Open [Novice] Blizzard


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While pouring some hot chocolate for herself and her cat,Sam cozy upon the floor near the fireplace there Jade saw Julie Justice arriving

She remains standing

Kidman.. or Neb...or whatever her name is... and her pet...that appears to be a living, breathing, roaring dinosaur...a T-Rex.

Finally she says, "Now, there's something I never thought I'd see. I'm glad I didn't miss all the excitement." ;)
"Hey Julie,want some hot chocolate?" Jade asked as she came out with a cup of hot chocolate on her right hand."it's pretty good!"
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It wasn't snowing, and there was no wind blowing at the moment, either... but the temperature was still Julie was glad when she saw Jade come out of the cabin with a cup of hot chocolate.

Julie thanked Jade for her thoughtfulness, and happily *drank* the hot, sweet beverage, and handed the cup back to Jade.
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Queen of Crime
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Arriving in a vintage Fordson 'snow machine', Carmen drove into the cabin's vicinity and waited for Neb to bring in proper distraction. When attentions were turned, she entered the hunting lodge through its back door.

Hardwood floors and solid oak beams enclosed a cozy but sterile place, characteristic of ACME's Director.

While Jade was outside receiving Julie, Carmen hung up her coat and hat. She threw her snow boots into the corner, claimed a pair of tufted gray slippers that were near the door, and began studying the ACME lodge.

The fire was warm, some sap remained on the floor where a yule tree must have stood, and the kitchen was fully stocked. Not a bad place to spend winter...
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Her boots crunching through the snow, Julie walks a short distance until she came to her cabin. It was small, but more than the generous in size for one person. Like the other cabins nearby, it was a frontier-style cabin on a stone foundation, made of oak with a stone chimney on the side. But this cabin had a front porch by the door; something that she couldn't imagine got much use in weather like this.

She *stomped* her feet on the mat outside the door, to knock a little of the snow of her boots. Looking around cautiously, she reached into the outside pocket of her duffel bag, and took out the key to the cabin. Luckily, the grip on her gloves really was excellent; and the door opened easily. Still a little cautious, she stepped through the door, closing and locking it behind her.

She takes her duffel bag off her shoulder, and puts it on the floor, next to a little bench, beside the door. She takes off her long winter coat, she hangs it on a peg hook by the door; revealing a red mock turtleneck and blue jeans. Sitting down on a the little bench, she unlaces and removes high winter boots, very glad that are both waterproof, and insulated, as it means that her feet are both dry and relatively warm. She picks up her duffle bag, opens it, an takes out a pair of tennis shoes and puts them on.

She heads over to the fireplace, and sees that there is a small bundle of wood near it. Taking the protective screen off the fireplace, she puts the wood in the fireplace. She looks around, and finds a book of matches on the mantle. It takes a few *strikes* on the matchbook cover, but she does get the match lit. Satisfied that the fire is burning well enough to warm the cabin, Julie takes off her gloves, putting them on the fireplace mantel.

As is very popular with many modern floor plans, the kitchen can be partially seen from the living room area; and as Julie goes to the kitchen, to find something to eat, she glances out her window, and sees that a vehicle has pulled up to one of the cabins. It maybe unexpected.. but it is not entirely unfamiliar... Could it really be Carmen? !!..

Once more, Julie puts on, and laces up her boots, and puts on her coat and her gloves, and goes outside. :)
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After Jade return inside somehow her cat,Sam purred at Carmen while his fur is warming up at the fireplace when...
Arriving in a vintage Fordson 'snow machine', Carmen drove into the cabin's vicinity and waited for Neb to bring in proper distraction. When attentions were turned, she entered the hunting lodge through its back door.

Hardwood floors and solid oak beams enclosed a cozy but sterile place, characteristic of ACME's Director.

While Jade was outside receiving Julie, Carmen hung up her coat and hat. She threw her snow boots into the corner, claimed a pair of tufted gray slippers that were near the door, and began studying the ACME lodge.

The fire was warm, some sap remained on the floor where a yule tree must have stood, and the kitchen was fully stocked. Not a bad place to spend winter...

"Well hello there,Carmen good to see you."
said Jade "Would you care for some hot chocolate,it's really good?"
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The kid, laundry room ghost.
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Invader kinda was very happy, this was shaping up to be a worthwhile trip. They decided to head inside via the back door, they preferred to quietly slip in. However once there, someone had beat them to the punch. No matter once inside they shed a few layers, and proceeded to walk barefoot in to the lounge. Much to their surprise Carmen was here, it had been a good long time sense they had been in close proximity.

Normally they kept to themselves, and did the same personal space wise. However they made an exception this time, she walked right up, and sat down next to Carmen. They had hoped to catch a glimpse of them, at least , this was more than enough.

"I have missed you." They spike with a hint of joy. "How have you been?"


