Plot Line B?

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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I think it a similar problem to you posting images normally. I just post the screenshots after I place them in my photos and upload the images here. Virtualbox can run so many OS’s that its hard to find whats wrong when you need to. And warning the story is filled with, gasp! Educational information. The Chief would be so proud.
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Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
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I know thats what I meant when I talked about Virtualbox it can cause problems sometimes when trying to do stuff.

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
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Virtualbox can be buggy and when one like that happens unfortunately you have to do background checks on the processes to fix whats wrong. Which means that when you think you found whats loading incorrectly, you have to type wonderful command prompts(sarcasm) to make it work right.


Visitor From Another AU
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I thought I'd start with it and this is something I tried a few months ago. I thought I'd run the disc image for installing Windows '98 so I could from the virtually installed Windows, run 90's software. The downloaded file was quote un quote correct to purpose. ... I could use help with this. ?

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Enjoy the techno-babble...

Long story short, there is NOTHING really wrong with Win98, the problem is that VirtualBox's emulated BIOS doesn't fully match up with what Win98 expects a real ACPI BIOS to look like, so by default Win98 will not install ACPI support (and unfortunately, the older APM support doesn't handle CPU IDLE, so we get problems).

The solution is to FORCE ACPI support to be installed, by using the

/p j

command line switch when running the setup program that installs Win98.

This means that you can't just jam the virtual CD into the virtual CD drive and let 'autorun' take care of everything.

The best way to handle this is to simply move the Win98 install folder from the Windows 98 SE CD onto your virtual C: drive in VirtualBox, then change directory to that folder in a DOS prompt and run the setup program manually:

setup /p j

This will force ACPI power management (and the associated CPU IDLE functions) to be installed, and your Win98 virtual machine will consume no more system resources when running than a similar XP or Linux virtual machine.


Visitor From Another AU
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John sent me an email today saying he's done voicing Devil's Blood. ..Not all the files are in the Google Drive folder, but I'm sure that will be changing soon. He started on this in Nov.

Guys, I wrote a journal entry on DA that no one saw and this was made weeks ago. I would really like hearing people's opinions about the AU expanding more. If I copied over the text from that journal entry, would any of you share thoughts about the proposal?


Visitor From Another AU
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This is an exact copy and paste from the journal entry on DA, skipping out later journal content not related.

Back in the dawn of '06 I took my first big stab at writing in prose format. It was also my first shot at writing a mystery. The story was named, "770 Danger in Numbers". The story became a one shot since I couldn't think of where to go from it but right on it's heels I started working on "Buck Rogers in the 26th Century".

770 has remained a back of the mind note for a long time because of the effort I gave it and how it acted like an odd stepping stone to the next project. It resurfaced in serious thought yesterday in thinking about the Iron and Steel-verse for coming stories. Not a remake of the old story but a story using a little of it's idea in the Iron and Steel-verse.

If you've been following the series you know that for canon ideas, MAD is what started the whole emotional naming bit. HAPPY has been around since the first story and many other groups have also been introduced.


UNEASY happened since a few people thought HAPPY was a spy agency and I wanted to say otherwise. HAPPY's role was never intended to look that way so the point was made UNEASY was that group. But very little has been done with it and it's been a mild thought brewing for over a year I tackle that aspect of the AU. Why not give them their own moment to shine in the series?

Already I have a bunch of ideas put together which have UNEASY given it's place with better definition to the AU. Part of that is borrowing ideas used in 770. I also have yet another group figured out for the story they'll be dealing with. This group is another invention original to the AU.


I do not have it figured out yet if this story would be in prose format or comic format. I don't think as a comic it would be a short story and I would prefer not to interrupt working on Loaded Stone again anytime soon. If a comic, it would happen after Loaded Stone along with other stories planned in that format. Right now I'm also still working on Shattered which the other day hit being 90 pages long and it's still some off from being finished. That's not counting the formal proof checking it has yet to pass through.

So if I took on this story focused on UNEASY. Comic or prose format? Also what do you think of it even being pursued?


Visitor From Another AU
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Thank you, but also do you have an opinion about expanding the AU the way I'm proposing it? ?

Later today I'll be uploading a piece of art. Chase in PM seemed to relay to me what is the likely cause of why the forum doesn't accept files from my machine. This is meant to test acceptance if it's possible. Also for the first time in the media section you'll be see an OC character from Shattered.

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    Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye
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    Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki: Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye