Well, as most of you can clearly see, whether you have been here a long time (or even if you haven't. Lol) food plays a big part in my stories, and sometimes even in my statuses (which are sometimes like mini-stories, when I don't have a lot of time to finish and post the the things I am working on.) In fact, 99% of things I post on here, are based on my "real" life.
So maybe it's just easier to say the only real difference between myself IC, is my location. As Julie, I have an apartment in San Francisco, on Lombard Street, in the Russian Hill neighborhood (and now that we have cable again, I can't tell you how many times I've seen the famous car chase in the movie "Bullit" and I got all excited, because I know where that is because it's my "fake neighborhood, where I fake live" and of course people look at me like ? and then I have to try to explain what I mean, and even when I do, they continue to look at me that way, not that I can blame them. Lol
and as an ACME agent, I travel more. I'm sure if I take the time to look for it, there is at least one story, if not on here, than somewhere else, where I traveled to India, and had something to eat, while I was there. In fact, when I had a cold a few weeks ago (IRL) you'll notice, I had various types of soup, naan and hot tea delivered to Julie from a real pub in that neighborhood that combines Irish and Indian food I knew I would like mulligatawny, because I've had homemade pea soup before, so I'm sure I'd like it with a little chicken added to it. And I've never actually had naan; but I have had other types of flatbread before, and everyone likes hot tea when they're sick.) So, even though, (IRL) I don't really observe Lent, you can see that I intend to give up meat until Easter (so, as you can see, I have posted other meatless choices from their menu. (IRL, I never deliberately fast, unless it's for a test, or some other medical reason, but sometimes depending how late I get up (depending on how late I go to bed) I will have 2 meals a day and a snack.
Most of my meals are healthy, and well-balanced, so when I want something, I just eat it. My favorite things are usually savory, though, (breakfast is good, anytime of day or night, and IRL, most of the eggs I eat are organic free range, from our own chickens, so really not that bad, as part of a healthy diet. And any type of potato(es) is good with me, also.
I am not picky when it comes to desserts, either; I will eat anything that I want, or that is offered to me, because I don;t have it often. My all-time favorite would be any variation of apple pie (although nothing will ever beat grandma's (mom's mom).