Archived Hiatus


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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On the plane ride to New York, Patty played with the a/v system trying to get an inflight movie going. Nothing really worked, so she turned on the music instead. Patty made a face when she saw all the CDs. The crew with the good music were all with Carmen, where ever that ACME tower is. She was stuck with Kenny and classic rock. Oy vey!

Throwing the remote to the side, she sat back in her seat.

"Hey, Kenny," she said, "if you're sleeping, try not to snore, kay?"


Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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Being airborne for 24 consecutive hours in one form or another had left Euge stiff, sore, tired, somewhat angry and in desperate need of a shower. A short jog around the outer edge of the compound got blood flowing to his limbs again. Ending his run at a small security door in the back of the ACME dorms, he slipped inside and availed himself of the showers.

With two of his immediate problems solved, Euge tuned a small travel radio to one of the local stations while he wrestled his flight suit out of his backpack. The archaic dollar store reject didn't have much power, but it was enough to pick up the local news stations who were a-twitter with the fallout of Chase's conference. Euge honestly didn't expect much to come of the conference, so it was a shock to hear the ultimatum being delivered. The revelation about people still being in the building at the time of the theft derailed Euge's train of thought. This news took the option of a long range retaliatory strike off the table, especially with VILE now in possession of an HVI. No, this will require boots on the ground, and that will require inserting a team once word comes down, and that will require...

"Rabbit, this is Euge. Put the chopper and ATV back in the triple 7 and have it buttoned up by 0200... Yes, I heard the press conference, that's why it's imperative you have this bird on a hair trigger by the time I get there... No, I don't know the destination yet, just max her out...wait, leave it about four tons under MTOW; I have one more package to load when I get there...What have I told you about calling me sir? *click*"

With the phone call setting the airfield crew in motion, Euge now had about 6 hours to get some shut-eye. Stretching out in the back of one of the Sikorskys, he fired off a quick message to Chase, who was no doubt being bombarded; "777 will be mission ready at 0200 local." That final piece of business concluded, Euge set his alarm and promptly drifted off. Tomorrow was promising to be a long day.

Emma Bezzle

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Emma, Em, Bez, or Bezzy
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This is a joint post with Crim.

Crimson was looking at her reflection in her compact handheld mirror, while Lory talked on her phone with Patty. Clearly, Patty was doing all of the talking. Lory couldn't even complete one sentence. Eventually, Lory hung up the phone and said to Crim: "Patty wants us to go to New York City with her." A wave of excitement rolled over Crimson. She adores the City that Never Sleeps. There is never a lack of excitement -- and shopping -- there.

Loralye was attempting to read her book, Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics, but after she had read the introduction to free energy calculations four times, she sat the book down. She looked over to the seat next to hers. Crimson's face was completely relaxed-well, the part that Lora could see. Crim's eyes were covered in what Lora considered to be a ‘tacky' leopard print sleep mask. However, watching her friend's breathing told her that she was still awake.

"Hey, Crim?" Lora hedged. The nagging feeling that had been a constant presence in her mind since her call to Patty came to the forefront of her mind now. "Are you sure we should be doing this?"

Crimson was attempting to relax in the uncomfortable airplane seats, when she suddenly felt an elbow in her side. Lory was complaining about something, but Crimson wasn't paying attention. All she heard was the typical Lory phrase: "Are you sure we should be doing this?" Crim removed the Mary Green sleep mask from her face. "Look, Lory. This isn't our concern, really. We aren't part of ACME and it isn't our tower. Quit worrying about it. Everything will be fine. Now, please, let me get some beauty sleep before we get to New York City!" Crimson turned away from her overly concerned best friend and tried to resume her period of rest.

