

Best answers
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The kid, laundry room ghost.
Color #
Some things just take great effort to overcome, tough each small victory is worth it.
I have permission to write about the agents featured here.

It was a sunny late morning and once again Invader was going through the obstacle course alone. There had been a lot of internal fighting going on within herself, and she came here to clear her mind. Had it really nearly been a year sense she arrived at ACME, and made more friends. At least she had her old name again that was a start, to hear it again opened a lot of doors in her memory. At least she had gotten over one of her triggers, for the most part. Though it was just narrowed down specifically, she was rather proud of that though she never showed it.

It had started one night, when she dreamed of it and woke in a panic flailing her limbs. Sense then she had started on the rooftop, and forced herself to sit near the object of her triggers. Eventually she moved on to touching it, and dealing with the subsequent panic attacks. It took a few months, but she finally got it to the point where only a certain kind and color would set her off. As she was moving though an obstacle with bars, the one she grabbed happened to be the very type that would prove to be a trigger. Upon seeing it her hand let go, and she flailed wildly hitting a few pipes on the way down.

Landing on the ground with a thud, she could feel a twinge of pain along her side and sat there dazed for a few moments. There was certainly a bruise forming, and it would probably be a good idea to at least get an ice pack for it. Getting to her feet, she found herself limping a bit causing her to get even more annoyed.

"Just great." She raged. "The very one I am trying to avoid,how ironic that I find it."

Just then agent west happened to be driving by the obstacle course in a modified golf cart. He had been watching, and was concerned when he saw Invader fall form the obstacle, thankfully it was one of the shorter ones. Cautiously he pulled up, got out of the vehicle and walked over to Invader.

"Hey you look like you took quite a fall." He spoke.
"I am fine." Hissed invader walking with a limp.
"One would not call that landing fine." West answered concerned. "We should probably get you to the medical wing."
" I just need an ice pack, that is all." Invader stubbornly answered.
" I think we need to get you checked out just in case." Offered West, trying not to provoke her further.

That struck a cord, and reminded her of the medical ward at the lab, and all the time she spent in the grey room. Every time she was hurt she had learned to hide it, in order to survive. Though a few times she reluctantly broke down seeking help, and wound up in that dreadful room. Sense then, she had tried to take care of herself, to prevent it from ever happening again. How did she know that they did not have a hidden room here, that she would be detained in.

"I am not going back, to the grey room." She spoke with a growl.
"I can assure you no one is gonna send you there." West spoke reassuringly.

A part of her wanted to fight him, but the other half reminded her what had happened the last time she tried that. Instead she just stood there, thinking things over before she gave in.

"I am sorry....I had...no right to growl at you like that." Invader said softly. "One...should have better control."
"No need to apologize." Spoke West. " I think you handle yourself just fine."

That caught her off guard, and she was not sure what to say in response to that.

"Now will you please come with me, and I can assure you we don't have any grey rooms." Said agent west gently.

To be continued....


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Known Aliases
The kid, laundry room ghost.
Color #
Obstacles Part two

Invader sat in the back of the golf cart, as agent West drove towards headquarters taking the short way back.

"So if you don't mind me asking." He offered. "What exactly was the gray room?"
"A room, of hope, a room of terror." Was the reply. "A room of darkness deep, lonely hours, and much sleep."
"I take it as, a semi pleasant place." Answered West.
"At least when I was not locked inside it, with the latest experiment." Invader mused shuddering.

There was that air of apprehension, that made agent west wonder what exactly went on in the room. For the most part it sounded like a room, that she was often left in, for who knows how long. However he could tell she was not ready to openly talk about it, and did not ask any further questions. However the room seemed a place of great fear or comfort depending on what was contained within.

