Plot Line B?


Visitor From Another AU
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... So I should continue posting the story here? At this point the forum has missed three pages.

I'll give a more formal reply if people want to hear what I have to say. ?


Visitor From Another AU
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Ok, thank you! * Gives hug back! *

@Julie Justice , give me a link to that story when you're done writing it please? ?

That fan dance is likely as racy as you'll ever see me illustrate. Terry and Annie are the only true shipping I have going on said flat out in series writing ( unless you count Floyd and Jocelyn, before he's killed ). The last time something suggestive was drawn it wasn't playing out how Terry viewed it for interaction with Annie. Back in Iron and Steel, him hunting for a gun on her belt and by visual, this being easily misinterpreted.

Iron and Steel: Page 138

While you guys saw Greenfinger get his youth story already, it wasn't the first of the three young villain stories written for within Loaded Stone. Finch's was written first since I'm more used to writing his character, hence the fastest one to be come up with. This inside short will be right before returning to plot line B.

Very little changed from this sub-mini-story in first thoughts to what got formally written.

... ... Not sure if this interests anyone, but I finished writing Shattered a few days ago. It comes out to just over 115 pages and does everything story-wise I wanted it to and more. It even throws in some last second notes to the CS fandom.

When I first started posting in this forum, I was using an old Dell purchased from eBay. That computer came with bonus software on discs. I ignored those discs until the other day when I figured what the hey let's see if software meant for Windows XP will work on a modern laptop. Big nice surprise Microsoft Office 2003 installed and works. It's making the proof checking process go by faster than it would otherwise. It has weird glitches in it's proofing but still and improvement in speed. I just can't let it make all the changes it wants to. Example sometimes it highlights "he is" and a problem. When what was written was "she is". It will skip over letters.

I really hope Shattered doesn't disappoint. I still don't know how it's been taken in advance without minor feedback. Art and a single clipped preview given.

The car died Saturday before last. It's in a shop currently getting all kinds of repairs. The RV nearly had a power emergency, fixed thanks to the last stimulus check. I'm having a surgery which might become two in the near future.
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This is a good thing to read before bed. Action-wise the pacing of your stories is always good.

Computer-wise, I had Windows XP on my very old-school desktop, til about 4 or 5 yrs ago when the CPU everything was plugged into quite literally died. This created quite a dilemma as the rest of the components that made up my my system, though old by computer standards, still worked fine. I was given a Dell CPU morking on Window 10, that at the time I was told was about 2 yrs old, very lightly used by the previous owner, works very well with what I have. Now if only I could get my Epson Work Fpson 2650 to work, and maybe find a greeting card program, too. You do a very good job mixing art and technology. Don't get too discouraged.

My stories are not like yours, where I write something, saving it as I go, and then post it here, as I great, completed thing. I usually write them, either on some kind of lined notebook paper or on my computer, print it out, and type it up on here, when I am up either very late--or very early--for some reason. I didn't have paper for a long time; and then I had problems with my fax/copier/printer as I said, but I have so many notes for this one storyline, so I just started wring on here. Look under Writing--Character Journals---page 2, A Sweet Surprise. The only reason it has so many Views is cuz I am writing it as I go. You're welcome to read what I have, and I can give you a link when I'm done if you like.

Good news for mom: even though she has 2 fairly bad tears in the calf muscle of her right leg, doc says she will not need surgery; she can have cold laser treatments and something that is similar to accupuncture. She will still need a lot of help around here though.

I hope your surgeries turn out well for you, too.

Take care and talk to to you soon. ?


Visitor From Another AU
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I prefer to read stories when they're fully posted, so yes please give a link to yours when you've finished writing it.

Thank you for explaining what cold laser treatments are because before that comment. I'd never heard of it.

It's trouble shooting nerves, muscles and scar tissue with an implant I've had for many years. I'm very grateful they've given me a choice of being awake during surgery of not. Because once the choice wasn't there. You never want to be awake during surgery.

Thanks, I guess my pacing has to do with years of getting practice from making those home made comic books you've heard me talk about.