Lora nodded her head absent mindedly. Crim had a point; it wasn't their HQ and therefore none of their concern. Carmen knew what she was doing and if she had wanted them involved, she would have said so. Satisfied for the time being, Lora began reading where she had left off. She managed to get through two more pages before the nagging feeling returned. Thoughts of the little girl Devineaux mentioned in the press conference earlier kept popping up. Clearly the girl was an unexpected kink in Carmen's plan; what if something else had gone wrong and Carmen didn't even know about it? What if she needed them and they were off gallivanting in New York City! Anxiety wracking her body, Lora turned back to Crim and in a tone that could almost be described as hysterical, said, "Are you absolutely sure that we should be doing this?"

Crimson was resuming her beauty sleep when she felt a jolt, this time even more violent then the first: "Are you absolutely sure that we should be doing this?" Crim whipped off her mask and faced Lory "I am so totally sure! Have I ever been wrong before? Now, Lory, please let me sleep! Thank you!" Crimson turned around and faced the other way for what she hoped would be the last time. Crimson really did not understand what Lory was so upset about. If there were any problems – at least one of them had a phone. And they would be with Patty and Kenny in one of the biggest cities in the world. It would not be hard to reach them if needed – and it would not be hard to leave the city if needed.

Lora rolled her eyes at her friend's comment: ‘Have I ever been wrong before?' The answer: Yes. Crimson had been wrong on several occasions during the few years that they had known each other. There had been that time when she put a metal pot in the microwave, or the time she stuck a fork into a toaster, or the time she stuck her tongue to a lamp-post in the middle of a New England winter. But Crim's stupid actions aside, she was still right. Her firm resolve that everything would be fine quelled Lora's worries and she settled back into her seat and once again picked up her book. Some time passed before Lora suddenly sat upright. How could she be so stupid? Franticly, she turned to her right and shook Crimson. "Crim. Crim!"

Crimson ripped the mask off her face. "Lory, oh my god, I swear-"

"No, no, no," she said quickly, "it's not about the Tower. Where the hell are we going to stay? The plane lands in half an hour and we don't have a hotel booked!"

"I always come prepared!" said Crimson. She reached up to the storage compartment and grabbed her carry-on bag. Inside was her laptop. She sat back down and opened up a document. "I did some researched hotels before we left. We could stay at The Pierre, my personal favorite, the Waldorf-Astoria, Four Seasons, the Greenwich, or The Plaza! I'm liking the Plaza the best – what do you think?"

"Plaza's good," Lory said. "Make sure you get Patty the info when we land."


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Boss (situational)
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(Quick one to answer Brian and Nevon. We're still waiting on something from VILE--*Clears throat*--Carmen?)

Chase Devineaux, as he left the stage, was planning out minor damage control. He hated to leave this to Tatyana, but she had to learn sometime, and this curve ball was a good start.

Brian Graves said:
"Mr. Field Director, Agent Brian Graves. You're needed where the cameras are. There has been a confrontation between one of our agents and Lee Jordan. What are your orders, sir?"

Lee Jordan? Great.

"Come with me," the Field Director nodded to Graves and headed towards the conflict. He got there in time to see the strike of Calina Corranos's well-aimed palm at, surprisingly, not Jordan. When Philo started his talk, Devineaux got the picture. This kind of behavior was frowned upon, but now wasn't the time to shoot down able men. Deric Storm, like Corranos said, needed a cold shower. Devineaux would talk to Storm later, if Cali let the boy live long enough.

Off the corner of his vision, he could see Nevon Blair fumbling past the crowd towards him. Chase raised an arm, calling the rookie over.

"Stand by, Brian," Chase instructed to the agent next to him.

When Nevon arrived, he said, "Can I count on you and Graves to make sure these reporters all leave, and everyone else goes where they need to go? We're going to need to form teams soon, covering different angles. If neither of you are on a case, we could use you.

