(The only time I was amused by Carmen/Waldo was at San Diego Comic Con in 2011. I told this story before but I don't think @Charlet was a member then so here is the condensed version. I was cosplaying as Carmen, my friend and I went to a pizza place a few blocks from the con for a bite, we walked in and there was a guy dressed as Waldo at the counter. He turned around as we came in, we made eye contact, screamed, and took a picture)
Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."