I'm sorry that I forgot to post page 74 when I finished it. Lately I've been extremely tired without explanation and have been forgetting to do little things. ... That actually lead to a three night sleep study because a sleep neurologist knows something is wrong.
Still working on Vocal Canvases in the background. ... I hope the drawn out way it's being written doesn't feel discouraging to people to read it when I publish it? The story just happens to be more complex than the last and it's handling more characters.
When if you read the story and wonder where I was in writing it right now. Last night I got through Sadie having her knife returned to her and her feeling the need to vandalize the whole parking lot in front of the hotel.
For Loaded Stone I didn't clear this up on DA but in this forum I feel I must. No one has said if they've read the earlier stories in the series, so this mystery on the page likely is a whooper to you guys in where it comes from. There is double meaning in what is being said else where on page 75. Also who the heck is making the "Captain Ice Wing" comment.
Doctor Spectrum whose real name is Sanjay Francks, is the only MAD agent to ever switch sides. This plot idea started back in Iron and Steel. That story near it's beginning is also where the nickname Captain Ice Wing comes from. Alan used to be a dorm roommate to Sanjay in college. In the first story, The Nature of Change & Destruction. Alan suggests to John he's called Captain Capeman before switching tracks and says Corporal Capeman instead.
Sanjay leaning into becoming a good guy was really driven home in a short story following Iron and Steel, named Hue Shift. His last appearance until now was at the end of Devil's Blood when it's learned he's a new employee for HAPPY. Even if HAPPY isn't really aware of that fact.
The Maid Bot isn't going to go after people, I just want that out there in advance. But this isn't the first time one of them has been noted with homicidal intent. The short story focusing on Brain named, Creature Comforts shows it too with another bot of the same type.