"I need to talk to Chief Weller," he concluded, heading out, "you can leave the compound by midnight, and report back to me in the morning -- 10 AM." There were times Devineaux would rather encourage dialog instead of making commands and then leaving, but he was never great with stretching conversations.
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Kenneth (by Carmen), Kenny (by other VILE agents), Crackpot Kenny, The Anti-Player, Contestant #3
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[Ken U. Belevitt]

"I fixed my snoring," Kenny murmured from the back "but I can't sleep anyway." Ken shuffled to the front of the plane with a bright white nasal strip across his nose. He peered out over the front of the plane. Big, thick clouds flew over under, around and through. It was clearly winter in most of the world. His head turned to Patty, who was simply sitting back in her seat feeling thankful that, thanks to the nasal strip around his nose, he wasn't snorting as he breathed. It was only him, her, and the devil watching. This was an opportunity to say something witty, do something charming, try to impress her somehow.....

"Hey, uh, can I get you some grape soda?"

He gave a pause.

"I mean champagne! Would you like some champagne!?"


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[Chip Masters]

Chip finished his cell phone call. "All right," he said, walking back to the others still outside. "I think I might have activated the server room security measures... Wherever the thing is, it has rotten satellite reception." He sighed and looked at the sky. "If all went right, barring any unforseen circumstances, the room is locked up tight and all the computers onsite immobilized until I issue the override whenever we get the building back." He shook his head. "I hope it works -- this is the first time I've actually had to use it."


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"Sim," Cali had been talking to her mother on the phone, "é..., é verdade.." She rolled her eyes a little as she agreed. Her mother called today because of the ACME news, but now she was talking about the fight after the press conference. The more her mother talked, Cali could tell her parents did not see much at all. They are assuming everything. "Sim, mamãe, só um pouco," she made a shrug, "ele não é assim." Hearing Deric come out of the shower, she interrupted the call from Brazil, "Ups, ele está aqui. Okay... falar com você em breve. Tchau. Beijos."

“Hey, Cali…” he began to say.

She did not want to repeat what her mother said, and Deric sounded very sorry when he said her name, so she just exhaled. "You are going a long way to helping my mamãe think Americans are always drunk," she said as she plopped her phone on the bed.


Confidence Man
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It was barely an hour after the ACME Press Conference, and The Master Thief had already told her Lowly Follower everything he needed to know. Carmen was going to take care of the front, while Vic was to take the little girl to a half-way point for her safe return to ACME. Fumigalli was still scratching his head when his phone buzzed.

Vic picked up the device inside the first ring and a half. He knew it was Sarah Nade, not because of the ringtone, but because ACME just had their televised conference, and no one else but Sarah had this number. She was bound to call.

"Ey.. yeh.. I can't talk long, Carmen's limiting signals coming in and outta this place," he looked at Hailey and hunched over the phone, "You saw the news, ah? That's how screwy this got. Take a flight now to Brazil, Carmen's orders, the usual bum at the airport's waiting for ya."

He hung up. Now, the conman was off to do what his boss liked best, follow her instructions.

"Kid, little girl," he said to Hailey, "We're taking a trip, c'mon, grab a bear or something and let's get going."

Is she coming?" Hailey asked about Carmen.

Vincent made a face, not that he was really surprised. He'd never take VILE's ringleader as someone good with kids, but in some ways, she was one herself. "She's got stuff to do, maybe she'll come, I don't know," he replied, "there's candy on the plane if ya hurry."


Medical Staff
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20 Minutes Ago - ACME Medical Centre

The rhythmic rotor-sounds of the last air ambulance to leave the ACME Medical Centre faded into the ambient noise created by the surrounding cityscape, the crowd on the ACME compound and the surveillance aircraft that lingered above it. Sophie Conrad stood a few metres away from the helipad, with one hand tucked into the pocket of a half-zipped parka, and another hand tightly wrapped around a half-frozen and yet-unopened bottle of Dr Pepper. Her damp red-coloured hair framed her face in flyaway strands as she watched the blinking lights on the helicopter until it had blended into the other lights in the sky. A sharp metallic sound made her turn.

Sheila Matthews, one of the two senior attending physicians who remained on-duty in the Medical Centre, lifted a violently-dancing flame. “Go home,” she muttered – her voice a growl as she glared over the cigarette hanging from her lips to Sophie who, with an indeterminable shrug, replied by diverting their gazes out toward the mass of people and vehicles that choked up the private road serving the ACME compound: “In that traffic?”

