Plot Line B?


Visitor From Another AU
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This shouldn't have dragged out being made. Blame matters offline why that happened.

I finally have diagnosis-es for what's wrong ... not good. What's worse is I can't afford to buy the prescribed medicine.

Lucy got a heads up about this in PM and now a follow up I'm going to share. I applied to be a consignment artist with a local chain of stores named Game Over. Well after at just over a week of silence the CEO got back to me saying he'd accept me in! Video game stores, the only place outside a convention you can really sell fan art paying tribute to popular and obscure game titles.

It's revealed on the next page what happened. Given the explosion, no one think this was natural.

I'm now edging close to finishing writing Vocal Canvases. The confrontation scene in the hotel is almost done being written.



Visitor From Another AU
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Thank you. ?
Well, I was more expecting them to say no. I applied for the same position with another store in the chain years ago and got rejected. What's rich about that to now, is one of the sample pieces sent back in 2012 that was turned away. This time was liked.


Visitor From Another AU
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No one appears to care I have an idea for another story. ... I announced yesterday in the chatbox, finishing writing Vocal Canvases. But after that in CS focused stories from me .. I'm going to see if I can take down the thread of shame.

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Hello @systemcat.

(When I started writing this message it was about 11:30 pm, on Mon, Sept 21--I stopped to get ready for bed--and I thought this comment was important enough to finish before going to bed--so much for trying to go to bed early, tonight--famous last words--lol!!)

It seems like I was just starting to catch up with my reading and posting on here, when things IRL took priority, and I started to fall behind again. First, a few weeks ago my mom had to have a kidney stone removed. Thankfully, everything went as well as could be expected; which was good, because there were additional concerns due to mom's a-fib, and of course this covid virus complicates the simplest of medical procedures; even in areas like ours where the virus is low or moderate.

Then, a few nights ago, our beloved little 16, yr old Russian blue (grey) girl cat, who I have referred to on here as Ella (not her real name, as I have alternate names for family and pets in stories that I've only begun to write, and an have not posted her yet) began to show symptoms of a recurring sinus prob she has and also indications of a problem in her mouth, which caused our normally happy baby--who always purrs--to walk around meowing unhappily. After a few days of this, last night we took her to a pet ER near us--which also had covid procedures--we had call ahead, and vet tech came out, took Ella inside (luckily the cat has a sweet and very "baby-ish" mentality; and likes to be picked up, carried around, and put on your lap) and examined--to learn that she has ulcers in her mouth. She was given fluids, as she was slightly dehydrated, and antibiotics, and something for pain-- but was not given steroids as the vet tech suspected a kidney problem--which is usually fatal in most pets that age. When mom got home she did a little on-line research, and found out that ulcers in the mouth in cats are often caused by sinus infections.

So my mom decided to follow up with the regular vet. She considered taking her in today but Ella seemed so much better that she decided to take her tomorrow. Now in the past 2 yrs, this chat has begun having gran mal seizures--but not frequently--and with animals unless they have it in front of the vet--or you film it, it's almost impossible to diagnose--and anyone that has pets knows how hard it can be to give them meds, anyway. But interestingly, most of the cat's seizures have happened when she was having this sinus problem. So, the cat, who had been sleeping peacefully in my lap, had a seizure, and almost fell out of my lap. She seems OK now, and in fact, was hungry after and was sleeping in her little bed in the basement. But, I guess it's just as well mom is taking the cat to vet early tomorrow morning.

To make matters worse, some of mom's symptoms of her kidney stones seems to have returned, which is not good, since they were removed a few weeks ago. I will try to be up in the late morning hours and continue catching up on my reading here.

I usually don't like to speak for other people on her (because I don't like it IRL when people try to do that for me) but I'm sure anyone reading this will agree that both you--and your stories are very well-liked here--and noone wants you to stop writing--or delete any of the threads you have posted here; so please don't do that. ? ?❤

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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I hope things turn out fine for your mom and Ella and things are not too stressful for you in the meantime Julie.


Visitor From Another AU
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You and I, we've both had scares with our meowing fur-babies. ?

Theta decided a few weeks ago to chew off a few leaves of my lucky bamboo plant. I didn't know at first it was mildly toxic to kitties, so it's now out of his reach. He got ultra skinny because of the poison and he refused to eat almost anything given to him. But I got him to recover with every day for over a week feeding him a can of sardines ( the only thing he'd eat ).

I did delete the topic. No one said anything. No one had an opinion. How I see it is I failed in presenting an idea story basis and re-design of a WitWics? character.
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(Once again, I started writing this around 9:30 pm on Tues, Sept 22)

Hello again, everyone.

Ella's appointment with her regular vet was early this morning--and by the time I got up, mom and Ella were back home. I'm very happy to say that Ella is very much improved. According to this vet, who has seen her many times, the sores in her mouth are not ulcers--and probably due to the sinus problem she has--and in fact tests showed that her kidneys, liver, and pancreas are working well for a cat her age. The vet was a little concerned that her white blood cell count is a little elevated--but that could just be because she was sick for so long--and says that he wants to see her again, in about a month.

So, Ella seems to be back to be back to her sweet, happy constantly purring self. The only thing that concerns me a tiny bit is that if I've had her in my lap for awhile and I put her on on the bed or a chair she seems to fall down on her little butt at first. Perhaps a lingering effect of the mild pain med they gave her. Mom has been adding a little extra water to her food--and Ella seems to be hungry and eating well.

The only things mom didn't like was that the ER did not fax over the records from her visit like they were supposed to--and asked her if she had the records of the ER visit--someone at the vet's office told her that still hadn't received those records when my mom called to make the appointment, And then my mom asked for a prescription med for our big black 16 yr old boy cat Danny (also not his real name. Lol.) who in recent years has developed allergies to everything accept meat (beef) fish and dairy. And once again a young vet tech told her no, that she had to bring him in--but the vet told her it was OK, because he's seen Danny many times, too.

@systemcat--I can only imagine how upsetting it was to realize that your kitty Theta got sick after eating the leaves of your "lucky" bamboo plant. I'm so glad he is better. It makes you wonder if kitties really do have 9 lives, doesn't it? !! ? ❤

(Thursday Sept, 24) Mom had an appointment with the doctor who removed her kidney stone who told her that he was pleased with how she was doing--and that a slight flare-up when she is stressed is not too concerning, it takes a long time to completely recover from that type of surgery. He said she may have the beginning of another kidney stone--but with that kind of thing, you want it either to pass (leave the body) or stay where it is. So other than trying to catch up on her sleep (which is often a problem for her) mom is fine.

As for you story idea, I really am sorry that you took the tread down @systemcat. Was there one particular aspect you think didn't work well, since it was a re-design of a WitWiCS? character? Perhaps if you posted it, again, we could help give you some helpful suggestions.

Sweet Dreams, love, and prayers, my friends. Ttyl. ? ❤?


Visitor From Another AU
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I think you're going to get a kick out of this but I'm friends with Theta's former vet and her name is Julie. Julie refuses to handle Theta which I see as completely justified since he acts like he needs holy water in a vet's office. But she talks with me on the phone and gives advice.

I was looking for feedback thoughts on the proposed story. Now it's grown more complex and I'm still working out fine needed details. But knowing if there would be an interested audience, and know if they'd like something in the story so if I can I can find a way to wedge it in? That's further why it was made. As for the character re-design, I just wanted to know if people liked it. It got one comment on DA but I doubt when responding to the commenter, she was aware of the character origin.

I'll post it again if anyone will read the thread and give feedback thoughts.

I'm working on not only page 78 right now but also proof checking Vocal Canvases. The spelling and basic grammar part of that is done at this point. .. It's reading the story and refining the wording that takes time. Currently I'm still proofing chapter one for it.


Visitor From Another AU
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Why this took so long to make happened because of how complex that first panel is but also because of other reasons. Proof checking Vocal Canvases / outlining another prose based story. I'm also about to start editing together an audiobook.

I know in PM but it might have also been said in public. Iron and Steel had three short stories in it focused on Penny & Brain, John and then Alan. In Loaded Stone these short inside stories will be focused on some of the villains. First Greenfinger, then Finch, and lastly Masters.

... I guess even through that next prose based story in the works is set closer to modern times. That doesn't help interest at all? ?



Visitor From Another AU
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I want to do a little blogging here so you know why I've been missing here lately. Multitasking to the extreme. I can't commit to working on the comic as much as I'd like to.

The other day I decided for the moment to just forgo it for a little and focus on wrapping up working on the audiobook. That got finished a short while ago this evening. It just hasn't been posted to YouTube yet since I haven't heard from the voice actor yet how he wants to be credited exactly for his work. Since he knows it wasn't a paying job, holding to my promise of promoting him properly is taking place. Gadget Boy: The B-Side Tracks does not touch on the Carmen Sandiego aspects of the AU. I had only nodded once to the CS fandom in the series when the story was written. If anyone wants to listen to the finished audio story adaption, just ask and I'll give you a link when it's posted.

@Lucy, I've added in more details to the outline for Shattered since that PM you read the other day. Now there is more depth to what Carmen and Sarah Nade are doing exactly. Also how the trio figures out Sarah is tied to what is happening at the clubs.

Still proof checking Vocal Canvases and tonight I hope to also get in sometime working on page 79 of Loaded Stone.

... Is there an emote for fainting from exhaustion?
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Hello Systemcat.

Wow, it sounds like you've been busy--not just creating--but accomplishing--a lot. Congratulations on your work being accepted at Game Over!! Your work is great--and maybe it was just a matter of new management taking over the store--and looking over ? your ? with new eyes, so to speak.

I would love a link to the finished audio story, when it's done.

As usual--no matter how early I get up--I never really seem to get the creative things I want to, done. Like, right now, I'm working on a story that I will ultimately post here (which is all I will say for now--but hopefully everyone will like it. Lol). Originally, I started it as a document on my computer (an actual old-style PC) which is not unusual--I often write my stories first, and print them out, and then post them--and even though I suck at typing, it does go much faster, than having to look back and forth through pages of my notes while typing. But when I went to My Documents and clicked on the story to Open it, so that I could work on it, all I got was the "little blue, spinning circle of death" you know? !! And, this only happens on actual documents--words only--any type of pic or drawing that I have saved--in My Downloads--or other places in my computer works fine. Luckily, because I spend so much time on Facebook during the day I also have it is as a Note on there--but even then, I will have to finish it ASAP because now when you open up your Facebook notes, it says that you "will not be able to create or edit any notes after October 31 and after that, your Drafts will be gone and only published Notes will remain on your Timeline" which I don't like at all. Not that it matters--Facebook is always doing things that people don't like. ?

I am glad you found an actual diagnosis for your medical problem. Hopefully you can find a way to help you pay for your medication. (Maybe you can use a generic?) Please take care of yourself, and I will keep you in my prayers!! ? ❤ ?

And, I will try to be on here more often, too. ?

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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    I want pretzels! 🥨
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    Me too!
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    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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