Plot Line B?

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Your drawing is looking good as always and I'm sorry to hear about your daily suffering continuing. I hope the hospital and your doctor can work out a solution to help you as soon as they can. Though on the plus side your new laptop is working out great. And we'll keep hoping and praying for your swift recovery.


Visitor From Another AU
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Ok, I really need to do some mini-blogging to explain something coming but first. I visited with a new primary doctor yesterday and she thinks she might have an answer to what is wrong. However she needs results from yet more blood work done to determine it as explanation. I will say her final conclusion when she reacts it.

Last year I lost my home due to flooding but as the waters rose, I quickly grabbed some of my things from the RV. Such as my laptop. When living temporarily in a motel for weeks. Outside dealing with the disaster, I took a break from Smoke, Steam and Mirrors. That was done since I was a little behind on keeping up with deadline posting on ComicFury. The break actually took the form of writing a short to help when Loaded Stone came to being produced. The short's name was "Ice," and that story focused on an OC villain named Alpine Adam. You've seen him before in Loaded Stone. Remember the man Amazon Annie was taking with in Waruda's presence?
It was done to introduce him in advance but done in mainly B&W to save time so I could produce a page per day and create a buffer to stay ahead of the deadline.

The drawing tablet type I've been using since just after the start of '11, has finally stopped in driver being supported by Windows 10. That means while I wait on the replacement more modern tablet to be delivered. I'm not producing pages. Again I always mean to have pages prepared in a large buffer for making the ComicFury deadlines.

I will be taking another break. This one of course being from Loaded Stone. A new B&W short will be made fast when the new tablet comes in. ... I think you guys are going to like this short.

Now I'm going to reveal the Puca stunt in Loaded Stone early.

Mrs. Micco is Ivy.

This short will be one month before events start to happen in Loaded Stone for modern times.

The story gives both Gadget and Carmen fans, nice fandom nods.
When I start making this short I'm going to make a new thread just for it. And as said if things go right you'll see a new page posted everyday for it.

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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We're looking forward to your new work though you could take a break if you wanted to if the pain is too much I mean. The flooding last year must have been rough, and then you got back to doing what you love. I'm glad you have another doctor working on the problem; the more the better at this point. I'm a little upset that they haven't found out what's wrong, but these things take time sometimes. So I hope the test comes back with results this time and that it's nothing too serious.


Visitor From Another AU
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This break has nothing to do with the pain. It's only because I feel I'm falling behind on meeting deadline with CF. B&W in the style I used for Ice, has fast page creation. Coloring pages and afterwards added coloring effects, takes a good amount of time. That's mainly why the turn around is like how it is.

I got the results of the blood work this afternoon. Nothing bad so I asked the doctor's nurse to ask her what is the next step attempting to get diagnosis confirmed or changed to a different but correct answer. Monday hopefully I'll be hearing back from her office on that.

Since writing that last post earlier today, I've refined the short 99% of the way. Everything but a translation almost at the story's end. The name of this will be, "To Return to Game Hit Continue".
I so wish I had the replacement tablet right now. Two aspects of the story really need concept art in resign. Also I love the fact something I wrote into the story works with real life geography on layout. I honestly didn't know it worked for real fact until zooming out from the area on Google maps! ?


Visitor From Another AU
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People didn't like the short?

( Editing in: I see a mistake on this page. A corrected version will be posted as soon as I can make it. )

I was midway through the final art for this page when the computer stopped it's support of the Wacom tablet I'd been using. Now pages are going to go back to being made at the pace they normally are.

Let's hope Monday I hear something from my primary care doctor. The chest pain is now happening off and on simply from breathing.
Last edited:


ACME Canine Unit
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This break has nothing to do with the pain. It's only because I feel I'm falling behind on meeting deadline with CF. B&W in the style I used for Ice, has fast page creation. Coloring pages and afterwards added coloring effects, takes a good amount of time. That's mainly why the turn around is like how it is.

I got the results of the blood work this afternoon. Nothing bad so I asked the doctor's nurse to ask her what is the next step attempting to get diagnosis confirmed or changed to a different but correct answer. Monday hopefully I'll be hearing back from her office on that.

