Archived Hiatus


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Strangely, Matt slept well that night. Why, he didn't know.

Anyways, he ate a quick meal that consisted of orange juice, two Ego waffles, and a granola bar. He then got changed and was about to take his pet chihuahua Einstein on a walk when he ran into Chase.

"Um, hi,"said Matt, feeling a bit awkward since he was walking, of all things, a chihuahua."How's the search for the ACME building going? And for Hailey?"

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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Location: VILE HQ, Antarctica.

Joe Kerr plomped himself down on the couch, shivering away at the cold.
"Brr. I knew Antarctica was cold but never this cold. Too bad I dunno how to work the heating here. Best roll up my sleeves so I don't catch a cold."
It was then that Joe made a discovery.
"No wonder I'm so cold. I forgot to wear my sleeves. Hyuk hyuk!"

After a quick change into more appropriate attire, Joe returned to the couch and turned on the TV.
From what he gathered, everyone was out right now tending to this business about the stolen ACME HQ and the 'abducted' Hailey.

"Gotta hand it to Carmen. She really knows how to play a prank. I wish I could have seen the looks on those gumshoe's faces when they realized ACME's main tower had just been stolen. Now THAT's comedy. Hyuk hyuk!"

"Pity about that Hailey girl getting mixed up in this. I may be new here but I know enough about Carmen to know she'd never hurt innocents. Oh well, I bet she already has a plan to fix this somehow. "

"Speaking of the boss, nice of her to extend VILE's bonus to the new agents as well. Hyuk hyuk!"

Seeing no one else around VILE at the moment, Joe decided he'd stay around and watch the place and see what develops.
And just maybe, use this gild-edged opportunity to set up a prank or two...(not on Carmen of course. Not even Joe's THAT crazy!)


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[Rose of Pollux]

Crystal was still musing over what had transpired. She had used her communicator to locate her partner Matt's location and was going to meet him.

She blinked as she arrived at his location, unsure if she was more surprised to see Matt talking to Chase in the hall, or the fact that he was walking a chihuahua.

She walked up behind Matt, not making her presence known to him just yet, though she was in full view of Chase.


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Boss (situational)
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An International Thief took the headquarters of an agency that she once belonged to. Without any doubt, that much was premeditated. She entered the building, came to its Field Director's office... blatantly. Had he been more level-headed instead of letting her lead him into an argument, he might have talked his way to the answer... but trying to correct that now wasn't productive. Even after deciding that the ACME tower had to be destroyed instead of recovered, Chase was unsettled. The right choice was made, but he didn't like the idea of it being the only choice. VILE was making all the moves, and aside from the press conference, ACME had done little but roll with the punches.

A message arrived on his communicator:
FD-- Video footage of 2 VILE agents in LV, eastbound on flight to NYC, urgent review. --FS

VILE Agents in the United States, could be something.

"Um, hi," said Matt, "How's the search for the ACME building going? And for Hailey?"

When Matt greeted him, Chase was about to put his phone away, and then realized he didn't need to clear this himself. "We've agents on the case," The Field Director replied, then hinted to the girl behind the rookie, "but if you and Crystal are free, I have a possible case that just opened up, any qualms about taking a trip to Manhattan?"

(The two VILE agents are Crimson and Lory, they're heading to NYC to meet Ken and Patty, read back a few pages to review.)


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Matt turned and saw Crystal. This was one of many times that he wished he had a german shepherd and not a chihuahua. He blushed."Um, hey Crystal."

Then he remembered what Chase said about Manhattan."Sure, I don't mind. Just let me find someone to watch Einstein and I'll be set."

'Does this have to do with the building being stolen?'Matt thought. He had no idea that it wasn't in NYC.


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[Rose of Pollux]

Crystal suppressed a chuckle as Matt seemed embarrassed upon seeing her, but her eyes suddenly lit with enthusiasm as Chase mentioned Manhattan.

"Are you serious!? It's my hometown!" she exclaimed, having done her basic Gumshoe training in ACME's Manhattan branch. "I'd love to go! ...Sir," she added, reminding herself that she was speaking to her superior.

She turned to Matt.

