Q & A Your Relationship with Food


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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What's your favorite food? Do you cook, do you only order take-out, do you eat only TV-dinners? What's your breakfast/brunch/lunch/coffee/tea/dinner like? How often do you fast?

Share any story about your character and their relationship with food. IC is preferred (because we're character building!), so if you OOC, remember the ((brackets)).


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Jade's Favorite Food: Anything Ethnic and follow a dietitian's advice by making a good dinner plate.

Here's what Jade's dinner plates looks like either she cooks or call take out (as long as her food is nutritious.)

1. Italian (a plate of green leafy salad with light balsamic and olive oil dressing,angel hair pasta with grilled chicken and mushrooms with a glass of water. Dessert: a delicious healthy version of panna cotta with fresh mixed berries.)

2. Chinese (a plate of Cantonese style steamed sea bass, brown rice with sprouts and stir fry vegetables with a cup of jasmine infused Oolong tea. Dessert: just slices of oranges and an almond cookie.)

3. Mexican (a guacamole salad and cheese quesadillas with a glass of water. No dessert.)

4. Japanese (a fresh green leafy salad with house dressing,hibachi chicken and grilled shrimp,steamed Japanese brown rice and vegetables with a glass of water. Dessert: green tea flavored ice cream no toppings allowed)

5. Moroccan (seven veggie couscous and lamb tagine with prunes and almonds with a glass of iced mint tea. Dessert: just slices of oranges)

6. French (Confit style Ratatouille and 19th Century version of Salade nicoise with a glass of water. Dessert: a small slice of Mille-feuille)

7. Indian (Chicken Tandoori with tomato-cucumber raita and Naan (Indian flat bread) with a cup of Darjeeling tea. No dessert)

8. Greek (Greek Salad,pita bread and souvlakia (lamb and chicken) with a glass of water. No dessert)

9. Israeli ( Israeli salad,grilled tilapia and Ptitim (Israeli version of the couscous) with a glass of light pomegranate lemonade. Dessert: just slices of oranges)

10. Jamaican ( Jerk Chicken with coconut brown rice and black beans with a glass of water. No dessert)

11. Korean (Galbi (beef short ribs) with Kongnamul-bap (soybean sprouts over rice) and white kimchi with a cup of Korean ginger tea. No dessert)

12. Spanish (Gazpacho(cold vegetable soup) and seafood Paella with a glass of water. No dessert)

13. Thai (papaya salad and green chicken curry with a glass of Thai iced tea. Dessert: fresh mango slices with sticky rice and coconut milk)

14. Vietnamese (Vietnamese spring rolls with a cup of jasmine tea. No dessert)

15. Singaporean (Hainanese chicken rice with a glass of water. No dessert)

Jade isn't a big fan of TV dinners,her doctor advise her to eat two meals a day...

Breakfast (either of bowl of Cheerios or Crispix or Quaker Oatmeal squares with milk,sometimes making something special like cheese omelet and low sodium Spam (canned ham) or just a Nature Valley biscuit with almond butter served with iced light mocha,light orange juice or diet iced tea.)

Lunch (sometimes she eats lunch sometimes she skips it.)

Brunch (in case Jade forgot to eat breakfast in the morning figures a brunch will make her feel better.)

(by the way she loves food since she was a baby.)

Jacqueline Hyde

Time Thief
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Jackie, Sparkles, Priestess
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My relationship with food is yes.

I do have a lot of frozen dinners... I know they're unhealthy, but they just taste so good!


little red riding hood ? v.i.l.e.
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Little red riding hood
Little carmen
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I like snacks with lots of salty flavors

I love cheese and meat


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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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Food is food to me. Preferred is most things meat, and BBQ, Dark chocolate, and muffins, as well as being a huge pineapple fiend. I will totally steal all the pineapple form you. Also a huge fan of anything mint, and adore a good spicy ginger beer soda.


Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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I'm likely stating the obvious here, but I love to cook. I'm willing to try my hand at nearly any recipe, but more often than not I'll wing it and end up working with whatever ingredients I have on hand. Most recipes are more like guidelines anyways.
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Kenneth (by Carmen), Kenny (by other VILE agents), Crackpot Kenny, The Anti-Player, Contestant #3
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A great deal of what Ken eats is junk, and it sometimes mixes...BBQ sauce on the double cheeseburgers and so on. VILE has a running deadpool on Ken's lower intestines. And he has a mini fridge to keep the odor away from everyone else. He's also picked up some weird exotics like poutine, chip buttys, kimchee, dougan, and scotch eggs.
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Well, as most of you can clearly see, whether you have been here a long time (or even if you haven't. Lol) food plays a big part in my stories, and sometimes even in my statuses (which are sometimes like mini-stories, when I don't have a lot of time to finish and post the the things I am working on.) In fact, 99% of things I post on here, are based on my "real" life.

So maybe it's just easier to say the only real difference between myself IC, is my location. As Julie, I have an apartment in San Francisco, on Lombard Street, in the Russian Hill neighborhood (and now that we have cable again, I can't tell you how many times I've seen the famous car chase in the movie "Bullit" and I got all excited, because I know where that is because it's my "fake neighborhood, where I fake live" and of course people look at me like ? and then I have to try to explain what I mean, and even when I do, they continue to look at me that way, not that I can blame them. Lol

and as an ACME agent, I travel more. I'm sure if I take the time to look for it, there is at least one story, if not on here, than somewhere else, where I traveled to India, and had something to eat, while I was there. In fact, when I had a cold a few weeks ago (IRL) you'll notice, I had various types of soup, naan and hot tea delivered to Julie from a real pub in that neighborhood that combines Irish and Indian food I knew I would like mulligatawny, because I've had homemade pea soup before, so I'm sure I'd like it with a little chicken added to it. And I've never actually had naan; but I have had other types of flatbread before, and everyone likes hot tea when they're sick.) So, even though, (IRL) I don't really observe Lent, you can see that I intend to give up meat until Easter (so, as you can see, I have posted other meatless choices from their menu. (IRL, I never deliberately fast, unless it's for a test, or some other medical reason, but sometimes depending how late I get up (depending on how late I go to bed) I will have 2 meals a day and a snack.

Most of my meals are healthy, and well-balanced, so when I want something, I just eat it. My favorite things are usually savory, though, (breakfast is good, anytime of day or night, and IRL, most of the eggs I eat are organic free range, from our own chickens, so really not that bad, as part of a healthy diet. And any type of potato(es) is good with me, also.

I am not picky when it comes to desserts, either; I will eat anything that I want, or that is offered to me, because I don;t have it often. My all-time favorite would be any variation of apple pie (although nothing will ever beat grandma's (mom's mom). :)

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