Q & A AMA - Chase Devineaux

Jacqueline Hyde

Time Thief
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No on Morgan, I've answered.

Yes on Lancaster.


(Also, welcome to page 10)
I'm sorry, I should have been clearer. When speaking to someone else and needing to refer to Morgan Cedesina, alias Carmen Sandiego, in the third person, how do you refer to her? "My sweet babboo"?

Jacqueline Hyde

Time Thief
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Jackie, Sparkles, Priestess
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Joe, page 8:
Word of advice to shippers, too much prodding and pressure can sink a ship...

Better to let things progress naturally
Joe, page 9:
I hesitate to ask this but... While 'Carmen Sandiego' has never been on Chase's list of *ahem* intimate partners (yet), has 'Morgan Cedesina' and Melana Lancaster?
The crowds are growing restless, Mr. Devineaux.


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So the reason she hates you and Carmen so much comes down to jealousy and being jilted?
There is zero emotion between myself and Melana Lancaster, love, jealousy or otherwise. What she's doing now has nothing to do with me, personally, but more with the organization(s) from which she felt wronged.

As far as I know, Lancaster also has nothing personal against Morgan. The stint in Kamchatka was about the production and potential sale of two weapons -- one that may have originated in C-5 technology, and another that may have included the utilization of a mycelium ecosystem as means of mind control.


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Boss (situational)
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I'm sorry, I should have been clearer. When speaking to someone else and needing to refer to Morgan Cedesina, alias Carmen Sandiego, in the third person, how do you refer to her? "My sweet babboo"?
For prescribed tactical evaluation, I've used the term 'Target', along with NATO codes 'Tango', and 'Charlie' or 'Sierra'. I've also identified her as 'Alpha' if she's with her team, and 'Ducati' on occasion.

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Ok. now for a different vein of questioning...

Who was the first person Chase ever killed?
What was Chase's reaction to the incident?

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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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