Lost and found


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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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"If my friends are not fully awake, they can get very cranky, ... it hurts... a lot, and can even cause burns." Moon child spoke. "They wont hurt anyone else, but they can hurt me if they are in a mood to."


The VILEiest VILE to ever VILE a VILE
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Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) Ullyss (formerly Kid Kidman), Kitty, Seryy Pripyat
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Kidman rubbed her right arm unconsciously, her fingers touching upon the crystals she had embedded in herself in the effort to boost her natural talent. Most of the time the system worked, but it was still experimental, and she had the scars to prove it.
'I got some weird stuff in common with this kid...'
"How long does it take for them to wake up?"


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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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"It depends on if they are in a hibernation, or growth cycle." She replied cautiously. "The last hibernation cycle lasted eight years, however they are overdue for a growth cycle."

There was something odd about this person that stood before them, yet they felt as though they had a possible friend.

"I will say they are an artificial life form, that kinda fused with me I am their host. " Moon child continued. "So how about we go ask, this ....well...partner of yours?"


The VILEiest VILE to ever VILE a VILE
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Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) Ullyss (formerly Kid Kidman), Kitty, Seryy Pripyat
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Kidman inhaled deeply, then let the air stream from her lips as if she had her pipe on her. Blunting Flag's more violent tendencies was not easy, and she tried to cover her nerves as she entered the coffee shop, the otherworlder in tow.

"Wait here." She said with a hopeful smile, then walked over to the tall man at the counter.

"Flag? There may be a problem."


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A line had formed at the counter before he had entered, so he took the opportunity to make use of the facilities while he waited for business to slow down. Maybe only about five people had moved forward by the time he was done, so he simply took residence at a table by the window.

He watched Kidman and Moon Child have an awkward discussion of some sort and then head his direction. His eyes were fully on the pair as they approached and he remained perfectly still as his younger compatriot spoke.

“Go on. ”


The VILEiest VILE to ever VILE a VILE
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Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) Ullyss (formerly Kid Kidman), Kitty, Seryy Pripyat
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Kidman placed the book on the table. "Apparently a bunch of pages fell out. That much she's given back to me. However..."

She gestured to the empty grooves in the cover where the gems had once been embedded. "The stones seemed to have reacted to her in some way and, from what best I've gathered, are now elsewhere. She says she can make replicas. How discerning is your client and how much time do you have?"


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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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Moon child was not happy about where this conversion was going, much less where it might take her. A part of her wanted to flee, while the other half urged her to say. Somehow no matter what, things always had worked out in the end. Yes there had been scars, and trials before but she was still here for the time being.
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He took a deep breath and pressed his lips together until they were but a thin line and he allowed himself a moment to mull over Kidman’s questions. If he was honest with himself, his client was a buffoon – a buffoon that liked to hold him at gunpoint on the odd occasion and would undoubtedly do so if he returned with such news. It had seemed strange that such a person would be interested in any piece of literature, but the mention of gemstones brought clarity to the order.

Flag released his breath and shifted his gaze to the problematic stranger. “You had a blue stone earlier. I’m assuming you also had the others.“ He leaned across the table. “What did you do with them?”


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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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"I can try and reverse summon, but that might not work. However they are one of two places, one is my new home area, the other....is.....a..place I would... rather not.... go back to."

With that she sat there staring at the floor, wondering what kind of trouble she had gotten herself into this time.

"If it means anything, I can replicate them, provided my friends cooperate with me." She offered. "Though that might put me out of commission for a few days."
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The VILEiest VILE to ever VILE a VILE
Best answers
Known Aliases
Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) Ullyss (formerly Kid Kidman), Kitty, Seryy Pripyat
Color #
Kidman tapped on the table in thought. "Do you know anything about what these stones do, if they do anything?"


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Flag couldn’t help but feel as if the universe was mocking him with magic gems and old books. A part of him felt that he should be interested in this for more than the money aspect of it, but like a long-recovered addict, his attention that way was speculative at best.

It did nothing for his patience. “The way that I see it, is that you stole those from my client. I don’t care how you got them. I want them back.”


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Known Aliases
The kid, laundry room ghost.
Color #
Upon hearing that, Moon child shut her eyes, and focused as hard as she could. There was a soft humming sound, and then she felt a sharp pain in her hand. Opening her eyes she saw the red gem, and a bunch of small crystals surrounding it. The crystals were a very deep shade of red, that meant they were very ticked off.

"Oh hell." She said. "That really, made them mad."

Immediately the crystals sent an electric jolt through her arm, causing her to let go of the gem, and crash to the floor clutching her arm.

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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Did you know David Attenborough was knighted twice? First in 1985, and again in 2002
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    @Lucy ... don't know if you really want wolf spiders in your home... I'd go for jumping spiders, they can't bite... wolf spiders are the fast movers, and they can bite.
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    And, jumpers are cute
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((Will lose my ACP internet towards the end of the month, unless anyone knows about it ending sooner. Trying to switch my Lifeline phone to a better provider that doesn't shut me off after four and a half gigs of data, nothing but failure so far and "call here" and "it's on their end" and the back and forth crap... in the morning, it's time to demand the supervisor and might even get to harsh language (after three days of that). I plan to use the Lifeline phone tethered as Internet source, share that to my own router... I've done it before (it's messy, and not 100% effective, but it works). ))
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((The 'net is the main way to apply for jobs now, so I need that, and I've moved/changed Lifeline providers before without an issue, so no idea what the problem is. I have active Verizon through ACP, active Lifeline through Airtalk... is that somehow the issue? If anyone knows, please let me know before I tear someone a new one (ya know what I mean). After three days of this, and two days about a month ago, I'm ready to walk there with katana in hand.))
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((And, thoughout this process, I want to port my number (have the info for that) and use the phone I have (Samsung Galaxy S9... gotten for free through Airtalk... note to anyone: if you choose a nice phone through them, you are locked into a 120 day "commitment" to get the phone for free, and they have a very hard data limit... once you use up your data, they cut you off, point blank.))
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    Jon Eckart Jon Eckart: ((And, thoughout this process, I want to port my number (have the info for that) and use the...