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Boss (situational)
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Picking up his shovel, Devineaux tapped it against his boots to dust off the snow.

"Right," he spoke under his breath and walked towards the cabin, "Park that where it won't eat anybody."

Carmen hung up her coat and hat. She threw her snow boots into the corner, claimed a pair of tufted gray slippers that were near the door, and began studying the ACME lodge.
Once he opened the door to the cabin, he found his slippers missing, and a set of red coat and hat clearly on the oak stand.

Chase thought for a moment, and then shrugged. Sure, why not?

"Hot chocolate, please," he said to no one in particular, "then I'm going to get more firewood."


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As Jade finished her hot chocolate when all of the sudden Chase came back in...
Picking up his shovel, Devineaux tapped it against his boots to dust off the snow.

"Right," he spoke under his breath and walked towards the cabin, "Park that where it won't eat anybody."

Carmen hung up her coat and hat. She threw her snow boots into the corner, claimed a pair of tufted gray slippers that were near the door, and began studying the ACME lodge.
Once he opened the door to the cabin, he found his slippers missing, and a set of red coat and hat clearly on the oak stand.

Chase thought for a moment, and then shrugged. Sure, why not?

"Hot chocolate, please," he said to no one in particular, "then I'm going to get more firewood."
"Coming right now." said Jade as she quickly pour a cup of hot chocolate and give the cup to Chase "Boy that hot chocolate is delicious! And my cat,Sam loves the fireplace to keep his fur warm."
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As Julie stood outside of her cabin, she feels a few small, cold gusts of wind on her face; so she decides to go back inside, closing the door behind her.

The fire in the fireplace, left unattended, had begun to die out. Julie went over to the fireplace, and once again, removed the screen in front of it. She picked up the poker by the fireplace, and managed for a few moments, to stir up a few flames, only to have them die out again.

Julie *looks over* in the corner, to see if she has any wood left. She does have a few pieces; but if she uses it now, and gets the fire going again, it won't last through the night; and if she burns it now, she won't have any firewood for tomorrow. She puts screen back over the fireplace.

Julie *walks over* to the door again, and opens it. She walks out onto her porch; and looks around; hoping that she will find a little more firewood; perhaps buried under a little snow; but doesn't find any out there.

She steps off her porch, into what would be the front-yard area around her cabin, taking a few very careful steps; her boots crunching in the snow.

There are plenty of trees around; and most of the branches have snow on them. But they all seem to be in-tact; any small twigs, sticks, or branches that may have fallen to the ground...whether by an act of God or man.. are covered by snow, too.

Julie *sighs a little.* She likes to think she is a resourceful girl; but she is running out of ideas. She *walks back up the steps* and into the cabin; and stepping inside the doorway for a moment, she grabs her duffel bag, that is hanging by the door, and puts it over her right shoulder She closes the door of her cabin again; but this time she locks it behind her.

Once again, she *walks down the steps.* She doesn't want to impose on her neighbors; but she is amongst friends here, after all. Perhaps they will have some firewood they can give her.

So, her boots crunching through the snow once again, Julie begins her short, chilly yet scenic trek down the trail to the other cabins. :)


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Jade and her cat,Sam spotted their cabin next to Chase's's a kinda small to medium size...Jade notices a clean mini kitchen and a small living room space with an electric fireplace...Sam is happy because there's a big wheel for him so he can exercise,a cat tree,an automatic self cleaning litter box,an automatic feeder and a water fountain.

Although there's no phone or TV Jade is impressed with a full-size bed in her bedroom and there in the bathroom is a nice sauna steam shower and a bathtub so she can relax after a shower.

"Oh yeah,this cabin reminds me of home only nicer!" she said. (by the way Jade and Sam bundle up quickly to get there in a hurry.)
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Finally, getting to the end of the trail, Julie heads to the smaller cabin; which is a little closer to hers. If she remembered correctly, it was Jade's cabin.
Julie walked cautiously, yet quickly as she approached the cabin. As she walked up the steps, towards the door, she looked for any signs that Jade and her cat, Sam were already there.

Julie stops and stands at the door; *knocks* and *yells* in a fairly loud voice,
"Hello, Jade? Is anyone home?" :)

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    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Aye lass the peaky blinders would be proud of ye
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Alright the question's come up again and now it's driving mad LOL.
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    "Napoleon attacked by rabbits" so I had to go google search it. "The story of Napoleon being "defeated" by rabbits during a hunt in 1807 is a humorous anecdote, but it's not a confirmed historical fact, though it is mentioned in General Thiébault's memoirs. "
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    (Lord, it felt good to get that creative blockage out of my head)
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    Felt good to do something on here besides clear spam
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    I'm glad Deric. I was wondering if you guys would be able to finish Ultramarine
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    Lucy Lucy: I'm glad Deric. I was wondering if you guys would be able to finish Ultramarine