Plot Line B?


Visitor From Another AU
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I'm not being told answers but a doctor and lead nurse at a GI clinic in a hospital seem to have ideas what is happening. They aren't sharing those thoughts with me at least not yet.


Visitor From Another AU
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No new updates health-wise, still waiting for more testing to happen. :(

I feel the need to relay here most of the comments I used for the DA posting of this page. All I'm leaving out is talking about the translation device used.

Something is addressed here which I've hinted at and know I've said to one person offline. Diversity being present in this AU.
If you look at the Classic Inspector Gadget series, you'll notice more than any other ever when it half of the time didn't make sense. Most prominent characters were Caucasian. Now it should make sense to you some change ups I've done on character design for the Iron and Steel-verse. Once however I feel I let down one reader on this front. Their own webcomic features a diverse cast.
If you pay attention to what takes place in Smoke, Steam and Mirrors. You don't see a varied bit of appearance until Jocelyn is in the United States, where I made a point of really trying to relay out the idea of the melting pot. But if you looked back before that point you only notice it happening on the ship and with VILE. Why I point out VILE to this is for an international band of criminals, they should be diverse.

None of the recruited gang members when brought up in Devil's Blood. I had no thoughts of description really in mind to their normal appearances. Only what their genders were which come out in their names. It's bits like that which help force me into making those reference sheets you can tell have been used for their looks.

As for what Opal is pointing to. If you translated what I wrote, it doesn't lend a real clue in full what the place is. I will say I consider some panels coming up fun to tackle in their off-center content. I wanted to draw teamlab Borderless but couldn't create an excuse to do it.


Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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I think contextual inclusion of any group is a positive thing in relation to the story. All characters are being portrayed in interesting ways and your art is great as always. You didn't say anything wrong as far as I'm concerned and we here enjoy reading stories from around the world. I Just can't find anyone to play Mancala with, but that's my problem not yours. and you can still make a birthday cake and watch movies you like; as you celebrate your birthday as well as plan a party for next year.


Visitor From Another AU
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I had to Google Mancala since this is the first I've ever heard of it.

Also thank goodness. I was really fearful my intent was taken incorrectly.

I suck at baking but even if I was good at it ... I really don't know what I can eat minus pain. Example, last night I put a mix of veggies and and quote un quote pork ribs in the crock-pot to cook. Part of that was corn on the cob taking up most of it. But just the corn alone has given me heart attack level pain today. I've barely touched the meat and other veg.s .
I've even gotten in pain from ice water.
( I say quote un quote for lack of bone. )
... The first whole part of June 12th I'm going to be in the hospital on Galveston Island. ... I'd think to maybe go to the beach after doctors are done poking at me, but the fear of flocks of people at the beach maybe carrying Covid. ?

I have to hook up my Blu-Ray player again at some point. The desktop computer won't play that disk type.

... It's the fear I misstepped that's another reason I've been slow to produce page 64.

Now because of procrastinating done there, I feel another short is due to be made to help with the buffer. Page 65 will be made and then the short will take place before returning to Loaded Stone. But unlike that last short. This one can't be posted here, so to anyone interested in reading it, you'll have to ask me for a link. Why it can't be posted here is it has no connection to the forum at all.

It's going to be a direct follow up to the short done inside Iron and Steel. The one that focused on Penny & Brain. Clear now why I can't post it here, huh? The mini-story is being done for more than one reason of importance to the AU and a social matter dealing with an ugly aspect to the IG fan community.

Page 64 will be posted today. With that page I thank my lucky stars Chase is cool with the IGU forum. I need to link to it on one post to explain one panel. It's easter egg information used in the Classic series that frankly no one would notice unless pointed out. It surfaces again now, non-canon and by retro clothes appearance would be confusing to those not knowing what's up.
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Hello, stystemcat.

Once again, I've allowed myself to fall behind in my reading on here, for no particularly good reason.

Yeah, depending on what your idea is, it can be a bit challenging when you're doing research for information on other cultures; sometimes it seems easy; other times, it's not; and you have to change your idea somewhat; because you want tell a really great story, while respecting what you like about the culture.

Although, there are times when it would be fun and cool to be a ninja. ?

