Archived Blue Moon Masquerade

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This thread may include adult content including violence, strong language or nudity, readers' discretion is advised.


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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When this new girl came around, the one the three-faced man called Ennai, Patty could almost feel an air of romance. That silver gown was classic, with the mask to boot. While studying the woman, she also caught a better look at the grim reaper. Yep, this was definitely Dragon, the new kid Carmen picked up from Canada. There they were, two VILE Agents, and two ACME Agents... Before Patty could think of what to do, the music changed.

"Oh my God," Patty said, almost losing her accent as she watched the man dancing the flamenco alone.

"So," she said to the grim reaper, the man named Euge, and Ennai while the dancing phantom continued, "I heard the veal here is to die for if ya'll hungry..."

When the dance ended, Patty wasn't sure he was part of the entertainment, and couldn't bring herself to start clapping first.


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Boss (situational)
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Somewhere between 7:30 PM (1930hrs) and 8:30 PM (2030hrs) local time

Without his watch, Chase guessed the hours. He could not yet conceive if the strap came lose or the timepiece was stolen; but if it was taken... he found himself wishing the culprit to be Morgan Kent and he laughed internally at the idea. A beautiful woman like that will never be lonely. To his side was still Jeffrey Bruno, the Public Relations Officer, and in front of him was Massimo Cacciari, Mayor of Venice; who was casually talking about new construction projects that may need a security firm, they were willing to look for bids outside of Italy. That was a hint, and ACME's Director of Special Operations understood quickly.

Once he finished speaking to Cacciari, the few lights in the open-air pavilion dimmed and a man in the attire of Le Fantôme de l'Opéra by French writer Gaston Leroux stepped forward to dance the traditional Flamenco, from Andalusia, Spain. The security didn't seem to like this, and neither did some guests, yet the band played on. It was highly inappropriate on all accounts, but then Chase's throat felt cold as he began to realize that the man, with a frame of no more than 5 feet 6 inches, was ACME Agent Mac Lewis, otherwise known as Little Mac.

While the dancing proceeded, Jeffrey Bruno, whose face relied on the success of this party, grunted a long curse in Italian and pulled a security officer angrily next to him, "Who is this disrespectful man? A Spanish dance at an Italian masquerade? Get him out of here!"

"Wait," Chase said casually while his mind searched for words that would convince Bruno otherwise. "You don't want to make a scene," he reasoned, "the dance isn't too bad, guests are confused, clap when it ends and everybody goes home happy."

"But I am Public Relations Officer!" Bruno injected with Italian emphasis on his title. "I cannot have someone doing this random thing at a Consulate party. Do you understand?"

"I do, but if you arrest this man, that's all the media will be talking about tomorrow morning."

Bruno hesitated and then waved the security officer away, free of instructions. To Chase's relief, when the dance officially ended, the PR Officer followed with a forced, exaggerated clapping that started a light barrage of claps around the pavilion.


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((Originally written by Kyzano))

"Oh my God,"

Dragon shared the sentiment. But she ignored the guy. Honestly a waste of her time to watch, but the dimmed lights gave her eyes an edge, which helped her costume, that and it helped her calm a little. Darkness was always a good cover. Always.


She looked over at Lacy.

"I heard the veal here is to die for if ya'll hungry..."

Food! Now that was something that Dragon could agree with! "Veal?" She asked turning towards Lacy. "Mind showing me where and what that is? I've never heard of it before." She asked, partly Dragon was hungry, and the other part wanted to find out if Lacy was VILE or not. It would also get the two away from the whelp that was making a fool of himself in front of everyone.


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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Dragon said: "Veal?" She asked turning towards Lacy. "Mind showing me where and what that is? I've never heard of it before."
"It's meat from a calf," Patty smiled, "come on, I'll take you to the meat station." She turned to the two from ACME, "if ya'll excuse me, I'm off to feed Death a few bites of the finer meats. I'll see you round the party, won't I?"

At the meat station, Patty pointed out the fresh boneless cuts, "You pick those, then you wait while the guy behind the station grills it for you. Like this." She picked out two cuts, handed the guy her plate and said "Medium rare please, with pepper sauce."

While they waited, Pats smiled and pointed to the beef carpaccio, Italian raw slices of beef. "Those you can have now," she said, handing the grim reaper a plate, "Dragon, right?"


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((Originally written by Kyzano))

"It's meat from a calf," Patty smiled, "come on, I'll take you to the meat station." She turned to the two from ACME, "if ya'll excuse me, I'm off to feed Death a few bites of the finer meats. I'll see you round the party, won't I?"

