No new updates health-wise, still waiting for more testing to happen.
I feel the need to relay here most of the comments I used for the DA posting of this page. All I'm leaving out is talking about the translation device used.
Something is addressed here which I've hinted at and know I've said to one person offline. Diversity being present in this AU.
If you look at the Classic Inspector Gadget series, you'll notice more than any other ever when it half of the time didn't make sense. Most prominent characters were Caucasian. Now it should make sense to you some change ups I've done on character design for the Iron and Steel-verse. Once however I feel I let down one reader on this front. Their own webcomic features a diverse cast.
If you pay attention to what takes place in Smoke, Steam and Mirrors. You don't see a varied bit of appearance until Jocelyn is in the United States, where I made a point of really trying to relay out the idea of the melting pot. But if you looked back before that point you only notice it happening on the ship and with VILE. Why I point out VILE to this is for an international band of criminals, they should be diverse.
None of the recruited gang members when brought up in Devil's Blood. I had no thoughts of description really in mind to their normal appearances. Only what their genders were which come out in their names. It's bits like that which help force me into making those reference sheets you can tell have been used for their looks.
As for what Opal is pointing to. If you translated what I wrote, it doesn't lend a real clue in full what the place is. I will say I consider some panels coming up fun to tackle in their off-center content. I wanted to draw teamlab Borderless but couldn't create an excuse to do it.