"So tell me." Pondered West. "How often do you go through the obstacle course?"
"Depends on my mood, I have not been back for weeks this time." Invader answered.
"Most of the time I prefer to go down to the docks, or to the beach."
"I take it you are rather drawn, to the water." Laughed West.
"I find solace in it most times, or I find the nearest deserted run down area." Invader answered in a quiet voice.
"Are you alright?" West asked growing concerned.
"I am quite fine." Came the reply. "Are we getting closer?"
"Almost there." West replied.

As soon as they arrived, he escorted invader inside and to the nearest elevator. Invader had a pronounced limp now, but said nothing as they rode up to the medical floor. Once they got to the right floor, Invader crept out and pressed the next two floor buttons. Before the agent accompanying her could move, the doors closed and the elevator continued upward.West was caught off guard, but wondered if there was some memory behind her actions. Perhaps it had inadvertently awakened something.

Invader on the other hand crept into the medical ward and found it deserted. Searching a nearby room she found an ice pack and borrowed it. Looking around she limped along till she found a room that felt safe, and had a few blankets besides. Making a nest she curled up and let the pack sit on her side as she lay there in silence. About twenty minutes later she felt a bit better and returned the pack to the front desk. Then she returned to the room, and decided to take a nap for the time being. As she slept, a agent silently approached the medical wing an saw that a few things were out of place.

Sophie walked into the medical ward, and immediately noticed the ice pack sitting on the desk. Reaching out she found it quite warm, and wondered who had left it there. It had not been hastily placed, but rather was set down with care as if it would break at any moment. Listening, she eventually heard a faint voice, that was incoherent and hard to locate. Tiptoeing down the corridor, she listened every so often till she got a fix on the location of the voice.

To be continued....


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Known Aliases
The kid, laundry room ghost.
Color #
Obstacles part 3

Sophie carefully walked along as the voice sounded closer, just as she had a fix on it silence abruptly set in. That concerned her, intensely she listened for the sound of breathing and finally located the person in question. Walking into the doorway she saw a figure curled up, and cautiously approached. Without warning the figure turned, and stared at her in a fixative manner trying to determine if they were a threat or not.

"Hey there, you were the one who borrowed the ice pack?" Sophie questioned.

The figure gave no answer, but backed away to the far end of the bed and up against the wall. Sophie noticed them wincing, a bit but stood in the doorway. Noticing them being on the defensive side, she broke off eye contact. The person in question studied them a bit and then relaxed slightly.

"I hope you don't mind that I borrowed it, there was no one here." They replied quietly.
"Not in the least." Replied Sophie. "Can you at least tell me who you are, and why are you here."
"I took a tumble on the obstacle course." They replied. "As for who I am, I am the laundry room ghost."
"A ghost, why can I see you then?" Laughed Sophie.
"You only see me because I let you, I heard you coming." The figure replied.
"Why haunt the laundry room of all places?" Sophie Inquired.
"I feel safe there." Was the reply. "Besides I am out of the way."
"Mind if I take a look?" Offered Sophie changing the subject.
"I might need a fresh Ice pack,and some more sleep." The figure replied keeping their eyes on her.
"I can fetch you one." She offered.

Sophie could sense an air of tension, and a faint waif of apprehension emerging from them. She could tell they were hurting still, and wanted them to stay for observation. Rather concerned for their well being, they approached and sat down across from them. Remaining still they let the figure observe them, hoping they would open up a bit.

"Sorry for being a bit hostile, I was having flash backs of a place." The figure spoke gently. "My name is Invader by the way."
"Pleased to meet you, I am Sophie." She replied. "I am one of the medical staff here." "Though I find your name rather odd."
"It was the code name from the other world labs, though I have my old name again." She replied.
"Why choose this room?" Sophie pondered.
"This was the only room I was comfortable in, the rest reminded me of the grey room." Invader offered.
"What was the grey room?" Sophie questioned puzzled.
"A dim lit room where I would get locked in for some time, with experiments." She sighed.
"Why lock you in there?" Sophie questioned.
"I never knew, nor do I wish to at this point." Invader replied.
"I can understand." Sophie replied. "Still I may I please check you over?"