A calf? Okay, Dragon added the word veal to her vocabulary as something that was good. Hey, if it was meat it was good and good if it was meat. End of story.

Walking with Lacy over to the meat station the scents filled her nose and made her starving... okay, now she wanted to go hunting... or just walk off with the table in front of her. But before she could go through with her idea something was pointed out to her.

"You pick those, then you wait while the guy behind the station grills it for you. Like this." She picked out two cuts, handed the guy her plate and said "Medium rare please, with pepper sauce."

Ah! Of course, cooking the meat made much more sense, for humans anyway. But Dragon remembered that right now she was playing one. Ohhh how she wanted it raw.

"Those you can have now," Lacy said as Dragon accepted the plate with her left hand, "Dragon, right?"

Dragon grinned, her fangs fully showing. She accepted the plate with a nod. "I knew your voice was familiar. Err... it's... Patty right?" She asked as she placed the scythe down, letting it lean against her shoulder as she took some of the raw meat that had been pointed out to her. Names had never really been her forte, but as she tried a few pieces of the raw meat in advance Dragon growled lowly in approval.

She and Patty were going to get along just fine.

Emma Bezzle

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Emma, Em, Bez, or Bezzy
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Loralye pulled everything she knew about Italian mannerisms and customs into play; standing close together, talking with the hands, eye contact-everything!

"My name's Daniel, by the way. Daniel Ainsworth. I'm a sleuth for ACME back in San Francisco."
Lora smiled internally. So she was dancing with Danny then? He was rather important to ACME and was sure to know many things...many useful things...many useful things for VILE. Lora pushed all minor feelings of unease from her mind and allowed her new identity to take place. If she was going to pull this off then she needed complete confidence.

"So… do you live here in Venice , or are you visiting too?"
"No," Lora said, thinking fast. "I live in Mestre, not far from here."

She was about to say something else when all the lights went out except for one spotlight. Lora could see a man who started to dance in a Spanish style. Lora watched curious for a few seconds before remembering her cover.

"Che l'inferno!" she said angrily. Turning to Danny she asked, "Who is that?"


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((Originally written by Crimson))

Cassandra made a slight curtsy toward her partner. She knew that the dancing portion would be next. But as soon as they were about to begin, the music came to a sudden halt. A man in a Phantom of the Opera styled mask started to dance what seemed to be a Spanish dance of some sort.
Nevon said:
"Sorry you had to see that, Ms. Kennedy," Nevon felt the need to apologize, "that's not how Americans dance... we don't try to take the spotlight like that, anyway."
"That is alright. I didn't think Americans danced like that man. What kind of dance was that, anyway?" Crim actually managed to say that in a perfect French accent. "Is he with you?" Cassandra said, pointing to the dancing man.


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((OOC: Ai mate! No problems, love it!))

Pete couldn't help feeling like a kid, but instructions were good to have. He started remembering that Ballroom dancing class from last semester. His confidence started growing. He wanted to talk about a lot of things, but paying attention to his feet was tough enough at this point. Then a performer or a really rude bloke killed the mood. Pete watched the flamenco from the sidelines with Missy nearby. Knowing his moment was over, he had to say something. "Missy," he said less shy than before, "thanks for the best dance ever, ai? I know you're a superior agent and the like. Much appreciated."

E. Mayhew

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Hearing the music changing abruptly to a faster paced... Spanish music... Missy couldn't help but stop in her place, the middle of the dance floor opening up as someone started to flamenco dance. To be fair he was good. His footwork was decent and somewhere else it might have been appropriate but the murmurs and sounds of slight disapproval in different languages came to ear and looking around she caught sight of Chase. He was doing what he did best and that was calm someone who she would assume by his dress and actions to be the party's coordinator or Venice's Elected Masquerade Official or whatever it is that they had around here for titles.

She stayed close to Pete, her hand remaining in his she turned back as he started to speak.

"Missy," he said less shy than before, "thanks for the best dance ever, ai? I know you're a superior agent and the like. Much appreciated."

Missy was slightly surprised. "I... uh... you really shouldn't be thanking me... I should be thanking you. I'm not really a holiday... party person..." Finding her words not coming as smoothly as she would have liked she considered explaining last year but, well, why ruin a perfectly good moment with bad stories? "Thanks for asking me to dance."

