Q & A Little Big Dreams

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I had two dreams this morning that were related to Carmen.

The first was OOC, I guess (It seemed like it was IRL) was like a scavenger hunt/role play type thing, the purpose of which was to fin/catch someone who was playing Carmen; there were some scenic park-like areas, at one point; but it also seemed that were were in a ,larger city than I am from. Could have been New York or Cleveland, Ohio. I think Lucy was there with me, because I think I remember talking to someone I knew.

The host or MC or whatever of this game looked very much like Chase.

My friend and and I got very close to catching Carmen; but I don't know if we did or not--because then I woke up.

I looked at the time on the cordless phone by my bed. It was around 6:20 a.m. ?


I had another dream this morning about Carmen. It was animated, and in the style of the WoEiCS? cartoon. In this dream, someone from ACME had stolen a high-tech gadget from Carmen.

This was the most high-tech and to-secret of all Carmen's gadgets: it affected the way Carmen saw herself. Apparently, the way we all see Carmen---the way Carmen sees herself--as a confident, intelligent, criminal mastermind between 30-40 yrs old, in the red hat and coat, is all an illusion created by this device. She has the intelligence--but not the confidence or the style she is known for.

Somehow, ACME learned about this (I think it was from us, wondering where Carmen went, and was she was around to chase, but I'm not 100% sure now; someone at VILE could have contacted us, too). When ACME learned of this device, we encouraged her to come back to us, telling her she still had the intelligence; but Carmen didn't because she no longer believed that she could.

Feeling very bad at what was happening to Carmen ACME tried to give the gadget back to Carmen; but it no longer worked. So ACME and VILE teamed up to see if we could create a new one for her. But, it didn't work. In fact, it worked in reverse, and made Carmen even younger; so that Carmen was about the age of Ivy, and was on her way to becoming the age of Zack.

Then I woke up; and looked at the cordless phone by my bed; and it was 9:20 am, so I decided to get up. ?
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OK, I had this dream sometime in the late morning or afternoon, just before I woke up. Technically I think it OOC.

I was getting an autograph from a woman who had written a story that was similar to Mulan, about a young girl who was born with a special spirit and love for justice; but unlike Mulan, this girl did not pretend to be a boy; because this spirit of justice told her that the spirit of justice has always been represented in all cultures and throughout history as a woman.

This spirit of justice told the girl that it was her destiny to inspire others across the world---and even across time-- fight for freedom. The girl was told that she would find everything she needed to accomplish this, and that noone could harm or kill her-- and that even if she died, she would reincarnate--because the spirit-- and the love-- for justice never really dies.

This spirit of justice told the girl not to be afraid to go on this journey alone--because she was wasn't really alone; and she would find everything she needs to fulfil this destiny. The girl's parents believed her when she told them this, and took care of their special child for as long as they could; but people soon heard about this girl; and the authorities went around looking for this special child. So her parents encouraged her to leave home at a young age, because they had faith in her special destiny.

On her journey, walking through the woods the girl finds a beautiful white baby horse, all alone. The girl is concerned for the horse, and comments about it being alone. But the horse is magical, and it talks to her, and says,"I know who you are; and I was waiting you you to find me." The girl and the horse grow up together in wisdom and ability; and the girl does indeed fulfill her destiny and inspires everyone, everywhere--across time--always to fight for freedom and liberty.

It was a very beautiful, but fairly small book. It was rectangular book; with very heavy, glossy pages. The print on the pages was in English--but in very beautiful calligraphy; the original of which was hand-painted by the author, herself. The book was available as an audiobook; I can't remember if it was available in other formats in the dream or not.

The book was originally aimed at children, ages 8-13; but due to it's subject matter, it was popular with adults, too. The woman wrote the book under a pseudonym; because she was a dissident; she made very few appearances related to this book; and when she did, she traveled with armed guards at all times. I was at some kind of school where the author made one of these appearances, for a book-signing. I don't know if it was a prep school or high-school or even a college or university of some kind; and I was young enough to be a "typical" student; or if I was my "real" age, and someone had gone "back to school" and if I was actually attending--or just auditing classes. Now, in this dream, there were many colleges that had Carmen Sandiego fan clubs for young(ish) adult students; and I wanted to start one at this school; and I was told that I was "too old" etc; but I prevailed; and I did it.

So, this author came to this school; and I was there at this book-signing. She said that this was a story that she knew that she had to write, because freedom and liberty are the most important thing we have and we can never lose them; that even America is losing its freedom; and that she chose to speak at colleges that have these clubs because she knows that people that love Carmen Sandiego have a knowledge of geography and history of the world; and a love for justice and and freedom.

Then I woke up.

And, I almost wanted to cry--in a good way--it was so real and so vivid. And actually a few days ago, my mother said to me, that I should write a real story, in a real book; and before I go down a rabbit-hole, on the internet; I want to know, does anyone on here, know of a story like this? Or is anyone willing to help me to research, or write, or illustrate something like this? I do have some knowledge about Asian--and particularly Indian/Hindu things at the moment...but not so much Chinese.

Any thoughts? ?
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Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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There is the story of Avatar Wan. He met Rava the spirit of light and swore to help her stop Vaatuu the spirit of darkness and bring justice and peace to the world as the Avatar.

Tenchi Masaki

ACME Ace Detective, Inventor
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Tenko(don't ask), Kami Jack, Guy Smart, Tenten
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Or- Djinn: “Your just going to keep going aren’t you?” Tenchi: “Yes I am now quiet.”
Or even Wing Chun (2010) Where she learns kung fu to fight corrupt officials and save her family and friends in secret.
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It was a very lovely dream @Tenchi Masaki.

I think I might have read a story mentioning Rava; but not that particular one.

I'll have to look up those other stories and see what they say--and if any of them have illustrations; and what they look like; and if I can borrow any elements of those in my upcoming--or future storylines.

Thank you for your comments. ? ❤? ☸


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
Since I was feeling bad last night, I was dreaming about drifting down a canal, on a wooden boat and Joe Kerr appeared telling jokes, singing and making me laugh. I don't remember much more but it definitely made me feel better. <3


ACME Canine Unit
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Alice, Luce
I had an IC dream last night....Lucy was doing her patrols and Carmen kept leaving me things. (Carmen clues like from WOEICS) and I would open them and it would be something I needed that day. The only time I saw her she was dressed in like a UPS outfit or the like. I would only see her for a split second.

I think maybe because of what's going on with my current circumstances, she was saying I'm going to get what I need so don't worry so much?
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    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye
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