Reluctantly Invader let Sophie look her over, however they noticed them pausing briefly with a puzzled expression. There was what appeared to be glass around the bruise though it looked like it was coming through the skin.

"How did you wind up with glass in your bruise?" Questioned Sophie.
"That is not glass, those are my friends, they woke up a bit." Invader mused.
"Your friends?" Sophie asked now intrigued but puzzled.
"They are an artificial life form." Invader replied. "A crystal form is easiest for them to maintain."
"Are they harmful?" Asked Sophie Hesitating to touch them.
"Not unless you there threatening me,." Invader reassured . "They have been very quiet the past few years."
"Years?" Questioned Sophie. "How long were you trapped for?"
"Thirteen years." Was the reply "I was sent here just last year, by an artificial intelligence."

Sophie now was rather intrigued as well as being filled with far more questions. The figure seemed glad and a bit saddened at the same time. Watching the crystals she noticed them changing colors from a soft blue to an alarming red color.

"Hey guys she is ok, you can relax." Invader ordered to the shards.

In turn the shards gathered together to form a large crystal, Sophie watched as the crystal turned into a butterfly shape and flew at her without a sound. The colors were now shifting to purples and blues as it landed on her hand. Silently it duplicated itself, and the crystal buttery flew back to invader and melted into her.
"It is quite lovely." Said Sophie. "Is this one dead?"
"Just an empty shell." Mused invader. "Furthermore do you mind if I spend the night here?"
"I was hoping you would stay." Replied Sophie. "Is there anything I can get you?"

To be continued.


Best answers
Known Aliases
The kid, laundry room ghost.
Color #
Obstacles part four
I have permission to write in the agents here.

"I just need a fresh ice pack that is all." Invader spoke.
"Well thanks for the butterfly it is lovely." Sophie replied.
"I was wondering why you ditched me like that." Came the voice of agent West.
"Please don't take it personally." Stammered Invader. " I did not wish for you, to see me moving into a state of panic."
"If you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to ask me." Replied west. "Asking for help is not a weakness."
"I will be back in a bit." Offered Sophie. "Agent West is there anything you would like?"
"How about a pizza?" He said with a smile. "It is just about dinner time anyway."
"How late it is anyway?" Puzzled Invader.
"It is about 6:30 pm." Sophie replied casually.
"I have work to do." Invader quipped while hopping off the bed, only to stumble a bit.
"I would advise you to stay here, work can wait." Instructed Sophie.
"Take her advise." Offered West. "The world wont stop, because you are not there."
"Very well then." Said Invader hesitantly.
"I can order out." Offered Sophie. "Would either one of you like to see a menu."
"Sure why not." Chuckled west.

The three of them looked it over ,and decided on a meat pizza, with bread sticks, wings, caffeine free soda, and a chocolate lava cake for dessert. Invader ate rather slowly savoring the taste of the food that had been offered. The chocolate was hastily devoured though, as if it would disappear quickly.

"Do you think we could watch a movie up here?" Asked Invader.
"I don't see why not." Answered West. "What kind of movie do you like?"
"I am a bit found of horror movies." Replied Invader with a soft smile.
"After what you went through?" Pondered West.
"They keep the nightmares away, or at least makes them more manageable." Invader replied.
"That just seems to be an odd cure." Laughed Sophie. "Frightening movies tend to induce them."
"Somehow it works for me." Invader sighed. "Though thanks for the kindness."
"Before I forget, you were talking in your sleep." Mused Sophie.
"Did I say anything....well...troubling?" Invader inquired.
"It was incomprehensible, I could not make anything out." Sophie informed her. "Furthermore can you tell me your real name?"
"My name is Kristine." She replied. "I know it means light bearer."
"That is a wonderful name." Sophie replied. "I think it suits you rather well."
"Personally I don't always feel, like a source of light." Kristine sighed.
"This place has been brighter, thanks to you." Said West.