I get discouraged when I have no feedback. Example to what you know is coming here, I know for a fact with history on DA. No one will read it period which is really disheartening having spend so many months writing it with loads of advance plan in action to boot.

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
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You should know your stories are great and regardless of responses you should be proud of what your doing. Genius is usually unappreciated and taken for granted at times. I would be happy if a single person liked what I did. But what you do should be seen by more people. Maybe you can try posting on YouTube with volunteers voicing your characters. Then you could get more exposure.

One of my favorite amateur web comics “The 3 Little Princesses” had a few thousand views. But after it was voiced it attracted a lot of attention (2.3 million views!) as a result. Sure as a result of that everyone voice dubs it now but when it first posted only a few people cared about this very funny and well drawn story. I think all your work really needs is marketing to the underground web comic crowd and they’ll take it from there. Oh and you could probably offer to draw art requests to get them aware of your abilities as well.

Once you make friends with them you’ll help each other on projects your working on. And the people who support them will support you as well. *BOOM* Well that familiar sound coming from the lab means I gotta run now, see ya!


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
Hello again. I just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to Shattered and your light shines through your work. If you do give your characters voices through YouTube may I voice one? *hugs*
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Visitor From Another AU
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You should know your stories are great and regardless of responses you should be proud of what your doing. Genius is usually unappreciated and taken for granted at times. I would be happy if a single person liked what I did. But what you do should be seen by more people. Maybe you can try posting on YouTube with volunteers voicing your characters. Then you could get more exposure.

One of my favorite amateur web comics “The 3 Little Princesses” had a few thousand views. But after it was voiced it attracted a lot of attention (2.3 million views!) as a result. Sure as a result of that everyone voice dubs it now but when it first posted only a few people cared about this very funny and well drawn story. I think all your work really needs is marketing to the underground web comic crowd and they’ll take it from there. Oh and you could probably offer to draw art requests to get them aware of your abilities as well.

Once you make friends with them you’ll help each other on projects your working on. And the people who support them will support you as well. *BOOM* Well that familiar sound coming from the lab means I gotta run now, see ya!
Thank you so much Tenchi. Well I like your work and still look forward to that story of yours when you have it finished and posted.

Your suggestion, I'd love such a thing but getting people to do it to me sounds like pulling teeth. Let me explain.

Before John Wilhelm III stepped in to start doing voice work for me. Five different people had stepped forward, lied that they'd do the work, and silently stepped away for voicing Devil's Blood. These five over the course of '18 into '20.

He is currently 98% of the way done voicing all it's pages so at this point I think I can count on him finishing the project he's responsible for. But because I've been burned so many times in the past and there are more than those five times here. Other stories I tried to get voiced. That I haven't formally announced his work for me because of what has happened in the past. I've too many times prior spoken up in announcement only to discover the other party was never serious with me.

Now once I did get two people working together on one of my stories in voice work but it was a short ... and it was flawed.
I should have put more time into the drawings because they lead to misimpression due to that. But also that while both people who voiced it did great with their jobs. You can clearly tell the actor and actress weren't in the same room for recording by how style differed between them. Hard to explain, you'd have to see this in action to get my point.

This is the bridge between the Gadget Boy side of things and Inspector Gadget side of things. The GB side finally entering modern times in preparation for Devil's Blood. If you read Iron and Steel, in making it to the story's final pages. This short explains where those pages come from.

I don't think I have enough of an audience for the series to expect people lining up to volunteer to help on voicework. Yes, I see Lucy's reply which I'll be getting to momentarily.

I've put out offers in the past to do art requests for people. You're the only person here who's taken up that offer. It's still standing for anyone to ask me for art.

Hello again. I just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to Shattered and your light shines through your work. If you do give your characters voices through YouTube may I voice one? *hugs*
Thank you, and what did you think of the mini-preview I sent? Round one of proofing chapter six more in depth happened the other day. Today I expect to finish round one of proofing for the whole story. Then it will be more refinements and further grammar checks.

I'm up for people doing dramatic readings if you're interested.