"We can meet my old mentor there--they call him the Dying Informant," she said. "I'm sure he could help us out, too."


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"Great,"Matt replied. He hoped that the Dying Informant wouldn't be too stern or anything like that.

"When do we leave?"Matt asked Chase.


Queen of Crime
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(A much edited, cooperatively written post, I'm sure the authors are self-explanatory. To understand Hailey's affinity with watches, please read Chief Weller's post on the previous page, and to understand how Carmen has "Piano Man's" watch, please read this post from Blue Moon Masquerade.)

The desert in Southern Tunisia served as a good hiding spot. Few came here, as the roads do not always permit trade. The country was small enough to be ignored by most travelers; and beyond the occasional detouring backpacker, this area was rather quiet (especially with recent political developments).

"Give me your penknife," Carmen said as Vincent Fumigalli walked with Hailey Weller to the Russian Transport, the only flying machine in the vicinity.

"My... Ah?" Vic wasn't sure if he heard right, "but, that's my bottom dollar!"

"I know," the thief agreed, "and I'm sorry, but this is a sensitive matter. If they catch you with a weapon, you could be detained longer than necessary."

Vic didn't like the word 'detained', but the way she said it, seemed like it was going to be in his best interest.

"Are you coming with us?" Hailey's eyes shot up to hers almost nervously. VILE's Ringleader returned a placid smile and extended a palm. The six-year-old moved to Carmen, taking hold of her offer, swinging the thief's hand with an anxious rhythm.

"Vincent," she continued, "Knife, please."

He hesitated, but Vic fumbled inside his polyester jacket and pulled out a colorful little knife with the words "Viva Las Vegas" on it. Vic liked that mantra. He got the thing from an old friend back in the day when casinos weren't as bright but sure packed people. Not that he was born back then, and the old friend was actually a Costco gas station off the highway that hadn't sold anything other than gas for 60 years, but he'd had that thing in his pocket waiting for action for at least half a decade. How Carmen remembered, he couldn't understand, he'd told her about it only once.

"Keep Viv safe, would ya?" He decided to name that knife right there.

Removing 'Viv' from its owner, Carmen then lowered herself to the level of Chief Weller's granddaughter and noted, "I see you have two watches on."

Fumigalli looked at her, perplexed. She used the same tone to talk to the kid as she would an adult, so he at first thought she was talking to him.

"Guess, she's got a weird thing with watches," Vic answered for the girl, "saw her picking at them all day."

"It's not terribly strange," Carmen replied to Vincent but spoke to Hailey, "I had the same attachment to hats, they made me feel safe."

That made Vic laugh; she said 'had' like she doesn't wear hats anymore, and he could see the little girl felt better too.

"I have a favor to ask," VILE's leader retrieved a man's watch from her coat and displayed it in front of Hailey, "Do you remember Piano Man?"

Hailey nodded, obviously enthralled by the timepiece.

"This belongs to him," Carmen revealed as she secured the newly replaced leather strap of a 1976 Patek Phillipe Nautilus to the girl's wrist. "I'm sorry if it's a little heavy," she apologized, "but will you take that back to him for me?"

With her eyes still on the watch, Hailey nodded again; her demeanor significantly calmer than before.

"Thought you gave that back when you were in San Francisco?" Vic questioned quietly as he nudged the little girl towards the plane.

"It sadly never came up," Carmen rose then waved effortlessly. Hailey did the same.

"Enjoy your flight," she said her farewell before heading back to the tower. Later today, ACME would arrive to claim back their headquarters; and if everything moved according to plan, the building should be deserted by the time they land.


Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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It took half an hour of back and forth between Eugene and the newly minted Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, an overly cautious and idealistic fellow by the name of Jack Ryan, that allowing ACME to utilize the orbital weapons platform would be in the best interests of both agencies. Eventually Dr. Ryan relented and sent an attache to San Fransisco with all the necessary uplink and target designation equipment.

DDCI Ryan remained true to his word, and within the hour Eugene saw a SUV with government plates waiting at the south gate. Jogging over to meet the vehicle, Eugene signalled the guard at the gate to let the Chevy pass and directed it to the nearest parking lot. Eugene knocked on the glass, and the driver rolled down his window and passed his ID to Eugene along with the challenge, in this case, a coin embossed with the Special Activities Division spade on one side and the Seal of the US Army on the other. Satisfied with Domingo Chavez's identity, Eugene presented his own ID and the proper countersign.