Continued good thoughts and prayers with the medical stuff. ??❤


Visitor From Another AU
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I think I spent about two months maybe researching Japan, knowing that plotline c would be located in it. A little of that research shines through on this particular section of story. But there's only so far you can go presenting what you know without it sounding like it's coming from a teacher. A lot is being left out. The short with Ivy and Carmen happening there, was not a story I planned to do at first but figured it had to happen. I only write shorts that make sense to the overall AU. Even on the front of that six page piece. Using Google Maps I did trace out from the tower to the water to see if that worked for real. The one street scene is an altered take on a Street-View image captured.

Beyond reading Wiki pages. A lot of the research came from YouTube videos either deemed educational, or meant for tourists to teach them. I mainly thank a very lengthy history piece covering centuries and a guy who gives curious knowledge seekers, overviews in his documenting series.

This is what happens when one is raised on special education in school and taught very little over other countries ? . It's had me homeschooling myself for the fun of it. ?


Visitor From Another AU
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I am in horrible pain right now so I'm going to keep this brief.

That insert which takes explaining. In the Classic Inspector Gadget series, in spread through out the episode The Japanese Connection, are cartooned takes on the TMS Studio staff animators. They've been thrown in here to panel two. ( Explained here )
That episode is actually what helped inspire part of the large idea behind this plotline. The fact Doctor Claw has a counterpart in this neck of the woods. I've yet to encounter another fan fic that uses Waruda even though I'm almost positive it's been done. ( Bit of a explanation I'll provide in PM if asked. )

Part of the background in panel two came inspired from a photo recently recovered from that corrupted hard drive. The odd ceiling in concept is from a casino in Oklahoma.

As far as the visual trip. ... I do hope it's realized I mean that as AR viewed.


Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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I hope the pain lessens for you, and you aren't pushing yourself too much lately. It's sad the hospital hasn't been able to do anything yet. And strangely I knew it was AR when I saw it.


Visitor From Another AU
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This was said in chat and a PM. I now have a partial diagnosis, it's acid reflux disease. What burns me about the diagnosis is that is one of the things the first doctor was looking for and claimed I didn't have. But a different more recent GI doctor saw the same test results and said I have what the first didn't see.

I have a choice of taking four pills a day for the rest of my life. A hard thing to do for me considering a history of having memory problems over pill taking, even with reminders & labeled pill boxes. Or getting corrective surgery. The second is being looked into and I'll know after June 26th.

In the reply note from the PM mentioned above. It was suggested I post the latest short to this forum. ...While I like the suggestion, I'm going to hold back on it. At least until Chase or another with mod. status, says it's ok. Remember I wouldn't post from plotlines A&C until it was encouraged.

What was hardest to do with this page isn't sadly clear to readers. I have no idea between two days on the one aspect, how many hours alone it was.

... June 12th last year I just worked & worked away at Smoke, Steam and Mirrors, page 30. That was because the day ... was filled with nothing else. The 12th this year is shaping up to be a test another doctor wants to run on me in a hospital. I'd rather be doing my work since there's nothing else to look forward to. ?
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Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
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Working through your pain is commendable and I'm happy they finally diagnosed whats wrong with you. I figured it was them not knowing but missing something so obvious happens unfortunately. Now you can figure out how to deal with the problem and start to get better, though to be honest the options are not the best things someone would want to hear. But whatever you choose I hope it is successful and this problem does not return at a later time.


Visitor From Another AU
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Two of you know I didn't totally vanish for a while. That story, that was strictly IG to the AU. I only shared it here in PM to those with an interest in reading it.

Still having the health problem, still unsure completely what it is. But I had a whooper of a test the other day in regards to it. Get this, I had a temporarily implant in my gut monitoring my PH levels for two days. I haven't heard the results of that test yet.

A while back I did speak up in the chat box about what I was working on while away. ... None of you noticed that post. :(

For I'd say roughly just over two weeks I've been nightly working on Vocal Canvases. That story unless you're a fast reader, likely will take a few sittings to get thought. Just the scene involving the USAT Edgewood took a few nights to write formally outside it's outline.


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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    Me too!
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    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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    give a good handshake
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    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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