Thanksgiving for Four


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(I don't own the characters Carmen Sandiego,Chase Devineaux and Lee Jordan whatsoever)

Please note: this isn't a romantic story this is a Thanksgiving story.

Jade's house

Jade Ezell is have to spend Thanksgiving alone because she couldn't decide to be with her mother or her father to Thanksgiving dinner with until one day she answer the door and saw Carmen Sandiego along with Chase Devineaux and Lee Jordan came to the front door.

"Happy Thanksgiving,Jade!" said Carmen
"Thank you,Carmen!" said Jade
"Mind if we come in?" Chase asked
"of course,Chase!" said Jade as she let Carmen,Chase and Lee enter her house with grocery bag of food.

After preparing the side dishes that Jade and Carmen did. Chase and Lee place the turkey in the oven...

"So Jade,how come you're not going to spend Thanksgiving with your parents?" Carmen asked
"They split before I turned sixteen." Jade answered
"Did your mother or your father got remarried?"
"My father did but before I turned thirty he and my former stepmother broke up for no reason whatsoever." Jade answered as Lee came to the living room and said "Ooo...that's tough!"
"Jordan,not every family has that problem." said Chase as he came to the living room.
"Do you have problems with your family,Chase?" Jade asked
"I rather not tell you about my family." Chase answered
"I don't want to talk about it." Lee answered
"Let's talk about something else." said Carmen
"Good idea,'sis'." said Jade
"Jade!" said Carmen nodded her head...

"So Jade,what is favorite color?" Lee asked
"Blue,pure and medium!" said Jade
"What's your favorite food?"
"Anything ethnic and making a good plate like a dietitian wants everybody to do."
"Care to explain that answer,Jade?" Chase asked

"If it's Chinese I go with plain brown rice with steamed sea bass and stir fry vegetables...If it's Indian then Chicken Tandoori with whole wheat Naan bread and Raita ,a dish made with tomatoes,cucumber,carrots and spinach."
"What about Japanese?" Carmen asked
"It's teppanyaki combinations of beef,chicken and shrimp with vegetables and steamed brown rice."
"It's jajangmyeon it's a noodle dish with vegetables and galbi, a marinated beef short ribs."

"What your greatest obsession?" Lee asked
"Collecting and reading non-fiction books because it makes me smart." Jade answered.

"What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?" Chase asked

"Roast turkey,cranberry sauce,stuffing..."
"Do you like sweet potato casserole?" Lee interrupted and asked the question at the same time.
"Only if its pecans on top instead of marshmallows."
"Do you like green bean casserole?"
"I like green bean casserole although I don't like green beans that much."

"What is your favorite dessert?" Carmen asked
"Tough one but I'll say I like sugar free desserts like blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream,fudge brownies with vanilla ice cream,hot fudge sauce and nut toppings." Jade answered

"Alright enough questions let's make sure the food doesn't come cold when it's time for Thanksgiving." said Chase.

three hours later after Jade said a prayer of Thanksgiving they are enjoying roast turkey,cranberry sauce,stuffing,sweet potato casserole (with pecans on top instead of marshmallows),green bean casserole and of course a slice of pumpkin pie for dessert.

"Boy that is one good Thanksgiving dinner." said Lee after eating just one plate.
"You said it,Lee!" said Jade after eating just one plate same for Carmen and Chase.

And so Jade waves goodbye to Carmen,Chase and Lee as headed for home.

Happy Thanksgiving! And the end.
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Wow. That was so cool, having Thanksgiving with Carmen, Chase and Lee, at your house!! LOL!! Sounds like a great meal, too. But I don't understand. You all had only one plate, with a little bit of everything, and no pie, or cookies, or anything? !! LOL!! :)


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Uh Julie about what you said nobody wants to be a pig anyway and yes there is dessert...a slice of pumpkin pie that's all. :halo:
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Hey Jade. I understand what you mean. I do the same thing at Thanksgiving myself. I make sure I have a little bit of breakfast, even if it's just cereal or toast, cuz a lot of times we eat dinner late, and I really don't think it's good to go somewhere hungry. I try to pick the things I know I'll really like, and put a little bit of everything on my plate. Usually that is enough for me, although sometimes I have a weakness for mashed potatoes!! LOL!! (I blame that on the fact that most of my ancestors are Irish!! LOL!! :) ) Then after some time has passed and we have dessert, if there are different types of pies (see: "Epic Thanksgiving Meal." LOL.) I will be able to have a little bit of everything, since it is a special day. Then, I try not to have too many snacks afterwards, unless I know we're going to be staying there late. People always ask me,"Why do you always eat so sensibly? !!" And I say,"It's simple. I don't like the way I feel when I eat too much." ;)
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Hello Jade. Well..I'm not lucky all the time...but I am Irish/Scottish, Danish and a little bit French, too, I think. So the way I think of it, I am more Celtic than if I was actually born in any of those countries!! ;) Our Irish people are from County Mayo (I put some facts about County Mayo in my last Journal entry "A Special Day For Justice.") We have Scottish people who are related to both William Wallace and Robert the Bruce (think of the movie "Braveheart" about the first Scottish War for Independence from England). My mom's mom's family is from Denmark. But I don't know too much about our French Celts yet. My mom's dad was the one who was interested in researching the history of our family, and when he found out we had Scottish ancestors, he decided he wanted to learn to play the Scottish bagpipes. (The main difference between the Scottish pipes and the Irish pipes is the number of pipes or "drones" that you see sticking up from the "bag." If it is 3 or more, they are Scottish pipes; if it 2, they are Irish pipes). My grandma (mom's mom) used to play the cello and could sight read music, so she taught my grandpa to do it. After that, he joined a pipe band (like you see at parades) and got a "practice chanter" (which is like one individual "pipe" from a set of bagpipes, like if you ever played a "recorder" in music class in school) and he taught himself to play all the songs you always hear them play at parades. In fact, my grandpa and his band played at many parades here in Ohio, especially in Cleveland. When people see bagpipers in a parade, they just assume that the color green is always associated with the Irish, and color red is always associated with the Scottish but that isn't always true. The color of your outfit (your hat, your tartan "sash" and your kilt (yes, a skirt for a man..and there is nothing more attractive to a Celtic girl than a good looking man in a kilt. ;) ) is based on what clan you're from. My grandpa died a few yrs ago, so now his sons (my mom's brothers, and my uncles) and their sons (my cousins) continue the research into our family history. I tried to do it, too, but the only info that I could find were the things we already knew. So this is one instance where I let the men do all the hard work, find the info and compile it, and I just enjoy reading it!! LOL!! :)


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Whoa! Don't say no more,Julie I get now! Please I'm trying to keep my own profile so please I get the picture.

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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    ??? that just makes me mor confused
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    That means never mind....
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    it's a really awful night
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    I know what nm means. I don't understand emojis
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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I was just surprised
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Surprised about what? That I didn't like Netflix version
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    just the game and all
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    its just too much
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Yeah. Also that series ended a while back. Its just a. Cashgrab
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Carmen didn't need to be redeemed I don't think...
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    It's not redeemed its more than like identify fraud
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    It's a younger Carmen than before
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Carmen Isabella sandiego and Carmen Sandiego are two different people imo.
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    My Carmen in my stories is actually mid 50s in age. Has her own backstory, timeline, and appearance separate from any of the canon
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  • Lucy Lucy:
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  • Laverna Laverna:
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    If you read the accomplice you will understand
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