Archived Blue Moon Masquerade

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This thread may include adult content including violence, strong language or nudity, readers' discretion is advised.


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Iv', Ives
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Ivy saw a rather menacing figure holding a large scythe pass through the crowd, but in the darkness it was hard to make out any details. As the fire light flickered it seemed that the grim reaper had disappeared right into the shadows, and she shivered again.

Mikal said:
"You’re cold? I can give you my coat."
Ivy turned towards the speaker. The gentleman before her wore a black mask, hiding pale green eyes underneath. He had spoken with a Mediterranean accent, but she couldn't pin point exactly where he was from.

"Thanks." She said, as she slid the jacket over her shoulders, leaving her arms free of the sleeves. "I'm usually more prepared, but—" She was cut off by the fanfare of the mayor's toast, and announced that the dancing would commence.

Great, Ivy thought sarcastically.

"You don't mind if I head towards the museum?"


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((Originally posted by Crimson))

"Thanks! Your dress is so adorable" she said to her very blond friend.
Patty said:
"Check out the three musketeers," she pointed with her glass for Crim and Loralye to see. "You want to torture someone tonight, they'd be my mark."
Crimson looked over to the three musketeers, well, now two. They did look quite vulnerable just standing there. How much of a risk are we taking? she thought to herself. But, we only live once! She turned to Loralye and Patty and said "Let's go torture those guys for a little entertainment"


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((Originally posted by Kyzano))

Dragon watched a male with a black mask go up to the female with the cat eared mask and she figured, while she wanted to see more of the intriguing mask, that she had best leave the two alone. Maybe they were together, she knew that humans didn't much like being interrupted, the fact the male gave his jacket to her only furthered this conclusion in her mind. So with a quick shift of her feet she turned heading further into the party.

Dragon was shaking lightly as her grip on the scythe tightened slightly again; she really, really wasn't liking all the humans she was around. Suddenly there was a toast. 'Dancing? Over my dead body!' She thought with a mental growl as she glared out at the world, almost daring any human to come ask her to. No way was she dancing with a human she didn't know tonight. That would probably make her, who was teetering on the edge of running, do something that would draw all the attention to her. Uh nuh, no way. She quickly moved towards a group a people, well okay not towards them but close enough. A woman in a green dress and three- wait was that a rapier? Okay, weapon, that got Dragon's attention, altering her path she headed over. Still keeping her footfalls in proper timing for the ominous chains that could be heard but not seen.


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((Originally posted by DetectiveAwesome))

While everyone was just starting to dance, Danny looked around the party. Suddenly he heard the sound of pounding chains and spotted a Grim Reaper eyeing his pants. He hoped he hadn't sat on anything weird on the boat, so he turned around to check and noticed that the grim reaper turned too. And then it hit him--it wasn't his pants, it was the sword thing that came with the costume. Duh. He looked to Nevon to see if his buddy saw the awesome costume too.

"Hey there!" Dan waved once he thought the incoming guest was in ear shot. Then he thought about all the people he knew who would be interested in a sword. "You're ACME right? Let me guess... Josha? Renne Santz? Mr. Grovington?"


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Nevon looked at Dan when the Grim Reaper came towards them. "Uhm...." Nev made one eye smaller to see if he could tell what kind of LED lights were being used for this costume. Not seeing any, he shrugged.

Dan said: "Hey there!" Dan waved once he thought the incomming guest was in ear shot. Then he thought about all the people he knew who would be interested in a sword. "You're ACME right? Let me guess... Josha? Renne Santz? Mr. Grovington?"
Nevon waved to Grim too. "Mr. G, if it's you, and we guess right, can we get extra credits?"


Queen of Crime
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Walking with Giulio Sarno into the crowd, Carmen became aware of a small incident involving a 'Phantom of the Opera' and a garcon. In a party of hundreds, such things rarely affect the mood. As she scanned the floor, she saw Patty's blond confidence off to mischief, leading two newer VILE agents straight for a set of victims. Lightly taking her young protégé aside, Carmen whispered, "Ten o'clock, coming down from the steps, tall, tux, black mask, I suggest red wine."

Spotting the grim reaper nearby, she let go of Patty and caught Dragon's scythe-wielding arm briefly with a smile, "Stop shaking, you're safe." She patted the young woman then spun around to catch up with Sarno. While doing so, she brushed into a man with a 'tre facce' mask.

"Mi scusi," she apologised politely, reaching for Sarno again only to kiss him goodbye as she wound her way to a figure whose demeanour and body language she concluded to be Sarah Nade's male doppelganger.

"Walk with me?" She invited Sarah, "I need you for a moment."


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((Originally posted by Kyzano))

"Hey there!" Dan waved once he thought the incomming guest was in ear shot. Then he thought about all the people he knew who would be interested in a sword. "You're ACME right? Let me guess... Josha? Renne Santz? Mr. Grovington?"
Nevon waved to Grim too. "Mr. G, if it's you, and we guess right, can we get extra credits?"
Dragon blinked not responding for a moment. 'Oh f***.' First she was around all these humans and now the first ones who talk to her are the ones who wanted to- "Stop shaking, you're safe."

Dragon instantly stopped shaking, and as she was patted lightly Dragon felt the corner of her mouth turning up slightly. Leave it to Alpha. Dragon would meet up and thank her later. For now though, she was alright.

"I'm not with ACME." She tilted her head a bit her crimson eyes glancing from Dan to Nevon her eyes now more playfully dangerous, rather then a cornered animal. "As for a name... you can call me Death." She smirked at that, her fangs being slightly more revealed with the expression.

