Archived La Vie de Luxe


Chief of ACME
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Dr. Everard Weller
ACME Headquarters, San Francisco, CA

Back at Headquarters, Chief Weller's family arrived midmorning just as he received a request to allocate resources for a Luxembourg trip. This was allowed, given that Eugene Grovington was going to fly the plane and Chase Devineaux backed the request.

"Kuppa!" A little girl in bright blue called to her grandfather. Geraldine Weller, her grandmother, followed with watchful eyes. Mrs. Weller explained that their children were unpacking at home, leaving Hailey to visit for the day.

"Hailey," Chief put his granddaughter on his lap with a cheerful grunt, "my you've grown!"

He turned to his wife and began talking about plans for the week. Chief was free because, as of yesterday, the ACME database became completely digital. New documents would either be written directly on the computer and saved, or scanned in. Field photographers were already sending their pictures online. Things were much easier.

"What's that?" Hailey asked, pointing at the screen at a series of pictures.

"That's the informant reports," Chief said, "when they find something suspicious, they send a brief report. Sometimes, they have pictures.

"This is a picture of Vic the Slick," Chief continued to narrate for his granddaughter, "It says he's been spotted in Montreal, so I put this..." he dragged the picture into a folder, "into 'watch', because no crime has been committed yet. Most of the time, I don't have to do much, we have a department called 'Control' that takes care of these things."

"Can we go now?" Hailey, at 4 years old, was easily bored.

"Okay, let's go," Chief Weller turned off his computer, "Lunch for you first, then a little ice cream during tea time."


Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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Eugene Grovington was laying in the cavernous intake of the 777 and dozing off. He had completed his walk around moments ago and didn't want to waste what was left of this beautiful day sleeping inside, and the curved aluminum panel was a perfect place to relax.

Everything was ready for flight, sans passengers. Various items that were too large or unwieldy to send through the C5 were crammed aboard; small vehicles, portable labs, and other odds and ends were now neatly stacked and secured.

Thanks to the excess cargo, Euge couldn't load enough fuel for a direct flight. The obvious solution was to land at a midpoint and refuel, but everyone who had an interest in this flight also wished for it to get to Luxembourg as fast as possible, himself included. Therefore, Euge had arranged for a refueling aircraft to meet them halfway. It meant cashing in some favors and minor modifications to the aircraft, but it was a small price to pay.


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Boss (situational)
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ACME Airfield, Near San Francisco, California

Chase Devineaux arrived with his falcon securely perched in a stainless steel travel cage covered by dark leather. The bird, despite being born in captivity, had an aggressive tendency. Anything to lower her stress level was preferred.

"Looks like we're packed," Chase referred to the stacks of cargo in the plane and he systematically reviewed the belts and buckles that secured every item along with the birdcage. For the Marine Captain, conducting final checks were natural, in the same way that he preferred his boots clean at the start of every case.

Sporadically, other agents arrived. Some came as part of their required experience while others heard about Luxembourg and wanted to hitch a ride. As passengers buckled in and Devineaux's watch beeped to signify departure time, he took the position of co-pilot. Entering the cockpit, he found it spacious and similar to that of a Boeing 747 he once observed years ago.

"You don't mind?" He asked but already began strapping himself into the seat next to Eugene Grovington. The flight to Luxembourg would be long, and this was a good way to watch and learn from an experienced pilot. A heavy jet, like this one, left little room for amateurs. The Field Director studied the pedestal then the overhead panels. If memory serves, there was also an overhead crew rest area on standard 777s. This flight, unfortunately, would have no flight attendants to facilitate.

"I don't take you for a commercial pilot," he finally stated what was on his mind, "Where did you learn to fly a jetliner this size?"

((I'm leaving room for detectives to write that they were on this flight, if you'd like to join this as another wide opening.))


Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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As the passengers trickled aboard, Eugene climbed out of the intake and headed up to the cockpit. The few agents that were already aboard had yet to stow their bags, causing the main cabin to be a flurry of activity. He made his way through the chaos and into the cockpit. Sitting down, he pulled out an erasable marker and began to sketch his flight profile out on the side window. Technology such as electronic flight bags and digital charts were great, but the less he had to look down, the better. Thank St. Joseph of Cupertino for heads up displays!

Euge was focused on writing, and almost didn't notice when Chase entered the cockpit. Eugene continued writing as he watched Chase sit down on his abridged startup checklist and strap himself in. To be frank, Eugene enjoyed flying solo. An empty cockpit made it easier to enforce sterile cockpit procedures. "However," he thought to himself, "Chase is a fellow marine, so he at least knows what he is doing. And right now he is sitting on my checklist!" Eugene shook his head slightly to clear it and finished up his sketch just as Chase spoke.

Chase said:
"I don't take you for a commercial pilot," he finally stated what was on his mind, "Where did you learn to fly a jetliner this size?"

"I finished up my aerospace engineering degree shortly after I left the corps and got a job as a test pilot. Part of that involved working with the FAA to set type rating rules for new aircraft." Eugene began to power on the aircraft as he spoke. "Could you hand me the checklist that you're sitting on? Also, if you've got any gear, I recommend you toss it up in the crew area."

The engines were spooling up now, and the ground crews swooped in to remove wheel chocks and guide him onto the taxiway. Everybody was settled in for the flight, and in short order they were airborne.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you've bought a good book and a snack, because flight time to Findel Airport is a little over 8 hours." Eugene laughed a little at the groan from the back. It would be a quiet 8 hours for them; the cockpit was a hum of noise from Euge, ATC, and the refueling aircraft, call sign CAMEL HUMP, that was waiting for them somewhere between Canada and Greenland.


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[El Halcon Verde]

City of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

El Halcon wrinkled his nose. 'El Maestro de Absurdo?' If this wasn't a cover he'd take serious objection to that. He straightened himself up though and cleared his throat. "Si, as you may well know, it is against the honorable code of lucha to remove your mask. I hoped I would not cause such attention to be drawn to me and my assistant as we took some well deserved time off." El Halcon raised his fedora in greeting. "Well, we would love to stay and chat but we must be going. We're late for a tour of the Jean Duke Museum of Art."


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Boss (situational)
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[Co-written by Chase and Euge. This post covers the takeoff from ACME Airfield to the landing Luxembourg. All agents on the plane will be at destination after this post -- ask if you need any help, thanks.]

"Right," the detective acknowledged and handed Euge the requested checklist. Looking passively at what was written, he surmised that the pilot was thorough. Coupled with a slight compulsiveness towards his profession, Euge was likely to survive a host of scenarios from what Chase could tell.

When in the field, Chase made sure those with him ate something every 4 hours, and sure enough, 4 hours into the flight, Field Director Chase Devineaux got up to check on the passengers. Most were asleep while others were utilizing the entertainment function of their ACME Handhelds to full capacity. There was plane food in the back, neatly packaged and placed in containers. Chase called a few volunteers and had them pass the meal around, instructing that the same gumshoes later made sure garbage went into sealed bags. This wasn't Air France, and cold burgers with moderate water were better than nothing.

He brought a set up to Euge in the deck, "All-American cheese burger?"

"Mmm, processed mystery meat. Thanks." Euge grabbed the trey and water bottle out of Chase’s hand without taking his eyes off the controls. The radio crackled with the sounds of a Bronx accented woman; "Camel Hump clear. Have a good flight." The tanker had disengaged just as Chase entered the cockpit, ending the most difficult leg of the flight. Euge devoured the meal without looking down, set the autopilot and headed to the lavatory. Backed by IRIS, the aircraft could handle itself for the 45 seconds he would be up.

Euge returned to his seat, noting Chase idly cycling through the different modes on the MFD. All of Eugene’s contacts were able to tell him who was in Luxembourg, but were at a loss as to why. "The equipment we're bringing in seems overkill for a normal theft. You anticipating trouble?" Euge reminded himself that this wasn't one of his regular jobs, and it was safe to talk to the customer.

