Q & A Little Big Dreams


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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Has your character ever had a memorable dream? Have you ever had an in-character dream? What was it like, who was it about, what do you think it meant?

I wanted to ask this to everybody's AMA, so I thought I'd put it here so not everyone feels forced to answer. lulz
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(Speaking OOC) Well... I haven't done an AMA yet. There are some more personal things I do want to reveal about Julie on here; but I had planned to do it in a Journal, long before we started these AMAs. I just haven't been able to work on it for a long time (so that I could finish it).

Julie has not had a memorable dream yet, but, IRL, I have had a dream, about "Julie" during the time of the "Blizzard" RP (wearing her long pearl-white down winter coat, with the attached, fur-trimmed hood, with 2 zipper pockets; camel-colored insulated gloves, with long cuffs over the wrists and molded fingers, with silicone tips that are touch-screen capable, to hold on to technology; with camel-color, high lace-up fur-trimmed, ,insulated, waterproof, boots with non-skid out-soles, and molded, removable insoles; carrying her camel color ready bag over her left shoulder.

Julie was walking through the snow; I think it was after we all had seen Neb's dinosaur. So, it was either when Julie was trying to find her cabin; or it was later, when I specifically said that the fireplace in was non-electric, and she was looking for more firewood.


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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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OOC wise, I have gotten into lots of antics with Carmen, Chase and everyone else. Most of my stories come from them. Mine tend to be highly interactive, and the last one well I had to decoy Carmen while ACME was around. You can just guess how well that one went down.

IC Wise invader's dreams are often symbolic, or are highly influenced by her emotional state at the time. Most of them recently have been breaking free, and fighting monsters. Either that or they are water oriented.

Jacqueline Hyde

Time Thief
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Jackie, Sparkles, Priestess
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OOC, I've obviously not been around here long enough to have dreams IC, but I've dreamt about Carmen a few times, mostly as a kid.

I remember one dream (I must've been about eight) where my mom had taped Cupid Sandiego off TV for me (this was when it hadn't yet aired in the US). It was the first time I ever tried to wake myself up from a dream, because it was so wonderful I thought it had to be a dream, and I didn't want to wake up and be disappointed it wasn't real. Sadly for me, pinching myself didn't actually wake me up, so I concluded it was actually real, and didn't wake up till I started watching it in-dream.

As I think about it, I had another dream around the same age where I got a video biography of Carmen. Still sad such a thing didn't/doesn't actually exist! Fix it @God.

Actually, speaking of God, when I went to bed at night I used to pray that they wouldn't let me have any "bad dreams, scary dreams, creepy dreams, or nightmares" (these were distinct things to me) but instead good dreams and especially Carmen dreams. Sadly the latter came only rarely. And people wonder why I left the Catholic Church.
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Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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All OOC here. Ditching the parenthesis.

I've had several dreams relating to our little universe here over the years. I think the one most appropriate to respond with here was from when I first joined up and was still defining Eugene as a character. I had a dream that I was in Euge's body at ACME, but was still me. I was panicking slightly, telling myself, "Just be a sarcastic smarta** until you can figure out how to fix this." It obviously wasn't working though, as everyone was looking at me odd. Finally, after a meeting, Ivy pulled me aside and asked if I was feeling OK, and that's when I woke up thinking "WTF?"


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Boss (situational)
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Okay, so... all OOC -- I've shared a few dreams I've had before, either in-chat or back in the day. I think the most vivid one where I was actually called 'Chase' went something like this:

The dream began when I walked down the stairs of presumably 'my house'. It reminded me of this time where I was near Saint-Maximin la Sainte-Baume, Southern France, renting a chateau with family for a week. The maid scurries from the front door towards me and informed me that they found my wife. I'm elated, I grab a coat and with the driver, headed out.

I remember seeing the coat in the mirror, it was almost a uniform, well decorated -- as if I held some sort of office.

My wife was waiting for me at the steps of the marble entrance to a library in a cream colored dress and a hat with a netted veil. (Important to note I had this dream before I was married, and the woman in the dream looks nothing like my current wife.)

Standing next to her sitting form was her new personal driver, a man I must have recently hired, because he seemed at a loss on what to do. The scene felt familiar, my wife had done this before, maybe the last time she wanted to leave the house and come into town. When she rose to greet me, I noticed she had broken the heel of one of her shoes. I didn't recall us speaking during the ride home, but I was glad we found her.

When we returned, she went about her business and I went about mine. At some point, I walked into my study, only to find her still in the same clothes as earlier in the day. Her hair was clearer to me at this stage, without the hat; dark short curls framing playful, sharp features. She looked like she needed a nice long bath, or a good nap, or both. She stood behind my desk with her back against it; while she extended a foot to brush against teal-gray curtains that framed a set of massive, tall windows.

"I'm sorry, Chase," she started, "I know that was bad."

I was about to tell her that wasn't my name, but I let it go. I only smiled back, and she continued to explain how she wanted to test the driver in case of emergency. I told her I knew, and that I didn't mind.

She went on to tell me that she didn't like the way our bedroom was located in the middle of the upstairs hallway. The fact that people had to walk in front of the master bedroom door to get from one end of the house to another made her anxious. I told her it was okay if she wanted to pick another room for us. I realized at this time, that we hadn't been living here long.

I finished my work at the table and went upstairs to shower. While in the en suite, I heard her voice coming from the room beyond. She was upset because she couldn't find me. She had said something like "Why is he never here to make these kind of decisions?" I assumed it was about the location of our new master bedroom. I either called out, or someone told her where I was.