Emma Bezzle

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Emma, Em, Bez, or Bezzy
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Crimson said
"Let's go torture those guys for a little entertainment"
Loralye looked over towards the two Musketeers. There's two of them and three of us, Lora thought. "Let's do it," she said with a smirk. As the three VILE agents walked towards their victims, a woman dressed in a lovely red dress and a beautifully complex golden mask stopped them and pulled Patty aside. Lora could only assume it was Carmen. Lora heard her whisper:

"Ten o'clock, coming down from the steps, tall, tux, black mask, I suggest red wine."

As swiftly as she appeared, she was gone. Loralye looked over at her companions and asked, "What did she mean by that?"

E. Mayhew

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Missy, never really being one for boasting on her clothing choices, smiled at the guys who gave her compliments, a wordless thanks coming in nods and light chuckles. She was more thankful just to have people nearby that she knew, it made her comfort levels soar.

"Hey, try using your detective skills again and guess who that is."
Hearing the question Missy turned to look at the masked man approaching. She was pretty sure she had an idea for the identity of the figure though the name was escaping her. She silently watched as the guys tried to figure it out, taking another sip of her wine before turning to find a hand placed just within reach.

"Dance with a musketeer, m'lady?"
Amber eyes looked up to the now masked face of Pete and she smiled though remained silent for a beat. Carefully she placed her wineglass onto one of the returning serving boy's trays before finally answering. "Sure..." If you had asked her earlier in the week if she'd dance at a formal party like this the answer probably would have been No. The dress, the wine, the fact that she had yet to deal with one person telling her 'You know, I never liked you' after drinking three shots of jagermeister in a row... it was encouraging.

Sliding her gloved hand into his she let him lead the way to the dance floor, the steps she took allowing her to adjust to the weight of the heavy satin skirt she would be compensating for.


Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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Euge had finally made his way over to the musketeers, not that he was in any hurry. This month had been unusually busy for him, and this was his first opportunity to attend a party since joining ACME.

She brushed into a man with a 'tre facce' mask. "Mi scusi," she apologised politely.
Euge turned his head towards the speaker and saw a woman in a magnificent gold mask and red dress striding away. "Of course Ma'am," he said quietly to her backside. Smiling to himself, he came up behind Nevon:

Nevon waved to Grim too. "Mr. G, if it's you, and we guess right, can we get extra credits?"
"If you're wrong, does that mean I get to fail you?" he said to Nevon's backside with a grin. Euge realized, with people beginning to dance, these two were going to get left by the wayside. Looking around, he saw a harlequin and two women in white masks making their way towards them. "Problem solved," he whispered to himself.

(OOC: want to help me play matchmaker for the dance Patty?)


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((Originally posted by Little-Mac))

As Mac Dusted himself when he saw this Kent woman that was around the Masquerade he saw her just be slightly aware but not by Too much

Carmen said:
Walking with Giulio Sarno into the crowd, Carmen became aware of a small incident involving a 'Phantom of the Opera' and a garcon. In a party of hundreds, such things rarely affect the mood. As she scanned the floor, she saw Patty's blond confidence off to mischief, leading two newer VILE agents straight for a set of victims.

"Mi scusi," she apologised politely, reaching for Sarno again only to kiss him goodbye as she wound her way to a figure whose demeanour and body language she concluded to be Sarah Nade's male doppelganger.

"Walk with me?" She invited Sarah, "I need you for a moment."
As Mac walked through many people He saw that This Kent woman was with another Man as she asked him To walk with me.. Mac stepped in front of them and he saw Ms Kent.. As her Beauty excited her reputation and he saw her date as well he looked at him and spoke to Ms Kent..

"Hello Ms Kent...Ummm I saw you around the Party here.. and Was wondering if he is not with ya if a Dance could be alright with you... You know.. If that is fine sir???" As Mac Awaited a Response He saw a Woman wearing a flowing white dress with a Sliver Mask

Sarah Nade

Musical Genius
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Things had been uneventful. Sarah, or William Blake as her phony identification would suggest, had found this gala to be a bit boring for her tastes so far. Enough paired off couples to keep her safe from interested women, enough booze and merriment to keep people too preoccupied to question much... it was a cakewalk but a piece of her still pined for The Dropkick Murphys who she'd been planning on seeing when the New Year hit. Ah well, she'd chosen to be here and she had a feeling something entertaining would eventually find its way here.

Warming her hands with a nearby fire and her insides with her third glass of wine 'William's' head turned as she heard a familiar voice.

"Walk with me?" She invited Sarah, "I need you for a moment."
"Of course." William replied, the speaking tone safely hovering in a secure male tenor tone. Gloved hands carefully started to escort Carmen in a gentlemanly manner, her body turning to make it appear that 'he' was leading (though in actuality Sarah knew Carmen's skill in crowds well enough to let her pick where they should walk) when a man who rounded barely 5'6" stepped in front of them, blocking their path.

"Hello Ms Kent...Ummm I saw you around the Party here.. and Was wondering if he is not with ya if a Dance could be alright with you... You know.. If that is fine sir???"
'William' smiled a gentleman's smile, 'his' hands remaining in their place. "If it pleases Ms. Kent... a lady may go as she pleases. There is no need to ask me." 'He' chuckled warmly as in Sarah's mind she held back a couple of choice words she would have loved to use if they were somewhere else. Especially as she watched his eyes wander to another woman. Overeager ACME agents... they may have gotten older but the need for shiny toys stayed the same.

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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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