Leaning over she kissed him on the cheek quickly before squeezing his hand and letting it go. "I think I might be a little... danced out. Wanna hit the museum?" Missy couldn't help but grin. She was pretty sure they would be serving more wine in there.


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((Originally written by Xander))

It had been a few good years since the archer was back in his land of heritage. He breathed in the scent of Venice, the salt water, and the pizzerias and of course, the faint smell of ancient architecture. It was good to be back.

Unfortunately, Xander had no time for sightseeing. He had received the invitation last minute and it was already hectic enough for him because he had no idea where all his fancy clothes were. As he glanced around the passing scenery in his gondola, he adjusted the quiver strap and the bow that was neatly attached to it. It was his bow, but it had a removable covering around the design so it looked antique and part of his costume.

De Luca carefully got out of the gondola, and thanked its driver. As he walked towards the entrance, he pushed up his simple mask that covered his eyes and part of his nose- in black of course. Xander had matching dark forest green. Green dress shirt and slacks, but had a black vest, tie and shoes. On his head, was the signature pointed hat that was in the same green.

Xander passed by a guard, and recognized it as an old acquaintance.

“Buona Sera Francesco.”

“Buona Sera “Robin Hood”

A look was given by Xander before both smiled and laughed softly. The archer proceeded with a smile and more awe. The place was more beautiful than he thought.

Immediately, he began to look around the room for any familiar faces, and couldn’t detect any at the moment. He grabbed the bow from his back and placed it and held it in one hand, placing it at his side. Immediately, he ignored the dancing and went straight for the food. Who cares about a masquerade dance when there is delicious thinks like hand-made canolis and a chocolate fountain.

He took a canoli and ate it quietly and observed the dance floor. At least there was good food.


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((Originallly written by Little-Mac))

Chase said:
Somewhere between 7:30 PM (1930hrs) and 8:30 PM (2030hrs) local time

Bruno hesitated and then waved the security officer away, free of instructions. To Chase's relief, when the dance officially ended, the PR Officer followed with a forced, exaggerated clapping that started a light barrage of claps around the pavilion.
As Mac herd the Claps and saw some of the crowd did not approve and some did.. As he tried to look for Ms Kent once again but with Mac's height to him she was no were to be found and stopped looking for her.. As it was no use he ended it as he saw who he thought was his lead boss as he likes to call it Chase even though he could not have authority of Mac he still always showed respect to the head honchos he spoke..." Mr Chase Im sorry about that dance I just was not thinking"

As he walks away He sees a Man wearing a Three faced mask from what it looks like and a Woman in a Silver mask and Gown That was sliver and he slowly walks in and speaks with the woman in the gown... "Umm Hello.." he said

(OOC First off I want to thank who that liked the post I made.. 2nd off I want to make apology about what Mac did.. I thought this was RP was trying to make it exicting if I offended anyone with Mac's behavior I apologize as that as that is how he is and Made him that way on purpose yes he is not perfect and Intend on him to be that way if you do not like it Im fine with it as you can ignore me all you want if you want to understand it is cool and thanks for the support... Sorry If I runied the story)


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Mike, Khalid Rifai
Cat-mask girl said:
"More damsels to rescue from the cold? Thank you for the jacket, and the company." The ACME detective noted politely. "Oh, and Happy New Year… That is, if I don’t see you inside before midnight."
"You're welcome. But, I do plan on returning." Mikal took the girl's hand, pressing it firmly before taking his leave.

As he made his way through the pavilion he passed a woman dressed in green who was dancing with a musketeer on the sidelines. The crowd was thickening, and getting louder when all of a sudden it stopped, lights dimmed and a man danced in the middle of the floor.

Everyone watched, frozen, and Mikal took this opportunity to quickly slide through the fracturing guests. He finally reached his intended target, who was one of the few figures moving and speaking.

Chase Devineaux said:
"The dance isn't too bad, guests are confused, clap when it ends and everybody goes home happy." "But I am Public Relations Officer! I cannot have someone doing this random thing at a Consulate party. Do you understand?" "I do, but if you arrest this man, that's all the media will be talking about tomorrow morning."
The lights returned and a barrage of claps filled the air. The dancer immediately walked off the floor and spoke to Chase Devineaux, Mikal waited until he left before tapping the Captain's shoulder.

"Ma Nishma?" He greeted, and in the same breath handed the man a small envelope of photographs. "I thinking... Russian? It all in Amman, yeah? Very close. I don't want to upset the people at home, who needs it? But this is where it is."

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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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