... Still haven't been approached about ACME or VILE. ?
Hello @systemcat. I've been busy with other things; and I'm trying to catch up a little bit on here. If I may just make a general comment. I've been on this site since 2014 (I can't believe it's been that long. It doesn't seem like it. I guess time really does does fly when you're having fun. Lol.) and back then, most people just chose ACME or VILE based on how they filled out their profiles when they joined. It wasn't until @Emma Bezzle and @Claire Yeon showed up here that people filled out a profile without declaring which side they were on; and let people from both organizations "court" them (so to speak). So, I wouldn't be too concerned about the fact that noone from either organization has approached you yet. Although, reading your comic posts, it seems like you might join ACME; and when the time comes to choose a side, I hope you do choose ACME. ?