Plot Line B?


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This page or even the thought of having the birds chatting, was a debate until recently. I decided to write it in finally for three reasons. 1: to show they have some kind of life outside Finch commanding them. 2: I needed a small filler for content between needed moments. 3: them talking might happen again far down the line in this plot line.

They are not speaking in understandable speech. To show it's different, that's why you see < > happening. I've done with non-English in the past with another story.

The condor's last and only appearance up until now, was on page 57 of Iron and Steel. Blackie has been shown before too in Iron and Steel, plus Devil's Blood. Very soon an event from Devil's Blood is going to be referenced, that bird well at least his "after presence" helped cause happen.

I would have posted this, this morning but as I was doing that on DA ... I was in a ton of pain. I'm still in pain now but less. Whatever is wrong has gotten worse. Now a second in hospital test is likely going to happen. I'm expecting the scheduler to call me later today to setup when the CT scan happens.

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Thank you for the concern but why did people breeze past my comment about health when I said I was concerned weeks back?

The only explanation that I can come up with, is that somehow, while reading and scrolling, either very early in the morning, or very late at night, I must have quite literally not seen it. Please forgive me for the oversight. ? ☹❣ I am sincerely hoping and praying that whatever your medical problems are, you will find a solution soon.

As I have said before, I do play my "real" age on here (and as I also think I have said, I'm thinking of changing it, and making myself a little bit younger, for the sake of a story I am working on. Lol.) so growing up I was a real fan of the original "Inspector Gadget" cartoon (I haven't seen the movie version with Matthew Broderick, and I'm kind of afraid to, because as we all know, live-action versions of cartoons are not always good.) I also liked watching "Get Smart" growing up, too; and reading your comic also reminds me of that show too.

And, as I'm sure you remember, I loved "A Snake Pit of 30-60 Springfield" so I really do like things that are crossovers or even sort of like prequels, as long as they are well done, which your stuff always is.

I know I am not the only person on this site--and especially on this thread--who has complimented you on your work. We all like to think that we each are talented in our way; and we are; and we all like to think that we all contribute something here; which we do; but very few of us can come close to what you're doing; so please don't get discouraged; and please don't stop posting on here.

I intend to do a little writing of my own on here, today, so I will be back here in a bit. Take care and ttys. ?


Visitor From Another AU
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I forgive you. * hugs*
I have the impression when I spoke up no one paid it mind because they were engaging in another conversation. I've been able to slip into active chats before and even after it happened. Just that time it was passed over when I commented.

I think I figured out today why he wants a second hospital test done on me, the endoscopy. Back in '12 I had a gastric bypass done. I think he thinks one or more of the staples in my gut have come undone and my stomach is doing something it shouldn't.

You aren't missing anything not watching the live action films. Most IG fans condemn how bad especially the 1st was. Even with the confirmed reboot film known, other fans and myself feel skeptical it will be good. There have been numerous series over time that while you say original I guess that's being held between the 80's series and Netflix one?
I'm familiar with Get Smart and I even sled it reference-wise a little into The Rogue and The Jackal.
I really am thrilled you enjoyed it and got nearly everything I did with it. It's other review that I read in note through DA. That was a the sort of review I enjoy as well, even with criticism I fully understand. ... But get this. This is a review I got earlier today for a story I wrote back in '14 which holds no connection to the AU this series is set in.

"Did anyone else catch William Katt's cameo in the Supergirl, etc Crisis on Earth-X crossover? If I got the title wrong just leave a short comment. "
My inward reaction to that "review" ?
Now you guys know why I appreciate real and honest reviews. I think this person only commented because of actor / associated fandom.
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Hello systemcat.

When I first came here, there was really only one chat room, Neutral Grounds (at the time, it was called the ShoutBox, too) and back then, it was basically cannon CS characters and few others, who had been here much longer than I had at that point, dropping in randomly, during the day, or sometimes talking in the late night early morning hours; and also when someone posted a new story or Journal entry.

On Oct. 2014, Chase posted the announcement of Zack's Halloween Improv in the Theater and this is where people that wanted to signed up for the role play. Discussion, Halloween Improv, on Oct. 12, 2014, is the official list of players and their roles was announced (it was basically like a game of "Clue." Set in San Francisco in the 1930's; a wealthy socialite's necklace is stolen; and the fun comes in figuring out whodunnit. Lol. )

Then, on Jan. 15, 2015, Zack had another idea for a Marvel-based rp (so, not everything we do here is solely based on CS) as you can see looking at the thread Marvel Character Claim (unlike the "Halloween" rp, for this one, you had to have a sub-account. I was Ororo Munroe aka "Storm." ) Then, the thread "Marvel Improv-Let's Get Sick (Jan. 15, 2015) will show you a little bit of what that was like (if I remember correctly, Marvel heroes are called to an undisclosed location, where they are all affected by what I think was an engineered virus, that affected everyone differently. Things were just starting to get good, when Zack got sick IRL life, so we stopped. (You will find the threads for both of these role-plays in The Sandbox; although I can't find the actual role-plays anymore).

Then, for a long time there was no real activity on here; except for Invader, Jade, Lucy and I having little impromptu rps in Neutral Grounds (Shoutbox) for various reasons (and if you look back far enough, you should be able to find most of those in Chat Logs).

That was the way that it was here for a long time until like 2 yrs ago; when Chase did a major update and a lot of new people joined the site; then suddenly things became very "chatty" indeed; and new rooms were added; and the site became the way it is now.

I don't like to speak for other people; partly because I don't like it when people try to speak for me; and partly because there are only a few people on here that I know that well. But, let me reassure you once again, that if you do not get the kind of responses you expect from your posts, it is not because people don't like them or are deliberately ignoring them. Speaking only for myself, sometimes the only time of day that I have to sit, and really read and analyse something, is either very early in the morning, or very late at night.

