Q & A AMA - Joseph Kerr


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Adrianna Covrenzi, Tessa, Anna, La Contessa Covrenzi
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Humour me, Joe Kerrigan, what opinion do you have of me, particularly ones where you wouldn't usually say if we were face to face?

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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Humour me, Joe Kerrigan, what opinion do you have of me, particularly ones where you wouldn't usually say if we were face to face?
What Joe knows about Contessa:
- Insanely rich and well connected
- Beautiful and intelligent
- Co-founder of VILE
- not to be underestimated or crossed
- has her own ethics and moral code that may sometimes contradict Carmen's

Joseph has not had much opportunity to interact with Contessa apart from the first couple of months in Stone Harbour when she was always on hand to supervise the rebuilding.

He did not appreciate her pulling her own job during the events of Carnival and almost jeopardizing Carmen's main objective. He felt that it was a particularly personal mission for her and everyone should have respected that.

Jospeh has heard rumors about tensions between VILE's two leading ladies but prefers to not put too much stock into said rumors.

Joseph doesn't personally have anything against Contessa (apart from the above stated incident) as she has never been disloyal toward VILE or done anything against him.

He does not fully trust her as he feels she is sometimes sketchy and not forthright about her intentions. He is also wary around her because she herself always seems to be on guard. She also never really comes across as genuine.

She is however brutally blunt when giving feedback.

He respects that she has her own opinions and code of morals but is always wary that she might try to impose them on VILE and undermine Carmen.

He doesn't know if she will ever try to usurp Carmen but his loyalties are strictly towards Carmen and Carmen alone.

Contessa in short, in Joe's opinion, is the type of person for whom the phrases 'keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer' and 'with friends like these, who needs enemies?' were coined.


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Now that Joe's overseeing security for VILE, what would he do if/when he found out someone high ranking in VILE was seeing someone high ranking in ACME? Would he see it as a possible security threat?

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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Now that Joe's overseeing security for VILE, what would he do if/when he found out someone high ranking in VILE was seeing someone high ranking in ACME? Would he see it as a possible security threat?
Eh, the only official high-ranking person in VILE is Carmen herself.
And let's be honest, who am I to judge who she decides to have a relationship with?
I know whatever she decides, she won't betray us.

For anyone else in VILE to have a relationship with ACME personnel...I'm not personally against it. Heck, I don't have a problem with it as long as they stay professional whilst they're on the clock and don't sell out our secrets. (though I'm not sure there's anyone here that would be interested in you, Lee)

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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y u so mean?
Just being honest Lee.
I can't see Carmen or Contessa having the hots for you.
Patty and Jackie would skin you alive for betraying us
Charlet is wayyyyy too young for you
Claire is already attached
Emma...i don't know well enough to guess

I guess Eartha is available...you want i let her know you're interested @Lee ?
Last edited:

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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Joe, Have you always be happy when you get away and make ACME agents sad but glad to recover a stolen item? *giving @Lee a tissue to wipe out 'something from his eyes'*
I do enjoy outwitting ACME. Its why i play the game.
I don't think any of them are ever sad when i get away; frustrated? Maybe

I also actually get a sense of relief whenever the stolen items enter ACME custody as I know they'll be in safe hands and returned to their rightful place. Contrary to popular belief, i don't usually keep the items i steal...not for long anyway


little red riding hood ? v.i.l.e.
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Little red riding hood
Little carmen
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Charlet is wayyyyy to young for you
Lolis are for headpats not lewd


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I do enjoy outwitting ACME. Its why i play the game.
I don't think any of them are ever sad when i get away; frustrated? Maybe

I also actually get a sense of relief whenever the stolen items enter ACME custody as I know they'll be in safe hands and returned to their rightful place. Contrary to popular belief, i don't usually keep the items i steal...not for long anyway
Why did you take care of Carmine? Just asking I just don't want Carmen's new kitty meet Carmine otherwise...it'll be a cat fight.

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