Eventually Cole came upstairs with a DVD player, and a card in his hand.

"Hey word got round, that you got a bit hurt." Mused Cole.
"The rumor of my near demise, has been greatly exaggerated." Laughed Kristine.
"I see someone is familiar with Mark Twain." Poked West.
"I did find a book about then in the library, and went from there." Kristine replied softly.
"Well get better, and enjoy the movie." Laughed Cole.

To be continued.


Best answers
Known Aliases
The kid, laundry room ghost.
Color #
Obstacles part five.

The movie was the puppet master series, and Kristine was the last one to be up and eventually went to sleep. During the night she went sleepwalking and happened to stumble into a room that resembled the grey room. In her sleep she closed the door behind her, not knowing it would lock. Upon waking she realized where she was and froze , this was not what they wanted to wake up to. Trying the door, it she found out it was locked and started to panic.

"You can get over this." She told herself. "One never gets over a fear they never face."

It takes a few hours but she finally settles down, wondering if the others will find her at some point. Her dreams are filled with memories, as well as flashbacks of what she went through. One spills into the next, till they all merge into one. In the morning Sophie goes to check on the girl and finds her gone, carefully she checks the rooms and finally spots her. The room is locked and she must got to the office and find the key. Arriving back at the room she unlocks the door to find Kristine is talking in her sleep.

"Hey there." Says Sophie. "How did you get in here?"

Upon hearing her Kristine wakes up a bit startled, but soon settles back down.

"I must have been sleep walking again. " Kristine yawns. "Though the room no longer bothers me."
"That is good to hear." Replied Sophie. "Apparently you managed to lock yourself in, though you were mumbling about something."
"They might have been, some old memories." She sighed. "Did you happen to make out anything?"
"Just some soft singing." Replied Sophie. "Then it turned to calling for someone, a caretaker perhaps?"

That sparked a memory for Kristine, she got a bit quiet remembering the person in mind.

"That would be Lynn." She spoke in a hush. "I don't know where she is, here one day, said farewell, never returned."
"Do you know what happened?" Remarked Sophie ,realizing she needed to tread carefully.
"No idea,I hope they are still out there somewhere." She sighed.
"So how are you feeling this morning.?" Offered Sophie.
"Much better." Kristine replied. "I hope I can get back to work."
"Well I might want you, to stay at least one more day." Offered Sophie kindly.
"I suppose, as long as I can help in some way." Kristine offered.
"You really don't like to be down, do you?" Questioned Sophie.
"We were expected to be on our feet at all times." Sighed Kristine. "I could hide it most of the time, but if they found out, off to the grey room."
"I just want to make sure you are really ok." Mused Sophie. "Though I suppose we could work something out."

With that Kristine got to her feet, and found she was still limping a bit. However it was not as bad as the day before and she fallowed Sophie down to the cafe area for some breakfast. She gathered up some dry cereal and a muffin. Once in the cafe she sat down at the nearest table and started to read the paper. They did not notice Ivy walking over to the table, who was in a rather happy mood.

"Is this seat taken?" Came the voice of Ivy.
"No not at all." Kristine replied not looking up. "What brings you here?"
"I heard you took a bit of a tumble, I came to check on you." She mused. "Besides we have been testing some of our new drone cameras."
"Did you tape me?" Said Kristine curiously.
"We got some footage, you really don't know when to quit do you." Mused Ivy.
"I know I need to work on that." Kristine sighed. " I have gotten over a few things at last though."
"You are determined that is good." Remarked Ivy. "No need to stop being that way, that is exactly what we are looking for."
"Thanks." Kristine replied not expecting that from Ivy.
"However we are considering , having you do some group activities soon." Ivy politely informed her. "I understand you work well alone, but we are all part of a team here."
"I understand, just let me know when that starts, so I can prepare myself." Kristine mused.
"I would say that will be in another day or two." Called Sophie walking over to the table. "She was not as hurt as I expected, though I want her to take it easy for another day.