Sheila chuckled and inhaled.

Strolling side-by-side toward the edge of the Medical Centre’s roof level, the two women leaned against the polished metal rail and stared out into the mess that reigned upon the open grounds below. Sophie glanced over at her colleague and momentarily thought about how the amber glow from the freshly-lit cigarette completed the senior doctor’s misleading looks – the over-dyed golden highlights in her hair, the flecks of light in her hardened brown eyes, and even the rebellious shimmer of her eye-shadow…

“You've been suspiciously quiet,” Sheila pointed out.

Sophie raised a quizzical eyebrow.

“Come on, Little Miss Perfect – you were part of the Luxembourg team. You can’t tell me you didn’t suspect anything.”

“I didn’t suspect anything.”

“See, you’re really bad at that,” the dismissive was quick, complete with an accusatory wag of a finger, “lying.”

“Most people consider it a good thing,” Sophie countered calmly with a faint smile on her lips.

“Well, what do you think will happen now?”

“I don’t know,” her words were truthful as the younger doctor turned to stare out into the distance. “The child has to be found and returned to her family. I can’t imagine the distress they must be feeling.”

“Humph…” There was a moment of silence as Sheila contemplated the cigarette between her fingers, “I still can’t believe she did this – the b*tch.”


“Sure, steal the world’s monuments, fine! But steal from us?” Sheila waved her hands with indignation, flicking loose ash around as she emphasised her words. “If it hadn’t been for ACME, that woman would already be rotting in some godforsaken gutter somewhere.”

“Her actions certainly are selfish but she must have her reasons---”

"Her reasons?" came the scorn-filled exclamation. “I can’t believe you’re defending her!”

Sophie was silent for awhile before she quietly explained: “You’re taking the role of the prosecution, there’s only one other possible outlook.”

“Oh, come off it, I’m taking the role of a witness! I was here when the Tower disappeared, you know. Do you have any idea how that felt – to see an entire building vanish? Bloody hell, what if she’d decided to take the Medical Centre, too? We had patients in here! It’s going to take years to rebuild our reputation.”

“Ah, our reputation...” the redhead mused.

“You can’t tell me you don’t care about that.”

“We all care about how we are perceived. But, in the end, we cannot control what people want to think or how they want to act towards us - and we cannot let them control us. All we can is to continue doing the right things and our reputations will follow…”

Sheila regarded the woman beside her with a mixture of amusement and incredulity. Then, she laughed. It was impossible to continue the argument. "Stop that," she muttered.

Sophie tilted her head, momentarily confused.

"Being so goddamn sensible," Sheila said, her hands moving expressively. "It's irritating."

“We can’t both be angry,” Sophie smiled.

There was an unconvinced chuckle from the older woman but she raised her hands in mock surrender, "Yeah, yeah..."

“Are you finished?” Sophie asked, looking pointedly at her colleague’s disappearing cigarette. “It’s cold.”

“Yeah…” The remnants of the smoke were extinguished. “You really should stop drinking that crap,” Sheila said, with a disapproving nod towards the bottle in Sophie’s grasp.

“You really should stop smoking that crap,” came the unruffled reply.

“Yeah, with all this sh*t that’s been happening, I should find something stronger, don’t you think?”

Sophie smiled and shook her head, “You’re incorrigible.”

“Well,” the older woman drawled, “We can’t both be perfect.”

* * * * *

Now - ACME Academy

Droplets of condensation shook themselves free from the bottom of the PET bottle as Sophie cracked open the seal around its dark red-coloured cap and held it out towards Chase Devineaux. “Here you go…” she offered with a hint of sympathy, “When was the last time you had something to eat or drink?”

The Field Director, still walking, took the offer with some hesitation. He never liked Dr Pepper. More than that, he wondered how he should carry it, where he might set it down, and if it would prove to be a problem when he carried a conversation. Little things that didn’t use to need thinking were making themselves difficult.

