Poem for spring healed jack


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Poem for spring healed jack

This one took some time to write, and I hope it brings you a smile.

The world was yours, everything was well.
Blessed beyond, what anyone could tell.
Ever upward, you were determined to soar.
A thousand kingdoms, bowed at your door.
One fateful day, a golden ticket came.
It was your door, to glory and fame.
With out hesitation, you took it in stride.
Not knowing fallowed, the dark ill fated tide.
Weeks passed, as clouds on the winds.
Passion, hot and heavy, burned within.
A leap, a landing, fallowed by a thunderous crack.
Stars danced dimly, as the future turned black.
All at once, everything fell to ruin and dust.
In fates cold cruel hands, you were crushed.
Days went by, turning to a bitter harsh year.
Alone in gloom you sat, though you shed no tears.
Blue skies now turned grey, cursed be all in your way.
A fateful day, a father now gone, a price so dear to pay.
Out of nowhere a box arrived, marked just for you.
Upon opening it, you found your life began anew.
A curious bundle of , gears, a tank, and some wires.
Pared with a tome, showing a hearts dark desire.
The light that failed, the darkness now grew.
A transformed person, that became the new you.
To become a legend, the terror of the night.
Spring healed jack, to wield his might.

Ororo Munroe

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Storm, Windrider, Ororo Komo Munroe, Goddess of the (Serengetti) Plains, Weather Witch
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Hello Invader.

What a beautiful and strong name that is. I am just starting to get familiar with everyone and everything here. But you also seem to be friends with an agent on here named Julie Justice. I know her as well.

What a beautiful poem. I love the way you describe the elements of the storm. It reminds me of when I use my powers to control the weather, which is why Professor Xavier gave me the name Storm when I joined the X-Men. But I can't use that name on here, because there is already a "Storm" on this site. But that is alright; as they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery. So I use my "real" name which means "Beauty."

I hope that you are able to read the role play that I am a part of (now that I have access to the Shoutbox). And I really hope that you continue to write your great poems.

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