Plot Line B?


Visitor From Another AU
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Thank you Tenchi, you're the only person to say an opinion about the proposal.

This page would have come out sooner if not for other work going on and a nice offline note. I got the car back yesterday. The big test of it being fixed will be on Monday with a forced drive into Houston.

I'm still working on round two of proof checking Shattered. Last night I got through a section that had been shared in PM. When the further proofing happened last night I discovered errors not spotted before. Thank goodness the part wasn't shared in the open.

The music & effects part of editing has been started on the Devil's Blood audiobook. Unless John changes his mind, he's also going to be voicing Snake Pit, Vocal Canvases and Shattered. Yes, he is aware one of them hasn't been published to the net yet.

... .. When things return to plot line B I really would like an answer in advance about this. Have any of you read Devil's Blood? I've tried to ask about the earlier stories in the series being read and have yet to get an answer. Loaded Stone will be refencing the story again coming up and unless someone has read it, all of you might be in the dark over a plot aspect.

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Visitor From Another AU
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I have read that one.
Thanks Tenchi! ?

I don't recall if I have read that one.
All of it that was posted in this forum was a clip. A second clip was offered but was answered with silence. If you have memory of how the gang came to be being used in plot line C. How Finch offended Alan and has his current wings. Where Tommy came from. A bit of a mountain of connected story information. Then you've read the story.

Why that story is relevant again coming up is an exchange between Bruce and Finch ( adult ). More than one detail in Devil's Blood is brought up, between the fate of a MAD agent and tech his replacement utilizes.


Visitor From Another AU
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I think by now I have a good balance going on between projects. The comic pages taking up most of the time, followed by proof checking in second and audio editing in third.

This flashback story has one page left to it before things go to plot line B. I have to say an old temptation is happening with me in writing even if I know I can't follow through with it here because of pre-planning for Loaded Stone's story. To explain:

When Iron and Steel was being produced it for a time was overlapping with the Gadget-Boy stories coming out. Comic and prose being produced at the same time. The final of those GB stories, like the others connected to it, it was set in the past by a good number of years. ... Actually nearly a year before the events of Shattered. Anyway Iron and Steel took alterations to it's plot which would make it tie into the GB stories so the puzzle pieces fit neatly together by the time later Devil's Blood would be published. During when Iron and Steel was overlapping with the final of the GB stories back then. A tour being lead by Dr. Hunter goes through RAGE's HQ. The tour really served a purpose plot-wise but it also made story nods that had to happen. One of them to the final GB story in the works.

Here working on Loaded Stone, about to return to plot line B. You get the team up of good guys that consists of Alan, Zack and Finn. I wish I could really link here Zack as an adult to him as a child in Shattered. But it just doesn't fit. All you get in a link which has been pre-established, is him wearing a jacket. Shattered, his army jacket. Loaded Stone and other present-tense stories, a long green hued jacket. I could work in a scene at a but it would be one panel and you'd only know a link by facial expression to how he takes something. If I can fit that in, remember it's a matter Ivy teases him about when he's younger, he fears with good reason.

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Visitor From Another AU
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Again why this took so long to made is because of handling multiple projects all at once.

The last few days the editor has been having major problems even running, I think it's a memory management with the computer. ... I'm referring to the audiobook editing when speaking of an editor. I'm nearly an hour into over seven hours of audio for work.

Last night I finished more proofing on Shattered which has me starting proofing chapter 9 of it this evening.

I have a headache right now. ... Lots of crying took place earlier today. That being because of what I refer to as doomsday is happening in a few days. .. Every year it just gets worse, I swear it's a cursed day.

You already know this is the last page of Finch's short in the story.



Visitor From Another AU
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Thanks, oddly enough the pose was easy to draw. Most body poses take more than one attempt when it's a first time draw. But I'm just referring to Finch when I say that. The bird took three tries to get right.

... Doomsday gets worse every year. Last year I was in the hospital most of the day. Before that only alone but then my home was flooded out. The year before that I was homeless and the earlier years no better in history. ?

... ... I've just spend the morning so far refining lines for page 132. After I've posted here comes some more proof checking and audio work. It turns out disabling the audio enhancer software on the machine made all the difference in editing. You've read DB so you'll get where in the story I've been trying to get through for days. The sound work for the encounter with Dala at the stolen car, then Terry chasing the cat and tackling it. You should see the severe volume controls used for that. ?


Visitor From Another AU
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I'd like to think the cop cars on the horizon are a little visible with their lights. Do note that with the understandable exception of what is taking place in plot line A. In both plot lines B & C you can notice the time of the day passing. Even back in Metro City back at the JJH Natural History Museum, you could see it was starting to hit the latter of the afternoon. In plot line C last noting the massive time zone difference between Tokyo and North Dakota. Back in Japan it was just starting into daylight hours.

Now I don't know if the city of Vermillion, South Dakota has a natural history museum for real. The great thing about writing fiction is you can fudge facts with ease and get away with it. Do note when the inside to this place is seen it's going to be inspired off various museums I've stepped in over time. ( If you can spot the influence of HMNS and also the Baltimore Aquarium, kudos to you. ) Coming up soon after this scene I did try for some real accuracy for a visual to a park in Huntsville, Alabama. This research even went so far as calling the suspected park to discover if I'd visited it long ago. I wasn't expecting staff to remember the space camper group period. But it would have been good to know if the park did have an affiliation with the Marshall Flight Space Center, letting their camper groups pass through. No answer. Graces, I've been about to dig up under research much older information and likely more obscure.

Daily the work has been continuing on Devil's Blood's audiobook. Right now I'm into the second hour of the story editing the audio.

I'm pushing myself on proofing Shattered. I want to finish it in time for the worse day of the year just to show something happen on that day. ... I don't know if I'm going to be able to make that goal even with hours every night doing the work. ... I think doomsday I might just spend the whole day in bed. No point to being awake.



Visitor From Another AU
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... I posted on Monday. .. I feel like I guess what I produced was garbage. No where. Not a single review. My writing for prose ... is awful. ... I started on some concept art last night. If people had read ... well they'd have an idea what the concept art, what it's subject matter would be. Even with being CS fandom related, I don't think people would look at it now. ... Now to post another comic page.

This back and forth between Bruce & Finch with the exception of Bruce now owning the jeep. This is what I warned dated back to Devil's Blood for understanding it's origin. I know writing Bruce cursing is considered a bit of a no no shown here. But I'd like to think it's such a light word compared to others, it's ok.



Visitor From Another AU
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There's been no reactions or comments to the last couple pages. Not a peep even about the other writing project undertaken for a while. ... I'm on a roll.

I think it's an easy guess where things are switching to next on plot line B. This coming scene with Sydney started as simple but when the time came for formal writing, the simple route didn't make sense. Now it's a little more complex, still making sense to plot and I'd like to think underlying idea is still fully intact.

For a little later in this clip of the story, I've also figured out for a fact what the link back will be to the trash ... that unless someone says something .. I'm seriously considering deleting in a few days. ... 116 pages of wasted effort.


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    Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki: Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye