Archived Blue Moon Masquerade

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This thread may include adult content including violence, strong language or nudity, readers' discretion is advised.


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Mike, Khalid Rifai
Cameras flashed and whirled in the distance as Mikal stepped onto steady land. He immediately walked toward the party, briefly scanning rooftops along the way. There were no snipers of course, it was merely out of habit.

Once integrated with the crowd, the former soldier adjusted his mask. It was an item of typical Venetian design, concealing his entire face in matte black and capturing in itself an expression of restrained anger. Mikal purchased it out of necessity only moments ago. The clerk had told him something about the mask’s literary importance, which was lost on the rushing buyer. If Mikal had paid attention he would have found that it portrayed the tragic Moor of Venice, Shakespeare’s Othello.

The Israeli was here to relay information to his current case director, which would prove more difficult than previously anticipated. Tonight the spotlight was fully on Captain Devineaux. As Mikal waited for an opportunity, he spotted a lone woman near the flickering fire.

Ivy said:
"Should have gone with a layered dress…" She said quietly to herself.
"Wouldn't say that." Taking time to think of the right words in English, he continued, "You’re cold? I can give you my coat."


Queen of Crime
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Lights glazed the basilica in stark bluish white, giving the men standing in front of it an aura of righteousness. They seemed almost impossible to touch, but for a certain pseudonymous guest, one above all others appeared particularly vindictive.

Chase wrote: "Ms. Kent," Chase repeated as he reached for her hand, "Chase Devineaux. ACME, United States."
As his hand extended to hers, Carmen took it with moderate enthusiasm. Having decided that her next moves would set the night's entire tone, she preferred control.

"I know who you are," she replied in Received Pronunciation to his introduction, "Mr. Chase Devineaux from ACME, United States." After mocking the phrase he must have recited to hundreds of people both inside and outside of this event, she alleviated with a slow smile, "It's certainly a pleasure."

The Mayor of Venice, Massimo Cacciari, called for attention and a toast, allowing those on the steps to join the party. Carmen moved down with Giulio Sarno.


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((Originally written by Little-Mac))

As Mac was enjoying the Masquerade seeing the many unique cultures combine from ACME He knew that ACME was the right move for him Besides Boxing. Sure he loved the Money, The Fame, The Women but Doc was around no more and Mac was on his own this time and Being a ACME agent is something he has wanted to do for awhile.. Now He is fullfilling his dream and Now is in Venice..

Walking Towards the Buffet Table Mac grinned widely with His Phantom of The Opera Mask on grabbed a Plate and Napkins and started to dig in eating and watching everyone be happy and have fun.. Mac tried to look for other ACME agents and even the Chief but none were recoginzable with the masks on He just ate away at the Canolli's and some of the Pasta Dishes as he tried his best to watch his manners.. He Ate his food and Gazed at all the Masquerade guests


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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"Ciao bellezze!" Patty smiled to Crim and Loralye, "Oh wow, cute dresses!" She complimented then took a glass of soda from one of the help. Like all parties with kids running around, this place had Sparkling Wine, Red Wine, White Wine, and a selection of water, cola, or orange juice. Patty tasted the cola and concluded it was Coke and not Pepsi.

She was paying a lot of attention to the dignitaries near the basilica because she hasn't spotted Carmen yet, and it was getting unnerving. To make her feel better, Patty naturally staked out people to play with.

"Check out the three musketeers," she pointed with her glass for Crim and Loralye to see. "You want to torture someone tonight, they'd be my mark."

E. Mayhew

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Her face seeming a bit blank as her eyes searched for a familiar face Missy finally smiled as she saw someone waving at her. Slipping between the crowds with care she approached the three men, holding her dress up from the ground as not to step and trip over herself.

"Hey Pete!" Missy cheerfully chimed, finally placing her skirt down properly as she reached her immediate destination, taking a moment to smooth down the material before taking a glass of white wine from a traveling serving boy and taking a small sip. "Let me guess... Nevon and..." she paused, trying to make out the masked faces and finally a light seemed to come over her head. "D.A.!"

Her eyes couldn't help but glance over towards the lights and TV cameras as she took another sip of her wine. "...Nice, uh, party, huh?" By the tone of her voice one could tell she wasn't quite loving the cameras and tv personalities everywhere. She knew ACME had an international reputation to uphold but... well, this was a bit much.

Somewhere in the back of her head Missy dreamed of a pint of Sam Adams and a handful of beernuts from Doyle's Bar in Boston.


Press Director
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Yana, Tanya, Tanechka, TanYUchen'ka, TanyUs'ka
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Tanya came to the party in a light green dress of chiffon faux leaves and a paper mache mask of gold and silver maple branches. This was her third time in Venice, but her first time joining a masquerade. It looked nothing like the new year celebrations in Moscow, where most of her friends would already be dancing at 7:00 pm.

The first thing she saw were lights and cameras, and she gasped at the scene, a white basilica standing before the Grand Canal. She took Zack's hand leaving the gondola and proceeded with him into the party.

Looking around, Tanya could see Ivy's red hair by one of the fires with an Othello; she tapped Zack to show him where his sister was. Near the basilica were the party organizers and head, and back on the floor were costumes of all kinds from Aramis to Zanni. One girl in a harlequin costume was lively, a phantom of the opera ate at the buffet, a grim reaper passed her by, three musketeers talked amongst themselves, near them walked a man with many faces, and not too far from him, a woman stood in a lovely emerald green dress with silver accents.