The paranoid tension defused with the identity check, and the men proceeded to one of the secured offices that had been established in the ACME Dorms. Domingo carried an oversized briefcase holding all the necessary equipment for targeting and authorizing the strike while Eugene lead him to the ad-hoc command center established in the basement to wait for Chase. Now that all the pieces were ready, all that was needed was to move them into place.


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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[NYC!! Sorry this is so late!]

Patty looked at Kenny with a raised eye brow and then went back to sleep. The rest of the flight was quiet. She thought she heard Ken fumble around or dreaming or something, but weird noises were something Patty learned to live with.

The plane landed in an airfield somewhere in New York State and Patty got a VILE-sponsored cab to take them to Manhattan.

New York was colder than Patty expected. The weather plus wind chill was making Patts regret coming here from Antarctica. At least in the frozen south, she didn't have be outside so much.

"We need a hotel or something, or a safe house," Patty excitedly thought through possibilities while with Kenny in the car, "I think Carmen has something in Trump Tower, but, like, how do we know who has the keys? Oh and I invited Crim and Lori along, I think they're flying commercial."

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Joey, Joseph,
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Location: Antarctica, VILE HQ

Joe was rubbing his hands in gleeful anticipation.
He'd just taught up a most VILE prank to play on a certain ACME agent.

"He'll never see this coming!" Joe laughed as he fiddled with a VILE bot.
Given a choice, Joe would have preferred to have another VILE agent help him out but given that everyone was already involved in something and that the only one he'd called had declined to be involved in the prank, he had to make due with the big purple robot in front of him.

"Guess you'll have to do, eh buddy?" Joe remarked to the VILE bot.

The VILE bot gave no reply.

"Too bad robots ain't got a sense of humour," Joe added as he finished his modifications to the VILE bot.

"Now to just pack up my supplies and bide my time.
After all, everyone knows that in comedy, timing is everything! Hyuk hyuk!"


Medical Staff
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The brightly coloured soles of her running shoes pounded against the cemented pathway and the details of the morning sped past, shut out by the music that was playing from her iPod. She had just rounded past a still-deserted playground when the ACME communicator in her left pocket buzzed.


The digits on the watch around her wrist flickered a quarter to eight as she passed the threshold of her front door. Sophie Conrad placed her keys into a small opalescent bowl by the entrance to the apartment and headed for the refrigerator. Removing a single-serve bottle of orange juice and twisting open its metal cap, she retrieved her ACME communicator from her jacket, placing it on the countertop before her; and as she drank from the bottle, she considered the device. About fifteen minutes earlier, a dispatcher of the ACME Medical Centre had relayed a text message from Deric Storm to her:

“Dr. Conrad, this is Detective Storm. We’re putting a team together to go after Chief’s granddaughter. Carmen is making a meet with us in Brazil to give her back. Chase recommended you as medic to check on Hailey’s wellbeing before we bring her back to SF. Briefing @ 1000hrs, ACME Hanger #4.”

Having never met the blond detective, Sophie remembered Deric Storm only for his careless and, unfortunately, rather public behaviour on the ACME SF grounds not too long ago. It had taken her the full duration of her jog back to her apartment block to consider all the possible forms of reply. However, as the message held no question of her attendance, the only sensible course of action then was to contact Deric directly to thank him for the information and confirm her agreement.

Sophie emptied the bottle in her grasp and as she dropped it into a box of recyclables, decided on the tasks she had to complete within the next hour-and-a-half in order to facilitate the trip. Picking up the communicator, she dialled for AMC Logistics…

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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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  • Polly Tix Polly Tix:
    I want pretzels! 🥨
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Me too!
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  • Lucy : Lucy
    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Laverna Laverna:
    Breaking news: historians believe that they've uncovered a cache of pencils that once belonged to William Shakespeare. A spokesperson said, "They're so badly chewed on the ends, we can't tell if they're 2B or not 2B."
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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