I'm sorry you're frustrated,
I can only imagine how hard it is when you plan your stories out the way that you do. I made comics when I was a kid--like pre-teen or early teens (and it was very crude, compared to what you do. We did not have a computer or copier of any kind (not that the computer or copiers I've had since then seem to work that well for what I want) so to make copies of it for my step-bro and step sis to read, I had to literally trace the pics, do the lettering, and color each copy and staple them together. I only did it as a Sunday thing, cuz it took so long to do.
The only advice I would give you, at all, is to just keep doing what your doing, tell whatever story you want, make it as clear as you can, whether you do a title page or something, that kind of explains things if there is a long time between chapters or whatever, and let people read--or re-read--it. Most people will figure it out, and if they can't, they can ask you a questions.
Like I said, I think there is a lot of interest in what you do, just keep doing it. ?