"So many people," Tanya whispered to Zack, "should be fun, da?"


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((Originally written by Xander))

Zack smiled behind his mask as he helped Tanya out of the gondola. His attire was much simpler than Tanya’s, a plain black suit with a matching tie in the colour of Tanya’s dress. His mask was not as as fancy as hers. It was a Tempest mask, with the colours being black and white. Zack was not that creative in coming with a matching costume with Tanya- he lacked fashion sense. He too was amazed by the site and forced himself not to look everywhere like a little kid. With Tanya’s hand in his, they proceeded to the party. Tanya pointed out Ivy to Zack almost immediately, and he nodded as a response. "So many people," Tanya whispered to Zack, "should be fun, da?" “Extremely fun!” he said, barely containing his whisper. Another long look at the dance floor decided what they should do next. He looked at Tanya and bowed. “May I please have this dance?”


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((Originally written by DetectiveAwesome))

Nevon said:
"Hey Dan," Nevon nudged his friend, "this doesn't look right. I have Porthos's boots, if you remember the movie, but you have Athos's vest... no one's going believe we're actually the three musketeers!"
Danny wondered why Nevon knew so much about the musketeers. He himself didn't even remember the names until he was bored in the hotel and decided to do an ACME info-scan. "Don't sweat it Nev, I'm sure no one's going to be comparing us to the movie." Just then, Pete spotted Missy and she came over to greet them.

Miss_Guided said:
"Let me guess... Nevon and..." she paused, trying to make out the masked faces and finally a light seemed to come over her head. "D.A.!"
"Bingo, Missy!" Danny replied when she guessed his identity. He hadn't noticed it at first, but up close Missy's dress was really well put together. He was used to seeing her in garage jump suits with greese on her face. Now she was practically the belle of the ball. "Hey, you look awesome!"

There was a man wearing a three faced mask walking towards the small group of detectives. He seemed familiar, but Danny had no idea who it could be. He nudged Pete, "Hey, try using your detective skills again and guess who that is."


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Boss (situational)
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Carmen said: As his hand extended to hers, Carmen took it with moderate enthusiasm. "I know who you are," she replied in Received Pronunciation to his introduction, "Mr. Chase Devineaux from ACME, United States." After mocking the phrase he must have recited to hundreds of people both inside and outside of this event, she alleviated with a slow smile, "It's certainly a pleasure."
Welcoming Morgan's sympathy, Chase Devineaux returned her gesture with a smile of his own. As she walked away, he took an unconscious step towards her, torn between his duties to stay and pursuing a new interest. Coincidentally obstructing, the Mayor called for a toast, and with it, the noise and lights came back to Chase's awareness. His headache returned, admissibly, as this signaled the official start of the party.

Cameras moved away, taking with them the blinding lights and glare. Devineaux walked down to the party. Morgan Kent from London, he thought with a lingering smile, gold mask, red dress. Feeling better, he looked at his watch for the time, only to find it missing...


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((Originally written by Little-Mac))

As Mac had his Fifth serving of Gelato and Tiramitsu it was time for him to mingle with some of the Guest and maybe find a Face or person he is familar with he adjusts his mask walks the area till he hears a Woman in a Light Green Dress with a Nice paper Mache Mask there was a Guy with her and he listened to her

Tanya said: "So many people," Tanya whispered to Zack, "should be fun, da?"
And Mac heard what the Guy had to say he looked down as he wanted to Ask the woman with the Green Dress and exotic accent to him for a Dance but he heard what he said

"May I Have This Dance"

Mac Looked Down for a bit walking to the Seats awaiting to see what would Happen next during the Masqurade... Mac Look and took a walk to the Viewing area where he saw more people Mingling as he heard of the Guest Morgan Kent and her Beauty Mac and to Run over to the Area to see who she was..

As Mac Ran into the Area He Bumped into a Server tripping over three chairs and slid into three more guests... Mac feeling like a Idiot all he did was smile a unsure way


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Pete was glad Missy came over when he waved, he was even more glad that he waved in the first place. He was trying to think up words in his head but things were cloudy and he resigned himself to the knowledge that he wasn't good at complimenting girls.

He felt Dan's nudge and saw a three headed man walking towards them. Something inside Pete snapped and he figured that this was a chance to try something new, now or never.

"Donno who that could be mate," Pete said putting on his hat and mask. Talking to Missy, he said, "Dance with a musketeer, m'lady?"

((Good suggest on making colours clear mates!))


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Nevon was about to excuse himself to go adjust his hat, but then he saw Missy, his jaw slacked open a little. What kind of party was this? While feeling under dressed, Nevon listened to Pete answer Danny and then ask Missy to dance.

"Is Pete blowing us off for a girl?" Nevon asked Dan quietly. He was distracted again when the mayor made a toast and all the people up by the basilica started making their way down to the party. The cameras were on their way down too. Alas, Nev's dreams of stardom were put on hold as the press was on break. They were also enjoying themselves at the last party of the year.

A lady in a golden mask passed by the crowd and Nev stared at her from a distance. "Woah, Dan!" He exclaimed, "I think I just saw Monica Bellucci!!"

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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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