From what I've just gathered reading through all the AMAs here, you first met Carmen not as Carmen, but as Morgan Cedesina, right sir?
If that's true, then when did you know that Carmen Sandiego was Morgan Cedesina? Who found out first, how did it become common knowledge? Do you still call her Morgan?
This one's a little complicated, but not entirely. Yes, I knew her first as Morgan. I was also
not part of the first teams to work on a Carmen case, because I was an instructor at the time. There were a lot of detectives in International Crimes that would jump at anything new,
@Ivy Monaghan was among them. So this 'thief in a red trench coat' thing came to me via rumor.
There are, however, no official links to the two names -- Morgan Cedesina and Carmen Sandiego. Except that, for certain people, one was clearly an anagram of the other. I don't think she was trying to hide anything on that front.
I do not refer to her as Morgan. I also don't call her Carmen, really, unless it was an identifier for public notification (Blue Moon).