms Kent did not answer Mac and just smiled at him as she grabbed her escort's arm and moved away he bared his teeth as they walked away from him talking to each other he looked at the dance floor and then to the Band that was Playing the music for the party. He took out his Pocket Italian Phrase book and looked at the Band and slowly walked towards them passing by the many guests and possible ACME agents or even VILE... Mac did not know why he thought VILE would be here but that was part of his Wild exaggertaion ordeal ..If There was one thing Mac disliked was Rejection when it came to anything... Boxing, Dancing, Women he just started to get that Drive to prove himself..

Coming near the band he sees the leader and speaks to him with the Little Italian he knew.. "Mi Susci" he tried to say as the leader of the Band spoke English and asked him what he wanted and Mac gave the band a large tip as he said "Flamenco Time" The band smiled at him as they told the lights man to shut the lights off.. as Mac walked to the Middle of the Dance Floor standing till the light Shined on him.. The Spot light shined on Mac standing in a Flamenco Stance..

Mac taught in his head.. "Okay This is it all or nothing lets go..Dance Like a Fly bite Like a Lion"

The Music Started as he tapped his heel three times and started the first part of the Flamenco Dance.. Effortlessly like Don Flamenco with out the boxing added Mac Did all the steps he was taught moving with the Music.. Feeling the Music.. Dancing like the Wind.. Mac Clapped his hands Three times half way and Danced to the music till he was sweating...

After Seven Straight minutes of the Flamenco he stops..In the Stance Don taught him Clapped his Hands one and yelled the word "OLE!!!" as the Music ended..

Mac Stood there awaiting the whole Parties response


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Nevon guided Cassandra to the floor and adjusted his costume, bowing a little because he was taught to. The ACME Ballroom Dancing class was taught by a genius of a woman because she got Nev to listen to most of her instructions. Before they could do any dancing, the band stopped the music and some guy in a Phantom of the Opera mask moved all the dancers aside and started stomping his feet to what Nevon figured was a Spanish dance. Nev has seen a lot of egotistical moves in his time, but this was one of the worse yet. He could only pray to all masquerade gods, whoever they are, that this guy wasn't from ACME. "Sorry you had to see that, Ms. Kennedy," Nevon felt the need to apologize, "that's not how Americans dance... we don't try to take the spotlight like that, anyway."

[[OOC: Great post, Mac! It was hilarious!]]

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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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