Q & A AMA - Joseph Kerr

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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How has Joe's thoughts on Carmen and everyone in VILE changed since Ultramarine so far? Does he feel his leader is more vulnerable, and/or does he feel everyone is more vulnerable than he first thought?
Joe has always had a great deal of empathy for Carmen; the events prior to Harbin merely reaffirmed what he knew of her even if she didn't really show it prior.
His respect for her did grow tremendously after she willingly showed a more vulnerable side to him.

Ultramarine has shown Joe how underequipped VILE can be in dealing with a certain breed of hostiles.
He will be doing his best to resolve that particular issue.

The events have also made him realise that everyone has their own fears and dark emotions that they struggle with; its made him wonder if one agent in particular might need some friendly support...


Airfield Staff
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What are some of the inventions or gadgets that Joe is particularly proud of? Has he used them in creative or unorthodox ways?


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Ivory, Victorique, V
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What would be your ideal suit of armor made up of everyday objects (buckets, pans, bubble wrap, etc. May be held together by duck tape, gum etc.), the situation in which you would use it, and the weapon accompanying it?
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Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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What would be your ideal suit of armor made up of everyday objects (buckets, pans, bubble wrap, etc. May be held together by duck tape, gum etc.), the situation in which you would use it, and the weapon accompanying it?
Joseph would take the 'fabric' from umbrellas and sew layers together before adding on layers of duct tape. This would create a lightweight, functional version of leather armor. This suits Joseph because he is about trickery and evasion rather than facing a threat head on.
Weapon wise, a bat, crowbar or fireplace poker would suffice.
He'd also use a plastic bottle and some convenient stuff in every house to create a makeshift smokebomb....

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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What are some of the inventions or gadgets that Joe is particularly proud of? Has he used them in creative or unorthodox ways?
As of the current situation, it would be his gag bombs.
He's used his smoke bombs not only to cover an escape, but to trigger smoke/fire alarms so that emergency doors would open, allowing an escape.
He's put his knockout gas bombs in creative delivery devices before, like a jack-in-the-box that draws people in before spewing the knockout gas.

There is an upcoming post which shows some of Joseph's recent ideas which he is really proud of.


Personal Trainer
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Earth, Edyth, EB, Sheila Rose
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Does Joe ever wish he was a better version of himself? What is that better version like?

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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Joe, you trickster, you Loki of VILE: what is the best joke you have played on a friend or rival?
Well there was this one time I took this guy's car and drove it off a cliff...into a waiting cargo plane.
I did return it eventually to be fair, although he had to retrieve the car from an impound lot.

Does Joe ever wish he was a better version of himself? What is that better version like?
Joseph at one point wondered if he was too soft, too old-fashioned in his approach to dealing with threats. He wondered if he needed to become more intimidating, more willing to hurt others to protect those he cares for.
Talking with Carmen however has inspired him to do the best with what he has rather than wishing for different circumstances.


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He wondered if he needed to become more intimidating, more willing to hurt others to protect those he cares for.
From reading your most recent journal, it seems almost like the security items are meant to hurt and maim some intruders. My question is, was Stone Harbour ever built with security in mind? What safety measures were originally available?

And did all these security measures come because of Joe's hallucinations back at the temple?
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little red riding hood ? v.i.l.e.
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Little red riding hood
Little carmen
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Why did you choose to be a jester?

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
Best answers
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Joey, Joseph,
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From reading your most recent journal, it seems almost like the security items are meant to hurt and maim some intruders. My question is, was Stone Harbour ever built with security in mind? What safety measures were originally available?

And did all these security measures come because of Joe's hallucinations back at the temple?
First, none of the security measures are meant to maim or kill, only incapacitate if necessary.

Second, the original Stone Harbour wasn't built by VILE. It already existed as a theatre and we merely restored its functionality.

Save for the period that Contessa has some security stationed around, the theatre had no real defenses as it was meant for us to hide in plain sight. We relied on deception to not be found out.

If i may remind ACME, the Antarctica base also had no defenses. It mainly relies on its secluded location to avoid being ever discovered.

The new security measures were made with a new type of threat in mind; one that was far more ruthless than ACME and had no compunctions about killing and wiping us out.

Joseph recognised that VILE had a duty not only to protect its own but also the town that had taken them in. They could not afford to allow them to become collateral.

The defenses were thus made with 4 main objectives:
1. Improve the hiding capabilities of the base (cloaking and illusion tech)
2. Minimize the damage a traitor within our own ranks could cause.
3. Minimize the damage an intruder could cause
4. In the case of a full scale assault on the base, incapacitate and/or delay foes long enough to safely evacuate the town and base

Some of the measures were inspired by things in the temple.
Others were souped up versions of things Joseph already had or was already working on.

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
Best answers
Known Aliases
Joey, Joseph,
Color #
Why did you choose to be a jester?
Distraction and misdirection.
My original mentor loved magic and I myself love the theatrical. Combining the two I came up with a jester gimmick.
It was meant to make my adversaries underestimate me and distract their attention. As long as either was accomplished, I would always have the advantage.

Besides a jester throwing gag bombs just comes across like a loony.
A regular person throwing gag bombs comes across like a terrorist requiring lethal force to put down.
Guess which option is more appealing?

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    I want pretzels! 🥨
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    Me too!
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    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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