“Thanks,” he said, and realized it was the right thing to say, which made the rest of the reply easier, “I should probably grab a sandwich... soon.”

“Ah,” Sophie murmured as she acknowledged his reply with a nod. Soon. She thought about his words and considered the way he looked, the expression on his face, the posture he held and the way he grasped the plastic bottle.

She had come over to the ACME Academy, via the basement parking lot, to check if the young cadets, who had returned from Luxembourg City, had been sent home safely – and, admittedly, to check if her car was still in existence – when she caught sight of the Field Director. The hint of weariness she had first discerned from the man in the Boeing had become something a little less ignorable.

“It’s a soft drink, Mr. Devineaux,” she decided to explain, after awhile, “people usually drink such stuff. The sugar and caffeine might help until you get your sandwich.”

“Sounds nice and artificial,” he took a drink. “I don’t suppose you saw the entire press conference?”

“I saw it,” she nodded. “Has anything useful turned up?”

Nothing so far had been solid, and as the hour passed, Chase was beginning to doubt if the truth had been the right thing to announce in front of the mass media.

“Nothing yet,” he concluded, “but I still need to meet up with Dr. Weller, talk about our next steps.” The soft drink wasn’t so bad, welcoming, at this rate, “How’s the Medical Center?”

“We’re doing all right,” her words were smooth, delivered with a slight smile and without hesitation. It was not untrue but Sophie felt elaboration unnecessary – the Director, surely, had enough on his mind. “And, you?” she continued, “How are you holding up?”

I need a stronger drink, he thought.

“It’s probably better for everybody if we established some ground rules as soon as possible,” Chase thought out loud. Sophie quirked an eyebrow. Taking another gulp from the bottle of Dr Pepper, he realized he’d ignored the question, “I’m decent,” he forced a chuckle after swallowing, “tired, but that’s expected. You?”

There, not expecting her enquiry returned, Sophie had a moment’s hesitation. “I’m all right,” she recovered with a nod. The smile that warmed her features was small, filled with compassion but fleeting as it gave way to steady gravity again.

“I’ll be on the compound until the debrief,” she said. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

I wouldn’t know where to start, Chase thought. Bring me the Tower, Hailey Weller, take me back to Monday morning -- my office.

“This’ll do,” he held up the soft drink, returning the brisk smile she gave him. “Thanks, again.”

Sophie nodded, comprehending that their conversation had ended. “Prenez soin, Directeur. Tout ira bien,” she said in a gentler tone as she slowed her steps to let Chase pass. “Bonne nuit.

"Sophie," he stopped and turned to her, pronouncing the ‘Sophie’ in French. "You did a good job, everything from China to Luxembourg... Donne-nous de tes nouvelles, we're short on Field Medics." Finishing, he saluted lightly, "À bientôt."


Press Director
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Yana, Tanya, Tanechka, TanYUchen'ka, TanyUs'ka
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One of the jobs of a Public Relations Officer was to make sure ACME looked good, and Tantyana was busy doing this while reporters were wrapping up at the press conference. No one was allowed to speak to Chase, and he had all but disappeared from the crowd. By this time, and after the incident with Deric Storm and Lee Jordan, it was up to ACME's PR to scrape bits and pieces and put them out the door.

"Fast mother-of-a-conference," Macy Gartner, the first reporter to call Tanya that morning came to say hello. She was dressed in her black suit jacket and pants, a white cardigan, and a pair of two-inch boot-heels with studded decors that the Russian thought were a little tasteless. "Your man's better than that 'talking robot' you-know-who had last week."

Tanya smiled, "Most government speakers sound like robots. I hope INB got everything you need?"

"Yes, but worrying, about the little girl. Is your take any different? Carmen Sandiego and kidnapping, big deal, right?"

The Russian shook her head.

"Not talking, I see," Macy shrugged, "Was worth a shot."

"Are you airing the fight too?" Tanya asked, in case the news network caught anything bad. It wasn't over there, she would later have to find out from Internal if Lee filed for assault against Deric, and then work out how to keep everything quiet.