She came to join me in the shower. She undressed, entered, and as the rain shower flattened her curls into waves against her head, I started to wonder if I knew this person at all. Then I saw a bruise against her leg, purple, indicating it had been there for at least three days.

"That doesn't look good," I said. "What happened?"

She kissed me then, and told me casually that she hit a table while moving furniture a few days ago. Something at the back of my head told me that's not what happened, but I bought the lie anyway.

After that, the dream shifted to some sort of movie that I was seeing on the screen of an outdoor theater in Mumbai. There was the hint of cigarette smoke and peanuts grilled in ash. I remember that I was holding a lighter in my hand, because it was stainless steel and I was trying to keep it from getting too sweaty because of the heat. Fireworks went off, and then a British woman grabbed my arm, saying "We have to go, things just turned south."

Then I woke up. It was so weird that I had to write everything down, which is probably the only reason I still remember it now.

Jacqueline Hyde

Time Thief
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Jackie, Sparkles, Priestess
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Okay, so... all OOC -- I've shared a few dreams I've had before, either in-chat or back in the day. I think the most vivid one where I was actually called 'Chase' went something like this:

The dream began when I walked down the stairs of presumably 'my house'. It reminded me of this time where I was near Saint-Maximin la Sainte-Baume, Southern France, renting a chateau with family for a week. The maid scurries from the front door towards me and informed me that they found my wife. I'm elated, I grab a coat and with the driver, headed out. (etc. etc.)
You should never have posted this somewhere I could see it.

Years from now, when you least expect it, I'll be like, "Hey, remember that time you had a dream where you were married to some random woman who called you Chase and got in the shower with you and lied about a bruise on her leg?"
My wife was waiting for me at the steps of the marble entrance to a library in a cream colored dress and a hat with a netted veil.
I mean, at least she had good taste in locations.
The scene felt familiar, my wife had done this before, maybe the last time she wanted to leave the house and come into town. When she rose to greet me, I noticed she had broken the heel of one of her shoes.
This feels very The Hours.
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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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OCC (One of my dreams of Carmen after I got hit was just waking up in what appeared to be some sort room behind a clock tower. It was just behind what could be the clock face, and one could see out of it, but not the other way round. I was in a bed of sorts with a lot of pillows, and Carmine was there just watching. It was nightfall at the time, and fog was rolling in. Camen was sitting in a nearby velvet chair of sorts, reading a book. It hurt greatly trying to move at all.

Carmen said they had moved me there, to make me more relaxed, Eartha was there too, a little worried about how I was. I told them that scared me, greatly, but I am glad I was still here. I think Joe may have showed up at some point, and informed me I had been out cold for 13 hours. I thanked Carmen for the help. She only replied I set the stage, you were the one acting the part. I fell asleep in the dream and woke up shortly after that in reality.)


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
(OCC I've had several dreams where I've seen Carmen and Invader. There was one in particular though, where Carmen was protecting Invader and I from some entity. I remember Joe with us and then someone telling us to run, but I didn't want to leave Carmen. Invader grabbed my hand and we ran. We were attacked while we ran but Invader fended off whatever it was.)
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Hello again everyone.

I had another interesting dream this morning. The dream was IC, as Julie, but it did have a little bit of an OOC element to it, and I know exactly why I dreamed it, but let me speak OOC for a minute. As you can see, if you look at Jacqueline's WoEiCS? Watch party post, I was up late last night. That was OK; it is not necessarily unusual for me to do that, and I really hadn't had a chance to have very much computer time yesterday.

So, I was trying to catch up with some things on Facebook, since I had not been on much lately. And that explains the first part of the dream, that was kinda OOC. In the dream my friends were kinda upset because I hadn't been talking to them quite as much (IRL, I know this would never happen) and it led to us discussing some unrelated and controversial topic of some kind (I don't remember what, now) which again I would never do, because I go to great lengths to avoid such topics on-line, especially when I know people will disagree with me. At any rate, whatever it was, it was OK we resolved it.

So, that led to the part that was IC, that had Chase trying to teach Julie some kind of card game. I don't remember what it was, if it was poker or something else; but things that mathematical have always been challenging for me, IRL, I have a learning disability when it comes to math, and I remember how patient he was, and I think I was just starting to really "get it" whatever the game was, when these voices came over some kinda radio, interrupting us; and I think it was my friends from the earlier part of the dream, which makes no sense, because those friends are not here (on TECS) at all. And what they said was not really important, it was like they were teasing me a little (though not in a mean way) and Chase was going to tell them to be quiet.

And that was when I woke up, to my mom and her boyfriend coming in house (I do intend to mention them both in a story at some point, but until I come up with a name for him, I won't mention their names here) after staying up late last night, taking care of our 19 yr. old American Quarter Horse, silver-red Roan gelding, who is very sick with colic. He improved a tiny bit in the overnight hours til about 7:30; resting comfortably, in a stall, and not needing any meds til about 9:30 a.m. But now he has stopped drinking, and the decision has been made to have the vet come back out, and put him down. This horse is very sweet, with a very mischievous personality. (He likes to let other horses out of their stalls.) He never lays down like this, and no doubt, the other horses know that something is wrong.

Anyway, that is the dream I had this morning, and that also explains what I won't be on too much for the rest of the day, or for the next few days, either. :(
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    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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    Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye
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