(When I started writing this message it was about 11:30 pm, on Mon, Sept 21--I stopped to get ready for bed--and I thought this comment was important enough to finish before going to bed--so much for trying to go to bed early, tonight--famous last words--lol!!)
It seems like I was just starting to catch up with my reading and posting on here, when things IRL took priority, and I started to fall behind again. First, a few weeks ago my mom had to have a kidney stone removed. Thankfully, everything went as well as could be expected; which was good, because there were additional concerns due to mom's a-fib, and of course this covid virus complicates the simplest of medical procedures; even in areas like ours where the virus is low or moderate.
Then, a few nights ago, our beloved little 16, yr old Russian blue (grey) girl cat, who I have referred to on here as Ella (not her real name, as I have alternate names for family and pets in stories that I've only begun to write, and an have not posted her yet) began to show symptoms of a recurring sinus prob she has and also indications of a problem in her mouth, which caused our normally happy baby--who always purrs--to walk around meowing unhappily. After a few days of this, last night we took her to a pet ER near us--which also had covid procedures--we had call ahead, and vet tech came out, took Ella inside (luckily the cat has a sweet and very "baby-ish" mentality; and likes to be picked up, carried around, and put on your lap) and examined--to learn that she has ulcers in her mouth. She was given fluids, as she was slightly dehydrated, and antibiotics, and something for pain-- but was not given steroids as the vet tech suspected a kidney problem--which is usually fatal in most pets that age. When mom got home she did a little on-line research, and found out that ulcers in the mouth in cats are often caused by sinus infections.
So my mom decided to follow up with the regular vet. She considered taking her in today but Ella seemed so much better that she decided to take her tomorrow. Now in the past 2 yrs, this chat has begun having gran mal seizures--but not frequently--and with animals unless they have it in front of the vet--or you film it, it's almost impossible to diagnose--and anyone that has pets knows how hard it can be to give them meds, anyway. But interestingly, most of the cat's seizures have happened when she was having this sinus problem. So, the cat, who had been sleeping peacefully in my lap, had a seizure, and almost fell out of my lap. She seems OK now, and in fact, was hungry after and was sleeping in her little bed in the basement. But, I guess it's just as well mom is taking the cat to vet early tomorrow morning.
To make matters worse, some of mom's symptoms of her kidney stones seems to have returned, which is not good, since they were removed a few weeks ago. I will try to be up in the late morning hours and continue catching up on my reading here.
I usually don't like to speak for other people on her (because I don't like it IRL when people try to do that for me) but I'm sure anyone reading this will agree that both you--and your stories are very well-liked here--and noone wants you to stop writing--or delete any of the threads you have posted here; so please don't do that. ? ?