Writing The Last Time...


little red riding hood ? v.i.l.e.
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I found this endearing. Genuinely, not selectively, in case of confusion.

I praised someone. I've yet to see how it works out.

The last time you had your favorite food, and what was it?
It was fish and chips and I don’t remember when it was exactly but it was recently

When was the last time you cried?

Claire Yeon

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When was the last time you cried?
Last fall, at my mentor's funeral. I managed to keep it together through my delivery of the eulogy and all through the service, but then I met with her lawyer. He informed me that since her partner had preceded her in death, I was now the sole successor trustee of her assets, her charity, and her legacy. I knew she had been fond of me, but I never imagined this. The ones who expect greatness from us have a way of ensuring their expectations continue to be met.

When was the last time you experienced déjà vu?


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Boss (situational)
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(I totally missed that... clearly!)
Repeated questions are allowed, just coincidental it's this one...

When was the last time you had to rebuild yourself?
Girlfriend left, empty apartment, a few years' worth of identity up and evaporated. Good times. Decided then that I wasn't going to own more than 49 things at a time. Easier to keep track of life that way.

The last time you laughed?


Personal Trainer
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when's the last time you cried?
Second time for this question in only 5 posts?

I bawled 30 minutes ago watching The Notebook (again). *sniffs*

When was the last time you said "I love you" to somebody and meant it?


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Boss (situational)
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When was the last time you won something?
It wasn't a competition, and nothing with actually 'winning' anything... but someone revealed something recently that made me realize I might have just gained... won?... a different type of respect.

The last time you were down (sick/injured or otherwise) for more than a day?


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The last time you were down (sick/injured or otherwise) for more than a day?
Luxembourg, got my leg trapped under my own bike during a high speed chase and while I had emergency medical, I didn't get clutches until we were back a day in the states.

Then that time @Chase put me in a choke grip, throat hurt for 3 days, that count?

The last time you bought a new book?


little red riding hood ? v.i.l.e.
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Little red riding hood
Little carmen
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Luxembourg, got my leg trapped under my own bike during a high speed chase and while I had emergency medical, I didn't get clutches until we were back a day in the states.

Then that time @Chase put me in a choke grip, throat hurt for 3 days, that count?

The last time you bought a new book?
I don’t really think I have in a long time
But I think it was at Walmart and it was a Disney who’s who book

When was the last time you was hospitalized?


Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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I don’t really think I have in a long time
But I think it was at Walmart and it was a Disney who’s who book

When was the last time you was hospitalized?
If we're talking of routine visits, I was at AMC three weeks ago for a routine aviation physical. Last time I ended up there involuntarily was when a rather heavy shelf came down on my leg. If I wasn't for me being in the ASP, I likely wouldn't have gotten off with something as light as a fractured foot.

When is the last time you attended a wedding? I'll also accept crashing one.

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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other news....so much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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