Plot Line B?


Visitor From Another AU
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I know a little explanation is due here. Since primary good guys work for an organization named HAPPY. MAD agents sometimes call their agents "prozac". That nickname has come up before in the series.



Visitor From Another AU
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... Still haven't been approached about ACME or VILE. ?

.. Anyway, sorry that I'm just now getting to posting page 31. No feedback kind of discourages me. Page 32 starts plot line c. The focus on which plot is being presented will be switching around through out the course of this story. Even shorts will be happening which have little tie to events taking place. Shorts like that did happen in Iron and Steel. In Iron and Steel it was basically single character focus backstories, Penny & Brain, John, then Alan. In Loaded Stone I'm going to be focusing on the villains for this.

( Editing in: adding in comments used for presenting page 31 on DA )
I really feel the need to explain actions here. I talked about this briefly on FB months ago in a group focusing on webcomics. Alan preforming the hero in the classic "damsel in distress" bit, only if you haven't figured it out yet, the Olmecs aren't harmless. You'll learn more on that later on. I thought having him do this comic book cliche would be an interesting way to start to have things cross paths at least for plot line B.



ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
@systemcat sometimes it takes ahile to approach people on TECS depending what your writing RPing experiencs are. <3 b.t.w. I love how she's asking if the boss has anything up her sleeve. I'd be asking the same thing. :D?

edit: I remember it took a bit for me too.
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Visitor From Another AU
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@systemcat sometimes it takes a bit for someone to approach you. Try to be patient they'll be with you when they can. <3 b.t.w. I love how she's asking if the boss has anything up her sleeve. I'd be asking the same thing. :D?

edit: I remember it took a bit for me too.

That's the first feedback I've gotten in quite sometime. ?

Did you read Devil's Blood? Because in that it's relayed this team in it's expanded origin and why who leads the team is in question. Hence "Boss A" and "Boss C" ( A- Annie B- Louis C- Terry ).

Page 33, I'm going to say my comment posted to DA with it.
At first the look of Waruda's agents and least his grunts, was going to be random but then I thought some tribute should exist to their original outfit design. I settled on keeping with dark colored clothes with always something added in yellow. I didn't want to keep the headband here, that felt a little dated.

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... Still haven't been approached about ACME or VILE. ?

Hello @systemcat. I've been busy with other things; and I'm trying to catch up a little bit on here. If I may just make a general comment. I've been on this site since 2014 (I can't believe it's been that long. It doesn't seem like it. I guess time really does does fly when you're having fun. Lol.) and back then, most people just chose ACME or VILE based on how they filled out their profiles when they joined. It wasn't until @Emma Bezzle and @Claire Yeon showed up here that people filled out a profile without declaring which side they were on; and let people from both organizations "court" them (so to speak). So, I wouldn't be too concerned about the fact that noone from either organization has approached you yet. Although, reading your comic posts, it seems like you might join ACME; and when the time comes to choose a side, I hope you do choose ACME. ?


Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Its amazing how two ACME Detectives have hinted at joining ACME but I guess VILES just don't care do they? The Chief would be so proud. Carmen... Not so much.

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    @Tenchi Masaki when i open the website on my phone I immediately get a "translate page" pop up. Is this from my own settings ?
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    ((So... the folks called me upstairs to help figure out how to get their SSI paperwork to the new landlord... we were discussing it, when the landlord emailed that all three of us are denied... mostly the main thing was "poor rental history; insufficient income (they're on SSI); no credit file; if no judgment was rendered on them after they appealed the initial eviction notice, then they gave their 30 days notice, can they rescind that (this is Minnesota, ya shure, ya betcha) and stay?
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    @Lucy you got back in!
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    Michelangelo wrote a poem about how much he hated painting the Sistine Chapel...One translation of the poem he sent to his friend begins: I’ve already grown a goiter from this torture, hunched up here like a cat in Lombardy(or anywhere else where the stagnant water’s poison).
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    HAPPY NEW YEAR IN less than 20 MINUTES TO France, Denmark, and Italy.🧡 FRIENDS 🧡
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    @Tenchi Masaki Happy new Year in Japan.
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    Happy New Year around the world! 🌎
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    Happy New Year
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