Since writing that last post earlier today, I've refined the short 99% of the way. Everything but a translation almost at the story's end. The name of this will be, "To Return to Game Hit Continue".
I so wish I had the replacement tablet right now. Two aspects of the story really need concept art in resign. Also I love the fact something I wrote into the story works with real life geography on layout. I honestly didn't know it worked for real fact until zooming out from the area on Google maps! ?
no, we liked the short. It's awesome in fact. I'm glad the results of the blood work came back and there wasn't anything bad. I'm praying for you to have an answer soon and put an end or at least help the pain with therapy or medicine. Hats off to you. *hugs*


Visitor From Another AU
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Thank you, I really felt like I messed up with it. It felt like the start got support but not towards the end.

The pain has been so bad the last couple days. Earlier today I called the practice connected to my primary to ask for a faster appointment date with her GI team. I was told a sooner appointment can't be provided.

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
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I enjoyed the short and I know @Julie Justice did too. You should have more confidence in yourself. Your content is always welcome here. And I'm sorry you can't get proper treatment when you need it, I hope you can hold on till your next appointment with your doctor.


Visitor From Another AU
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Next up is returning to plot line c. Tenchi, I want to use what you mentioned to me as a basis a while back. I even remember copying into a catch-all text file, your suggestion so I could later research it's basis for writing. ... It somehow has disappeared and I don't know how that happened. I always save after typing into that catch-all file.

The TTTT is still going to do as I mentioned and something is even being thrown into the event I promised awhile back. ... Not sure I brought that up in public or private to a friend. ... The advance planning on this story as a whole started back in '17. This note is meant for eagle eye IG fans that know the trivia.

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Hello @systemcat.

I'm up late, catching up on things here as you can see, by thread I posted in Idle Things, my status, my post in the Plot Twist Game, and my reply to you on here; of course I meant to do all that much sooner, but unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. ?‍♀ ?

I like your story very much; it is very exciting and well-paced; you're doing some really great work, and you've accomplished a lot, despite your continued health problems--or maybe--because of them? Maybe enjoying using your laptop ?to work on your artwork is a good distraction, while you are waiting to get an actual diagnosis of your problem.

I hope your doctors ?‍⚕figure out ? your problem soon, and find a solution, ?so that you can start to feel better. Until then, please know that I'm still sending you good thoughts and prayers. ?❤?

Take care, and ttys.


Visitor From Another AU
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Thank you, health problems don't always cause problems with getting work done.

I'm on SSD and so don't work. I treat doing webcomic work like it's a paid job. For me trying to entertain the geek side of the internet has been a goal since way back in doing that Buck Rogers series even through that wasn't comic based.
The only times I remember really struggling to get this work done has been during dealing with heat waves with no AC. Also periods of being homeless when my attention has deeper pressing matters which need tending to.
Not sure I've mentioned this here. A little of 'The Rogue and The Jackal,' was written from a hospital bed after a surgery. The scene with the puppet police dog attack.

That short using Ivy & Carmen was brought on by things delaying getting this work normally done. The death of the laptop & the failing of the Wacom's driver and needing a replacement tablet. I really hold myself to deadlines because false job outlook on this work. Paid comic book creative teams have real deadlines, and ages back I mildly had that working for a newspaper doing single panel comics.

I just wrapped up working on the upcoming section's writing. It was a lot of fun to write formally on both fronts ( you'll understand that weird comment when reading ). Next is an important call I need to make followed by more work. ?


Visitor From Another AU
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Sorry, this took so long to make. I consider crowd scenes to be a pain to draw but doing it can't be helped considering this group of characters. Something I didn't address with the DA posting was a choice here in dialogue. I wanted to convey to a point these guys weren't familiar with Japanese culture in some respect. I figured the over popularization of ninjas in media would be a way to put that. I guess that choice was really fueled in my writing do to with one of my other hobbies which is sword & dagger collecting. If you want a blade of eastern cultural origin that's all the internet assumes you want is ninja related weapons. Frankly it's the uncommon looking swords and daggers by type which catch my attention. But the internet thinks everyone wants to be a ninja. ?

... You also in this section get it relayed for the first time in a while how dense Terry can be.

I'm going to have to go through more medical tests soon. ?

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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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