"That thing?" Gartner seemed disappointed, "The live camera caught some of it, but no one else really got close enough to hear anything. Just that tubby mechanic. But, I can make it sound real nice, if you get me an interview with Devineaux."

ACME's PR didn't like the sound of that.

"He's going to be busy," she declined, "and I don't know how it would help right now."

"Think about it," Macy Gartner confidently offered, "by this time tomorrow, everyone's going to be hating on VILE, and who are they going to want to support?" Asking that question, she pointed her closed notebook towards the podium where Chase had stood during the conference. "Knight," she elaborated, "in shining armor. Pit him against the Witch in Red, and have him save a little ACME princess. People love a good story."

Tanya had to agree, this was a good story, and Macy Gartner knew how to sway an audience. "It is not how ACME works, or how Chase Devineaux works," the Russian explained, "perhaps we talk about something else?"

"I want an interview," Macy repeated, "talk to whoever is in charge, tell them it's IBN, they'll want to consider this," the reporter handed Tanya two name cards and then began to walk away, "Pass that around to your bosses. And...really think about it."

When the reporter left, Tanya spotted Ivy in the background. Happy to see a friendly face, she ran to greet the detective.

"Privet," she said, ready to give Ivy a hug, "Kak dala?"

Deric Storm

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Farmboy, Calamity, Stormblood
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(Another collab with Calico. Enjoy...)

"Hey, Cali..." he began to say, trying to sound as contrite as humanly possible. Cali, who had been on her cell phone, looked over to him. After spending God knows how long in her shower, Deric figured she probably pitied him. He must have looked like a drowned rat. Seeing her eyes narrow somewhat, Deric prepared for the worst; he deserved it. Thankfully, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before speaking.

"You are going a long way to helping my mamae think Americans are always drunk," she said as she plopped her phone on the bed.

Deric couldn't help but chuckle. "Considering I woke up in your shower in nothing but my underwear and no idea how I got there, I can't really argue with that." His spirits were further lifted, somewhat, when she smiled a little at the joke. "By the way," Deric asked, "How did I end up in your shower in my underwear?"

Cali had brought the Nebraskan to her shower and left him while she went to his truck to bring the remainder of his items. She did not know what happened, but she guessed from his question that he did not know either. Cali just changed the subject.

"You were like a zombie when we left. I brought you here so you could cool off before you did something worse." Cali said. "After rolling on the ground with Lee, you and your clothes were filthy. When I came to ask you something, I saw you were asleep and I did not want to wake you up."

"I got this" Cali tossed him a duffel bag, "out of your truck. I think you might need new clothes when you woke up."

"Thank you kindly." Deric answered, grabbing the bag. "How long was I out for?" Deric asked, going back into the bathroom to change. He felt a little more comfortable now that he had on some dry clean clothes.

"It has been two hours since the shower was turned on," Cali answered. "I guess hitting Lee tired you out."

'Not the circumstances I'd pick for falling asleep in Cali's apartment, but...' he thought putting on a t-shirt as he stepped back into the bedroom. Smacking himself in the forehead, Deric thought 'Great googly-moogly, Storm. You can't help yourself, can you?'

"Do not hit yourself," the bomb tech smiled, "you have more of that coming, I am sure." Deric nodded in agreement

"Yeah," he sighed, "I have a feeling I'm going to be taking a few lumps in the next few days."

"So," Cali said, becoming serious, "Now what do you think is going to happen?"

"Ní mór dom codladh sa leaba a rinne mé" Deric sighed in response. Cali raised her eyebrow quizzically. "Basically, Bombshell, it means that I screwed up and have to accept the consequences," he translated. 'Better get it over with,' he thought. Taking a deep breath, he began, "Listen, Cali, whatever happens, um, I just want to say I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I was way out of line and deserved to get slapped. I just hope you can forgive me."

"Forgive you?" Cali did not fully understand, "What is there for forgiving? You acted silly, we are still friends. If we are not, I leave you outside and lock the door."

