I feel I must explain iRogue here since I don't know if anyone has read earlier stories in the series.
When developing the second story, "The Rogue and The Jackal" I knew I wanted to have Gadget deal with MAD's idea of a human cyborg agent. But I turned that into two characters. You've seen Terry before in this story even if he hasn't been speaking up any and simply shown ( remember that tall guy in red & black, beside Amazon Annie? ). He had already appeared in the first story as a grunt. While he's more formidable and lethal as a cyborg, he still has all his marbles ... he's also slightly dim. iRogue quickly lost his mind after being altered, turned on MAD but tried to continue his job and even attacked Terry ( using a army of rodents ). At the near end of the story he's finally taken down and in the fourth story of "Iron and Steel", it's revealed HAPPY has removed all his weapons as he stays put in a large jail cell in Area 38. The guy just has very much been out of sight for a long while. But the last time he appeared in best sense was at the end of "Devil's Blood". I did that to drop a hint that he should be remembered as still present.
Both iRogue here and the AU drawing of Maelstorm weren't meant to show some form of trend in mustaches for character design. The first Maelstorm already had one and mine was modeled to a degree off him. iRogue I wanted to look unkempt and a bit insane, so I wanted his hair and face looking eccentric. Also encase you're wondering about his eyes. In the Rogue and the Jackal, it's noted his eyes have been removed and replaced with camera lenses. His altered body is also why it wears a hat. ... It's not a pretty sight if he removes it.
( I just tried to look over my older postings to try and discover if by mistake I'm repeating relaying information. One thread shows all the images can not be displayed. But I have been told the site hosting the images is ok with this forum. What happened? )