Whether this is taken up or not,. I don't know. Again this dates to what I was saying to Tenchi and promises I get which aren't followed through on.

In IGU there is an artist/author/actress very established in the IG fan community. She's really on the bored side right now in last to knowledge the UK's Covid lockdown. I did offer to her if she was bored she could voice the basically put CS trilogy in the series ( 1: Snake Pit 2: Vocal Canvases 3: Shattered ). Replies are on the slow side since she has a lot going on offline. If she can be counted on, I don't know. For years she has been promising new comics for her own IG series but nothing has appeared online.

I say if you feel game for voicing what I offered her, go ahead. If she records, I'll just give people a choice which voiced version they want to listen to.

How I work with audio productions is:

. A clear recording is done. Minus verbal mistakes, This is recorded in MP3 format.
. The files are shared viva Google Drive ect., so they can be downloaded on my end.
. After all files have been received. I edit out blank spaces if they exist. Then add in where needed music and sound FX.

Sound good? ?


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
Thank you, and what did you think of the mini-preview I sent? Round one of proofing chapter, six more in depth happened the other day. Today I expect to finish round one of proofing for the whole story. Then it will be more refinements and further grammar checks.

I'm up for people doing dramatic readings if you're interested.

Whether this is taken up or not,. I don't know. Again this dates to what I was saying to Tenchi and promises I get which aren't followed through on.

In IGU there is an artist/author/actress very established in the IG fan community. She's really on the bored side right now in last to knowledge the UK's Covid lockdown. I did offer to her if she was bored she could voice the basically put CS trilogy in the series ( 1: Snake Pit 2: Vocal Canvases 3: Shattered ). Replies are on the slow side since she has a lot going on offline. If she can be counted on, I don't know. For years she has been promising new comics for her own IG series but nothing has appeared online.

I say if you feel game for voicing what I offered her, go ahead. If she records, I'll just give people a choice which voiced version they want to listen to.

How I work with audio productions is:

. A clear recording is done. Minus verbal mistakes, This is recorded in MP3 format.
. The files are shared viva Google Drive ect., so they can be downloaded on my end.
. After all files have been received. I edit out blank spaces if they exist. Then add in where needed music and sound FX.

Sound good? ?
Let me read what you sent me again when I have a moment and I'll get back to you on it, okay? As for the voice recording that sounds good.


Visitor From Another AU
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Let me read what you sent me again when I have a moment and I'll get back to you on it, okay? As for the voice recording that sounds good.
That's fine. I know two of the stories are currently available for you to tackle. Hopefully the last in the next week or so. What sort of timeline can I expect for your recordings? I've had with other people, things take from a few weeks to a few months.

I did post the story. It’s the Trans-Syberian Adventure and honestly the ending chapters probably will get a rework when I have time.
I'd noticed posting notices over that thread, I just didn't know what it was. I thought it was an RP thread. I'm so sorry ? . I normally just avoid the RP treads. I'll get on reading it as soon as I have a moment.


Visitor From Another AU
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I finished this page a few hours ago but didn't want to speak up here until after starting on Trans-Syberian Adventure. Tenchi, I've gotten through chapters 1-5 so far. Listening to them with text-to-speech software while working on page 128. I'm guessing you'd like a review when I'd done with it completely? Currently even with the story feeling underway, I'm sure by the size of the thread, I still have a ways to go with it.

I will say I like it so far and having not read your work in sometime. This was a nice reminder how detailed & easy flow your writing style is which I appreciate.

Just because of how long ago this was written formally. How long I've known how this section of story will play out in the end. I have to ask has anyone figured out how things are going to end between this gang and Finch?

Round two started yesterday evening on Shattered. Right now chapter one is going through further refining. ... When that story is posted, just an advance thing I want to state here. Chapter one has been revised four times so far. When you read the content you'll realize quickly why it has to be handled so carefully compared to other chapters.

Side question how do you get VirtualBox to even work? I assume it's running a program like that how the screenshots are being made for the Daily ACME APB posts. I can't get a disk image to run, designed for being used on a virtual PC.

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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    Me too!
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    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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    Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye
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    Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki: Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye