(Speaking OOC) I really was considering checking it out for a bit, at least; but now it seems, I'm fighting getting the general crud my mom has; anyone who has been on here for awhile may remember, this (past) summer (in June) I had a very bad case of bronchitis, which was the most ill I had been in at least a few years. So, I decided to try to go to bed early last night (ironically, after watching most of the classic movie "Cleopatra" one of my mom's favorites (she loves Elizabeth Taylor) which made me think of the recent "Succession" trivia question about the Caesers. I love it when elements of my life here, pop up IRL, too. Lol. ) Anyway, I'm happy to say that mom has improved since yesterday; which is good, because we have to look out for each other.
But, if this is going to be a regular thing, no doubt, I'll catch up with you on another Saturday.