Q & A Little Big Dreams


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
I had one where I was in a dark room and I started off as a kid sitting on a bed. Then I started growing and became an adult, realizing there were bars on the windows I escaped. Here's the weird part Chase caught me and brought me back to the room. He was trying to comfort me and tell me that I was in no danger and it was a safe place. It wasn't in interrogation room or anything like that, no cameras or anyting. Just Chase trying to talk me down from a panic attack

And another one recently, Julie and I were on the trail of Carmen I don't remember the case or the clues but somehow we ended up on a talk show. They were interested on how acme was handling whatever Carmen was doing. Then during the case we crossed paths with Carmen and raced trying to catch up with her but we stopped because I had to save birds

Jacqueline Hyde

Time Thief
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Jackie, Sparkles, Priestess
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OOC (copy-pasted from chat because I forgot we had this thread):

I had an odd dream last night where I was playing a new Carmen game, but as an awake person, it actually seems like it could be a good template. It was a similar setting to Word Detective and had Chase and Queen Notalotenkammen (possibly other villains too), but the player character worked directly with Chase, and it was a combination of puzzles and Bayonetta-type fighting.

In my dream, I'd just gotten to the end of the game, where Carmen lures you and Chase to her hideout and then separates you (which I now realize was borne from a scene in Tales From the Borderlands that I played night before last), and then you fight her and a bunch of henchpeople in the final boss battle. It started off with having to fend her off long enough to solve a puzzle, and then getting in her mecha and using it to get to her control room, where you had to alternate between solving number puzzles (it was something like decoding numbers written in base-4 and base-8 to base-10) and fighting villains, and you had to close the elevator door behind every villain, or more would come in and interrupt you from solving the puzzle.

Unfortunately, I woke up just as Carmen herself was coming, so I didn't get to see what my brain would have written for the ending.


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Boss (situational)
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(Also copy-pasting from chat)

I wouldn't mind helping some unwitting agent along while we solve math/word problems and fight Bayonetta for our lives.

In retrospect, that agent better be damn smart. Or, you know, save early, save often.


Actually, this entire thing is starting to feel like deja vu.


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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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(OOC) I had a dream with Kidman as of late, I was showing them what I can only call a pocket bird. They are a parrot like race of creatures, that make pocket dimensions, litterly out of pockets in coats in particular. They bond to one person, and only one person if they cant bond with someone they will perish. If you are very lucky you will have a pair of them. I know kidman had two they were about the size of a macaw, and a parakeet. One was blue, and white, the other was red and gold colored. They also have very lovely voices, and can mimic human speech. Carmen was there as well, and hers was about the size of a hereon. Only it was purple and gold colored.
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This dream was totally IC. Julie was in some kind of grand ballroom, somewhere. The only thing I remember distinctly, is that there was a black-and-white checkerboard floor. In the background, someone was playing the piano; it was some kind of sonata or concerto; something that sounded familiar, probably Mozart, or Beethoven. Something that was went between up tempo and slower tempo.

She was wearing a dress in that was appropriate, but not fancy, because Julie has always liked to be able to take off at a moment's notice, after a suspect.

In fact, Julie was undercover or something, because she was talking to someone else; who was either another ACME agent, or some other undercover officer; because she said something like, "I'm sorry this music is too loud, I have to step away, so that I can hear you."

And, that is when I woke up, IRL, to find that my mother, who had gone over to the barn very late that night, to check on the horses, had left the TV on a PBS station. I looked at the cordless phone by my bed, it was 3:30 a.m. on (on Saturday, May 4). I knew my mom would probably want to watch TV after getting back from the barn; and I was quite comfortable in my bed, and did not want to get up, and go over to the table next to chair, to get the remote, just to turn the TV down; and besides, PBS does not have commercials, per se, and I wanted to find out what the program was. I forget what it was called, exactly, but it was about the woman who founded the Cleveland Orchestra and Severance Hall.


little red riding hood ? v.i.l.e.
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Little red riding hood
Little carmen
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Featuring a paranoid shut in Carmen

Who forced Charlet to wear disguises to go in public

Charlet was mentally unstable

Shada seemed to be missing

Carmen’s mirrors broke when she walked past

Actually it looks like Shada was arrested in the dream

Also Charlet was screaming like she was murdered


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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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OOC (I had one as of late Chase , Cole , Jules and myself were in a defunct part of ACME taking out old equipment. Cole decided I was too much of a newbie to handle anything technical, so I wound up with an allen wrench, a turnkey, and a screwdriver. I wound up dismantling some old electronics on a shelf and letting them crash to the floor. There was also a great tangle of defunct wire as well, that had been cut off electric wise.

Cole was kinda spotting for me, while Jules and Chase were on observation duties. There was an emergency, and I wound up being stranded on the shelf units, by that point were somewhat unstable, and the ladder Cole had fetched had well fallen and broken. The shelves were kinda metal that was very rusted in parts and I did not notice at first. I was very careful to keep my weight on a few shelves, and dismantled stuff as I went, dumped them off to ease the load, then climbed down. Eventually I was soo shaken up I had to lay down on the floor to collect myself.

Cole returned saying "Hey no laying down on the job."

Chase rushed over just as the shelves collapsed asking if I was ok. I said yes but I was very scared, Jules kinda reprimanded Cole for taking off like that. I apologized for making a mess, Chase reassured me that I did the best I could given the situation. Also Jules said she was impressed, that I was so calm given the situation, and did not loose my head. Either way I needed to be led to some sort of dorm room to sit for a bit. (Honesly it does reminds me of a rope climb in gym class when I had made it to the celing only to have my spotter run off on me. Somehow I managed to climb all the way down safely, but was still scared half to death)


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
(This was a weird dream. I think I was Lucy but I'm not sure. I could have just been staff? )

I found myself in a home of someone with nobility. (Who ever I was I knew they were Carmen and Chase) I was tending to their children, a boy who looked like Carmen, and a girl who looked like Chase. I was a nanny. I got to talk personally to both Chase and Carmen several times who were married. I remember something attacking the family, and helping to fend it off. (I don't remember what it was. Just that it was a dark figure who always seemed to catch the corner of my eye.


little red riding hood ? v.i.l.e.
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Little red riding hood
Little carmen
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I had a strange dream I got zapped into an old Carmen game as Carmen


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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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OOC (I had a dream last night that I was on a Boat with Eugene (whom I never ever dream of) As well as Chase and myself. It was rather calm and the boat was smallish but rather nice. We were sitting and talking about how abuse makes one downplay ability, or to dismiss it as luck. They also asked me how I had felt about what I had gone though. I replied I had never thought that way, Chase chimed in that it is common to suppress things or file them away at the present time. To second guess, and I related that I was a bit of a slow learner. To which Eugene replied more often times than not, the slowest learners often have the deepest understanding of things. He also spoke of how remarkable that despise everything I am still here, to overcome that much not everyone can do that. He also spoke recovery is often like tinkering, some things work some dont, and to never be ashamed of that.

That one simply will have some things move quickly others slowly but you will get there , if one does not give up. Chase said I am proud of where you have come from, and where you are going. Of who you are as a person, yes there were questionable things but I was merely acting on what little knowledge or experience I had. He said it took great courage to stand up when no one else does, even if it does not turn out the way he hope. Eugene at one point let me steer the boat for a bit, Chase just sat back and watched. Eugene also asked that I go easy on myself, there is no need to push past limits, and be stuck in survival mode. Even if that is a bit default at times, also they advised to relax more. )

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    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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    Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye
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