"I am glad to hear that." Spoke Ivy. "However I am grateful agent West, happened to be in the area."
"Hey who forgot to invite me?" Came the voice of West. "Is this a newly established breakfast club?"

To be continued......


Best answers
Known Aliases
The kid, laundry room ghost.
Color #
Obstacles Final part.

I have permission to write the others in.

Soon a few other agents joined in at the table, and were busy talking amongst themselves. West seemed to be offering, his well known breakfast burritos, to anyone who walked by. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely, and the atmosphere was uplifting. Sophie sat next to Kristine and informed them on what she was planing to do that day.

" I need some help organizing some files, then we will move onto some supplies." Sophie offered to Invader who listened intently.
"Just tell me how, and I am good." Kristine replied confidently.
"You do seem to bounce back quickly." Offered Sophie taking note that Kristine was no longer limping.
"I always have, I hardly ever get sick." She replied. "When I do though, I get walloped."
"Must have a good, immune system then." Mused Sophie.

The two of them made their way upstairs to the medical ward, and then proceeded down a few halls. Upon arriving Sophie pulled out a few boxes, and set Kristine to work sorting them out. The two of them worked quickly and soon had everything sorted neatly. All that was left was one lone random box that did not fit in with the others. In the bottom of the box, Kristine found a blank folder, and she offered it to Sophie.

"We don't have one for you yet." Replied Sophie. "I could always start one."
" I can help you with that, I have my box from the lab that has my info." Kristine informed her.
"Why did you not say something sooner." Gently inquired Sophie.
"The box is full of private things, and it has certain codes for the drawers in it." Kristine replied.
"Very interesting." Replied Sophie. "May I come view the box with you?"

Kristine said yes, and the two of them made their way down to the basement laundry room. Quietly Kristine let Sophie into her room, and showed her the dark green box full of drawers. The box itself despite it's size was rather light weight, and Kristine punched in a code causing the third drawer to open. Handing over the files within, she watched as Sophie rummaged through them. Sophie was rather pleased with them, till she got to a disk with a label on it that puzzled her.

"Any idea what this was for?" Sophie inquired.
"That was in one of the medical wings I crept into." Kristine replied. "I think it may have details of the phase one experiments."
"Phase one....." Said Sophie alarmed now. "What was phase one?"
"Those were the animal experiments." Replied Kristine. "They did not last long, soon they moved to people."
"Experiments?" Sophie replied with narrowed eyes. "You mean they experimented on people."
"Yes quite a bit, I still dream about them, and what they told me." Kristine sighed. "Though the dreams no longer bother me." "They mainly did cyborgs, with the animals."
"Did any of them live?" Sophie inquired.
"Most of them did not last long, a few did though." Kristine replied. "All of them are at peace now, the lab is gone, and they cant hurt anyone anymore."
"I see, you were not a part of them then?" Pondered Sophie.
"I was never considered worthy enough." Kristine replied. "Though I did make friends with some of the creatures."

Sophie got quiet, and was now a bit troubled by what the disk might contain. Though she was full of more questions now, and very few answers. At the moment she wanted to know more about the lab, but considered asking another time. The more she learned the more questions she had, and the more her curiosity grew. Kristine handed over a few other disks that she found in a box that just recently been sent.

Later that day Kristine was back on the obstacle course, once again the came to the one with the bars only this time that particular one did not cause her any trouble. Inwardly she cheered, not knowing that Ivy, and agent West had been watching the whole time. The two agents seemed to be pleased with her progress. There was much that had changed about her, sense Kristine had first shown up.

"At least she is making great strides." Observed Ivy.
" Has it really been a year now?" Said West. "My how they have changed."
"Yes, at least they are far from the persistent fear of everyone, though they seem to be a bit restless." Remarked Ivy.
"They will be out doing lessons with the others soon enough." Reassured West. "For now we should just enjoy the small victories."

The end.

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