Plot Line B?

Claire Yeon

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I think I have said this before, but I will say it again: I love your art style, especially when you use unique angles like behind, above, or below. I have attempted to create a comic in the past, and it is much harder than it looks, so I commend you for your work. Well done, and thank you for sharing. Please keep it coming.


Visitor From Another AU
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I think I have said this before, but I will say it again: I love your art style, especially when you use unique angles like behind, above, or below. I have attempted to create a comic in the past, and it is much harder than it looks, so I commend you for your work. Well done, and thank you for sharing. Please keep it coming.
Thank you so much ?! I don't remember if I've said this before here. I know I've said it on DeviantArt. I've been working at the craft of making comics for a really long time. I started on it as a hobby in '92 and have an some blue moon professional work at it since '00. Besides my work on the Iron and Steel-verse, there are other examples online I can point to but nothing as elaborate as the current project on it's whole.

What I'm adding into this reply is page 37 and until the story swings back to focus on plot line B. I'm working on something that I'm sure would interest this forum while waiting for that. Currently I'm outlining a prose based story set before Loaded Stone. Before ACME became offical and things to start were still assembling, set in 1943. It's name is, "A Snake Pit of 30-06 Springfield". Do say if there is an interest in this story happening? While I know 3 of it's characters appeared in the start of LS, Jocelyn being the oddball of an AU/OC at the same time. Two others have their basis from the CS fandom.



Visitor From Another AU
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Normally in the 10pm hour I'm working on Snake Pit but finishing working on page 40 of Loaded Stone happened earlier in the hour. Might as well wrap up it's posting tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a lot of writing now. While Loaded Stone is outlined to a high degree, it's sections are being written when needed ... not sure if that was relayed already .. I'm tried. Next up in the comic's story is looping back to plot line A.

Get this? Snake Pit is being written in a very odd fashion at least for my writing. Out of order. Right now I'm working on writing it's opening scene when that was loosely outlined near the start of working on it. While having multiple plot lines in a story is nothing new in my work. Normally the focus it's like this .. Crap if I really talk about the story, I'm taking away the mysteries in the plots. .. I think I need sleep right now. Tomorrow after the writing sessions I might be working on it's PDF cover art.

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Normally in the 10pm hour I'm working on Snake Pit but finishing working on page 40 of Loaded Stone happened earlier in the hour. Might as well wrap up it's posting tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a lot of writing now. While Loaded Stone is outlined to a high degree, it's sections are being written when needed ... not sure if that was relayed already .. I'm tried. Next up in the comic's story is looping back to plot line A.

Get this? Snake Pit is being written in a very odd fashion at least for my writing. Out of order. Right now I'm working on writing it's opening scene when that was loosely outlined near the start of working on it. While having multiple plot lines in a story is nothing new in my work. Normally the focus it's like this .. Crap if I really talk about the story, I'm taking away the mysteries in the plots. .. I think I need sleep right now. Tomorrow after the writing sessions I might be working on it's PDF cover art.

Well, it makes me want to read more; so that is a good thing. Sweet Dreams.


Visitor From Another AU
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I've been debating this for days and now I've decided it should probably be posted here. Page 41 brings up something which hasn't surfaced in the series for quite a while. Technically the last time Fletcher came up presented was in a comic short focusing on Penny back in '15. He had an extremely minor text note in Iron and Steel. But what I want to bring up here is part of "Forge of Hate" which I have no idea if anyone here has read. The note the kid has a YouTube channel. For the first time since that 3rd major story came out, it's actually note worthy as you'll learn later.

Back from out his backpack, that was forced into concealment after other staff of HAPPY took notice of it. As Fletcher moved with his friends through the complex, to Eda Venture's office. He took out his camcorder, and started to record the surgeon doctor's office for posterity. Not something he felt was worth the risk of losing his camera over else where in the establishment's HQ. Elsewhere he'd been threatened, that if he used the device, he'd lose it to confiscation. Here, with a woman, he knew to be another of Penny's friends, through Penny voicing the fact. He felt sure he could get away with it's use.

Hopefully later he thought other staff, not connected with the honey-blond haired girl. Would lighten up about it's use once they saw how beneficial it was to them. For his example, he'd put to others on his wanted recordings of them. A "like" button hit on an internet video website, many times over.
Penny realizing that Eda's eyes were on her friends. Looked up to Eda as she was getting ready to say her thoughts about the return of Fletcher's camera. Plus his hands being more grabby than Kayla's.

"Is Fletch holding his camera?" Penny asked the surgeon doctor, who the girl could tell was clearly worried.

"He got warned. I remember security's reaction. Which is pretty standard with outsiders learning of internal going ons here in HAPPY. Yes Penny, he's at it again." Eda said, again looking to Penny, before returning her attention to her friends. Although now more specifically only to Penny's male friend.

"He just wants to do a video piece on HAPPY. I'm sure it will all be harmless in the end what he records." Penny replied to her.

"I want to review what he's recorded in the end, and I want security staff to review what he's recorded in the end before it leaves this place." Eda stated, before moving to Penny, and bending down to her & Brain. Continuing with her thoughts, she asked the teen.

Also an update on Snake Pit with something I think will displease anyone interested in reading it. This will take time to write. While I consider it a short story, even that could take maybe a month to write. The shortest to work on was "Silver Light" which took a few days. "Devil's Blood" on it's whole took about two years.


Visitor From Another AU
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Thank you. ?
Most of the time I can draw hands with educated knowledge of practice but on occasion I need to glance at photos for reference. If it's a formation of the fingers which isn't as simple as looking at one's hand straight up. A few examples of that last happened with Smoke, Steam and Mirrors. Here it was the first, knowing what the grip of a laptop might look like, add in the dangle down of a camera bag strap.

I made a comment with page 42's posting on DeviantArt which I'll say here but I know here needs explaining. I am sure I am the only person to use terming like this since it applies only to my work on the series.

"Puca stunt" is my way of saying: you didn't pay attention earlier so now you'll have to while until much later to get the missing detail.

The idea behind saying something is a puca stunt is back in '15 I drew concept art for how Pucas in their natural form were meant to look. No one noticed the art posted, and while Iron and Steel was being published, the creatures were a mystery to people. Since the concept art and flew by without notice. I decided not to say the creatures were Pucas until page 166 of the story.

Here what I call a puca stunt isn't over mythological creatures but the insert note to the fiction-verse of a which detail came in long ago. Now I didn't post the page here in this forum but the detail will be brushed over until people really notice it.

Also here's an extra which I've never done before. If you're interested in seeing my process for creating a comic page minus some minor steps.

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Visitor From Another AU
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This has to be explained.
In Iron and Steel I put in the awful idea both Dirk and Finn have a crush on Penny. Considering where those characters come from on canon for IG, you know why it's bad tongue in cheek humor. Tommy is a reversed AU idea of Talon. If you know of the whole talenny thing ( which I actually am opposed to ). Then you know what kind of crack I'm making on this page.

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Visitor From Another AU
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Well this will be a total surprise to you guys unless you've read earlier content to the AU. A villain which hasn't been considered a threat for a while, is returning.

Also I submitted that art I did the other day, formally to the site's media. I know it hasn't been approved and unknown if it's not been. Tenchi Masaki, I know you saw it. Was there anything wrong with it which the mods. would object to?


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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    Me too!
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    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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