"I... anticipate," Chase said listlessly, a possible Carmen heist with Eartha Brute in place was rarely normal. "Special Operations doesn't respond to VILE cases unless a good informant pegs it 'important'--otherwise, it's Chief Weller's responsibility." That was true, but it felt like a lie. Something happened over the past few weeks that made VILE cases harder to ignore.

Euge raised an eyebrow at Chase's evasive answer, but said nothing. The intelligence gathering line surpassed generic and fell squarely into the useless category. Euge didn't push the matter though; he knew from past experience that forcing answers out of people made for uncomfortable trips. Euge briefly recalled a run when he was young and idealistic where he had asked too many questions about the cargo. He came out of that encounter alive, but it had taken years to undo the damage to his reputation.

Since then, the only questions Euge asked were ones that would allow him to get the cargo from point A to point B with a minimum of fuss. If the news tomorrow speculated on how terrorists obtained surface to surface missiles or how political prisoners would suddenly escape to a friendly country half a world away, Eugene didn't even bat an eyelid as he changed the channel. Some would call it jaded, others outright heartless. Euge left the speculation up to others. He was fully aware of the repercussions of his jobs. The ones who condemned and vilified him had no real power beyond idle threats, while he was out there changing the world. Maybe for better, maybe for worse, but undeniably different.

"What are your plans after dropping us off?" Devineaux was quick to change subject. Cabin crew usually got time off between flights, but Euge was alone, leaving him around the airport hotel didn't seem like gratitude.

"It's going to take a while to offload the cargo and get it distributed. The helicopter was the last item in, so it will probably be ready to fly by the time everything else is unloaded. Whatever is going to happen, I'm banking on it happening within the city proper." Findel airport was just east of Luxembourg, so Euge would be, at most, 5 minutes flying time out from any hotspot.

ACME’s MD530 looked unremarkable, but it hid tools that most police departments could only dream about. A camera and spotlight were mounted in a turret on the aircraft, giving it day and night tracking ability. With infrared filters in place, the targets wouldn't even know they were lit up. The four seat helicopter could also carry several more passengers short distances on benches attached outside the cabin, giving agents the ability to hop from rooftop to rooftop. A well drilled crew could cordon off several city blocks in a matter of minutes.

"I'll make sure you're covered after this," Chase referred to funds, "whatever Chief is paying you to be Academy Staff, he should boost, since you're doubling as mission pilot too."

Euge didn't respond. He was a partial owner of this aircraft, and ACME was paying fuel, landing fees, and assorted taxes. Eugene's home life wasn't extravagant enough to demand a large paycheck either.

The hours after were quiet, and at some point, all the detectives at the back were fast asleep. Devineaux reviewed maps of Luxembourg, keeping his communicator nearby to receive a message from his current scout, Missy Wayward.

Slowly, the ocean turned to land and after several more hours, if Chase Devineaux had bothered to notice, the bright lights of Europe flickered into view.

Euge had been steadily bleeding off altitude and airspeed as he roughly followed the French-Belgium border towards Findel airport and circled the city while waiting for traffic ahead of him to use the single runway. In short order it was his turn to land, and the clear morning twilight made for an easy touch down.

ACME Luxembourg had, at Eugene's request, rented a hanger for this operation. While too small for the 777, it would serve nicely as a loading/unloading facility and a shelter for the helicopter. He taxied the jumbo to a rest in front of the nondescript building and signaled the ground crew to move in.

Euge took the time during unloading to make use of the crew rest area. Soon enough, his skills would be required again. In the meantime, he was content to let the front line agents do what they did best.


Personal Trainer
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Earth, Edyth, EB, Sheila Rose
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City of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

el-halcon-verde said:
El Halcon wrinkled his nose. 'El Maestro de Absurdo?' If this wasn't a cover he'd take serious objection to that. He straightened himself up though and cleared his throat. "Si, as you may well know, it is against the honorable code of lucha to remove your mask. I hoped I would not cause such attention to be drawn to me and my assistant as we took some well deserved time off." El Halcon raised his fedora in greeting. "Well, we would love to stay and chat but we must be going. We're late for a tour of the Jean Duke Museum of Art."

"Oh too bad," Eartha looked disappointed. Not that El Maestro de Absurdo had a tour to go to, but the assistant mentioned he was on vacation. That meant no wrestling event in Luxembourg. She hadn't seen a live match in such a long time, Eartha had the urge to sit ringside right now and stuff herself with peanuts and molasses cookies, roaring for her favorites.

"Well, pleased to meet you both," she grinned with both her eyes squinted and strongly shook their hands. Eartha had never 'offered' a handshake, she just shook whenever she thought was a good time. "Have a good time on vacation!" Then, reminded of food, she began to powerwalk to the next available snacks stand.


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Lee had to duck fast when Eartha turned around. Something about the way that woman introduced the wrestler tipped the informant as strange. What would a Mexican Luchador be doing on vacation in Luxembourg? Why would he have an American manager? And what kind of name was Master of the Absurd? Intead of following Eartha, Lee already knew she was going to be around Am Tunnel, he watched these two.


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[El Halcon Verde]

El Halcon gave a soft sigh as Eartha walked away. "She was very interesting, and quite beautiful as well. I should have perhaps asked more about her: where she was staying..." El Halcon shook his head. "No. I cannot let such flowery ideas obstruct my mission." He turned to Missy. "Okay, where will we begin to search for this agente de VILE?"

E. Mayhew

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Acting like she'd received a call Missy pulled the blackberry from her hip, opening a message to 'Mr. D' as she watched the giant woman leave and listened to El Halcon's lovesick prattling.

"She was very interesting, and quite beautiful as well. I should have perhaps asked more about her: where she was staying... Okay, where will we begin to search for this agente de VILE?"

Aware that her target, Lee Jordan, was still around and had not actually followed Eartha away she took El Halcon by the arm, leading him away from the area and more specifically using the hulking frame of the luchador to help block any lip reading or watching of her typing. "Your potential girlfriend is one of VILE's top agents. Eartha Brute." Missy said bluntly as she typed out her message to her boss. "And we've got someone following us."

Finishing her message Missy hit the send button and put away her blackberry.

"So... where to now, Absurdo?"

ACME Message System

To: Chase DevineauxFrom: Melissa Wayward
Found the subject. Presence of Luchador has brought his attention, he's following me. Requesting further orders.
Eartha Brute has been spotted in the area, around the AM Tunnel.


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[El Halcon Verde]

El Halcon huffed. "Will you stop calling me that?" He looked out in the distance where Eartha retreated. "Eartha Brute...You didn't tell me she was a woman." His eyes narrowed. "well ella es un criminale, verdad. She must be taken in. But first we must deal with our follower." El Halcon stretched his neck up and turned it about as Missy sent her message, intent on protecting her while trying to catch sight of the perpetrator.


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Boss (situational)
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Devineaux saw the message on his communicator and promptly put it away. He took a breath before reading it again. Eartha Brute in the area... if he was paying attention he would have known that sooner, but no, not with his head submerged in a barrel of petty thoughts. Worse was the fact that these bits of emotional uselessness were being interjected by the image of yet another thing he could do nothing about -- her.

If you saw me now, you'd tell me I think too much, he thought, friend, if we were somewhere else, someplace else, it might have been easier. He stood up and Phoenix the falcon, free from her cage and hood, flew ahead in reaction to its master.

Pulling out the communicator again, he turned on the GPS locator. On Missy's communicator, Chase was now a blue dot, and to him, she was orange with Phoenix a blinking green. Typing, he replied:

'WW -- I'm near, 15 minutes to your six.'

"Euge," he called back to the pilot, "I'm heading to the center of town, keep your GPS online."

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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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