Yeah, like I said, I agree that most live-action versions of movies based on comics/cartoons are not good. Some are outright crap. I will look at the ads for a lot of them and say to myself,"Hell, anyone on here on this site (TECS) could write something better than this." Lol. When, I talk about the IG cartoon I watched growing up it was the "Inspector Gadget" cartoons in the 1970s. Lol. I have to confess, if there were comics (which I assume there are) I haven't read them yet. Although, in general, I find that the older the cartoon, the more likely the story is to based on the original source material, even if the animation is not that good.

I understand why your a little bit frustrated by a "review" like that; because obviously you're a real fan of whatever you're writing about; and even if it is a "crossover" you are trying hard to do a good job. Just keep in my mind that a person like that is not a hardcore fan; and even if they think they are, they are usually basing their fandom on those crappy movies or whatever; so they think their comment is really astute. Lol.

If I was there with you IRL, I might be afraid to hug you, for fear of making your medical problems worse; but since that is not a concern here, I will send you *hugs.* ?


Visitor From Another AU
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Again I have to say I think this place's chat area ( thread ) is better than what I have with IGU. To those of you who can RP, you guys have a talent I don't. ?

Ah, what that quote un quote review was in reference to, you can find this on It was a re-envisioned modern pilot for The Greatest American Hero. I've never written a follow up story to it even if for a time I had an itch to. Back in '14 I wanted to return to writing a fan fiction series again, because years before I did a Buck Rogers based virtual series that ran for a while. ( Now you have a short hand idea why I'm now doing a long running story series. ) . This is a fact only one person ever has figured out with my work. Sadly she left coming to IGU. That as a weird little idea continuation of failing to write another TGAH story. The idea of a everyday person playing superhero when it's not a mainstream thought to society. I touch on that idea with how I write Alan Engenis.

Hugs I don't think would bother me ?. Unfortunately this condition has me at a loss to know what is safe to eat however. Everything causes the pain to get worse. ( I miss curry. :mad: )


Visitor From Another AU
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You are right, something acid related is going on. But no over the counter treatment is helping. Even one prescribed med. failed to help.

8 am Thursday is the CT scan, hopefully what is wrong will be revealed in that. In the mean time I'm going to try and eat how I did prepping for the bypass years ago. I figure maybe safe food? Bought a pack of sugar free jello not long ago. If I react badly to that .. then this really will be sadder.

I just got another "review" on this time for the oldest piece I have posted there. ... Is someone here checking out my older stuff not related to my current project?
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Again I have to say I think this place's chat area ( thread ) is better than what I have with IGU. To those of you who can RP, you guys have a talent I don't. ?

Ah, what that quote un quote review was in reference to, you can find this on It was a re-envisioned modern pilot for The Greatest American Hero. I've never written a follow up story to it even if for a time I had an itch to. Back in '14 I wanted to return to writing a fan fiction series again, because years before I did a Buck Rogers based virtual series that ran for a while. ( Now you have a short hand idea why I'm now doing a long running story series. ) . This is a fact only one person ever has figured out with my work. Sadly she left coming to IGU. That as a weird little idea continuation of failing to write another TGAH story. The idea of a everyday person playing superhero when it's not a mainstream thought to society. I touch on that idea with how I write Alan Engenis.

Hugs I don't think would bother me ?. Unfortunately this condition has me at a loss to know what is safe to eat however. Everything causes the pain to get worse. ( I miss curry. :mad: )
Well, I may be good at role-playing NOW but it wasn't always like that. My role-playing experiences were very limited when I first got here. It has taken me years to learn to role-play without god-modding others but the other players here were very understanding about that. Not that I was afraid to play at all cuz I really wasn't. When I saw the subjects of the role-plays I just couldn't pass it up, you know? !!

I loved both the Buck Rogers comics and the movie growing up, that is one of the few times where the movie adaptation was actually good!! Lol. I think that my grandpa (mom's dad) actually found an old original art pic of Buck, in his uniform, but with his helmet off, that pre-dated the first comic a little, which was worth a lot of money in 1990's, when he discovered he had it. I don't know what happened to it, though. I loved "The Greatest American Hero" too. We usta sing "Believe It Or Not" in choir back then, too. If you ever decide to go back to trying to write it, I'd love to read it.

I did look at some of your stuff on DA, after you mentioned that you thought someone from here might have been looking at it; but I couldn't comment without being a member of the site. ?


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Hum, ok came in here to simply post up page 55 but now I have an urge to share my older work.

@JulieJustice my Buck Rogers work is my absolute earliest fan fiction ( Spring '06 into Fall '09 ). I didn't know how to write prose back when I was making it and it was written in a "script"-like format. I even needed proof checking help in the days of working on it. An online friend named Mariet, that later provided the Dutch translations for the current AU being worked on. The 80th anniversary page is loaded with a bunch of the original comics, donated to me for the site ( I am sorry for the content that has disappeared I have no control over ). The virtual series is known to one of the copyright holders and has been given a thumbs up by them. Late into working on it, I got an email from Universal. This nearly got translated into a new TV series back in the late 00's. It is largely based from the last TV show.
I was so beaming with joy about that this could have gone to TV. That at the time I didn't doubt it could, speaking with the studio employee. This is one of the earliest pieces I ever put up on DA, related to being psyched about the possibility.

( Warning: I consider the stories 1x13 and 2x17 failures ☢?. )

Both you guys, this is the TGAH story done months before I started on the current project. This was written to mirror the canon pilot story to a point.

What Zack is commenting on goes back to a short named Team Time Troubles. It .. ah, I shouldn't give spoiler here but you guys can easily connect the dots between his comment and plot line C.


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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    Me too!
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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