Hello systemcat.
When I first came here, there was really only one chat room, Neutral Grounds (at the time, it was called the ShoutBox, too) and back then, it was basically cannon CS characters and few others, who had been here much longer than I had at that point, dropping in randomly, during the day, or sometimes talking in the late night early morning hours; and also when someone posted a new story or Journal entry.
On Oct. 2014, Chase posted the announcement of Zack's Halloween Improv in the Theater and this is where people that wanted to signed up for the role play. Discussion, Halloween Improv, on Oct. 12, 2014, is the official list of players and their roles was announced (it was basically like a game of "Clue." Set in San Francisco in the 1930's; a wealthy socialite's necklace is stolen; and the fun comes in figuring out whodunnit. Lol. )
Then, on Jan. 15, 2015, Zack had another idea for a Marvel-based rp (so, not everything we do here is solely based on CS) as you can see looking at the thread Marvel Character Claim (unlike the "Halloween" rp, for this one, you had to have a sub-account. I was Ororo Munroe aka "Storm." ) Then, the thread "Marvel Improv-Let's Get Sick (Jan. 15, 2015) will show you a little bit of what that was like (if I remember correctly, Marvel heroes are called to an undisclosed location, where they are all affected by what I think was an engineered virus, that affected everyone differently. Things were just starting to get good, when Zack got sick IRL life, so we stopped. (You will find the threads for both of these role-plays in The Sandbox; although I can't find the actual role-plays anymore).
Then, for a long time there was no real activity on here; except for Invader, Jade, Lucy and I having little impromptu rps in Neutral Grounds (Shoutbox) for various reasons (and if you look back far enough, you should be able to find most of those in Chat Logs).
That was the way that it was here for a long time until like 2 yrs ago; when Chase did a major update and a lot of new people joined the site; then suddenly things became very "chatty" indeed; and new rooms were added; and the site became the way it is now.
I don't like to speak for other people; partly because I don't like it when people try to speak for me; and partly because there are only a few people on here that I know that well. But, let me reassure you once again, that if you do not get the kind of responses you expect from your posts, it is not because people don't like them or are deliberately ignoring them. Speaking only for myself, sometimes the only time of day that I have to sit, and really read and analyse something, is either very early in the morning, or very late at night.
Yeah, like I said, I agree that most live-action versions of movies based on comics/cartoons are not good. Some are outright crap. I will look at the ads for a lot of them and say to myself,"Hell, anyone on here on this site (TECS) could write something better than this." Lol. When, I talk about the IG cartoon I watched growing up it was the "Inspector Gadget" cartoons in the 1970s. Lol. I have to confess, if there were comics (which I assume there are) I haven't read them yet. Although, in general, I find that the older the cartoon, the more likely the story is to based on the original source material, even if the animation is not that good.
I understand why your a little bit frustrated by a "review" like that; because obviously you're a real fan of whatever you're writing about; and even if it is a "crossover" you are trying hard to do a good job. Just keep in my mind that a person like that is not a hardcore fan; and even if they think they are, they are usually basing their fandom on those crappy movies or whatever; so they think their comment is really astute. Lol.
If I was there with you IRL, I might be afraid to hug you, for fear of making your medical problems worse; but since that is not a concern here, I will send you *hugs.* ?