Deric exhaled loudly in relief, which made both agents laugh. Deric was about to say something when he was interrupted by his cell phone ringing. "Message from Starfleet, Captain..." came from the offending device.

"What was that?" Cali asked. "I heard it a few times since you've been asleep."

"Text message" Deric answered, picking up the phone and seeing that he had received a few text messages, most from friends asking what happened. "I set my phone up so it plays that song whenever someone texts me. I have it set up for a lot of my friends."

"What do they say?" Cali asked, craning her neck to read the texts.

"It varies," Deric responded. "Some are asking me what the hell I was thinking. Others are saying good job for knocking Jordan on his butt. Unfortunately, they all say I shouldn't have done it in front of the media."

"Why did you hit him? Do you think he had something to do with the disappearance of the Chief's neta?"

'The million dollar question,' Deric thought. "I'm not sure," he answered honestly. "Cases involving kids always get to me." He never liked disclosing this part of his past. "It's no excuse but I can't help it... I lost both of my parents when I was a about a year or two older than Hailey." Deric blinked away the unbidden tears that always came when these memories surfaced.

"I had no idea." Cali said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I use it as a motivation." Deric said, smiling a little. "Like, now, if my days at ACME are numbered. I'm gonna use those last few days to make amends by finding the kid." He grabbed his bag and jacket and headed towards the door."


Deric chuckled. "My ACME instructor Ilya always used to say, 'If you can't do something smart, do something right.' I think I was onto something earlier with the C-5." His smile had now grown into a wolfish grin.

Extending a hand to Cali, he asked, "Care to join me?"


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Boss (situational)
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(Co-post with @Carmen, started out as a fast chat RP then edited to reflect only Chase's point of view.)

After crossing paths with Sophie Conrad MD, Chase made his way down the corridors of ACME academy. His current goal was to get the keys to a temporary locker where he could keep some of his gear from the Luxembourg trip and return home for the night. He felt scattered, but at least one thing was taken care of. During the press conference, a friend arrived to take his falcon, Phoenix, to a nearby private facility.

The assisting administrator gave him the keys to storage R, number 73. On his way to the lockers, his phone vibrated, displaying a number he didn't recognize. He decided to be cautious and requested a trace to identify the caller. Tracking usually took a minimum of 60 seconds, so he picked up the line.

"Devineaux," he greeted.

"I presume you have this number on 'trace'?" a clear contralto broke through uneven static.

Recognizing the voice, Chase subconsciously pushed his tongue to the side of his cheek. His words at the press conference worked... like a flaming charm.

"Good," the woman continued as if the detective had replied, "First and foremost, congratulations on a rather successful conference; your best appearance to date, if I may add."

Devineaux looked at his screen; the 'Tracking...' indicator was at 25%.

"I will have to criticize your ability to make requests. Twenty-four hours seems rather fanciful."

Tracking: 40%
"Where's Hailey?" Chase spoke. He knew her tone; she was willing to tease him for the full minute unless he cut it short.

"Brazil, Guarulhos International Airport," her surprisingly direct answer contained a hint of laughter.

Chase understood that he had done something she predicted, but he added another question, "When?"

"Approximately 1900 hours, local time."

Tracking: 92%
"And Chase," she switched to a seriousness he rarely heard, "do not accuse me on camera again."

Trace complete. Estimated Location: 30.29.55 N, 09.41.17 E, Node: El Khadra, Tunisia
"We're not done," he pressed.

"No," she sighed faintly, "we've barely begun."

Her message preceded the sound of movement and then the impact of heels against hard floor faded to nothing but low static. She put the phone down without hanging up to give the tracing algorithm extra time. Sweet girl, but unnecessary, Devineaux was already estimating flight time to Tunisia.

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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    I want pretzels! 🥨
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    Me too!
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
    • Interesting
    Reactions: Tenchi Masaki
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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    Reactions: Lucy and Tenchi Masaki
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Reactions: Tenchi Masaki
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
    • Love
    Reactions: Tenchi Masaki