Q & A Describe Your Morning Routine...


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Your character's morning routine, describe it in as much detail as possible, from the moment you wake up until you go to work or until you start your day. Please also include weekends if applicable.

(Initially suggested by @Colleen, so you can all go thank her for this one!)

Nace Bilby

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Well, no real such standard morning exist, but generally my mornings can be divided into my normal workday mornings, weekend mornings, and Territorial Army training mornings.

Two of the three types usually start with Goliath waking me up around 6 AM to go out, and half an hour later he starts barking for breakfast.


The VILEiest VILE to ever VILE a VILE
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Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) Ullyss (formerly Kid Kidman), Kitty, Seryy Pripyat
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Does "do what @Flag do" count as a routine? Because other than that it's basically; 1) find food 2) do whatever needs doing. I also have a tendancy of showering in the middle of the night, if that's relevant.


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Kit or Kitty
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I usually get up at 0500. I grab a quick snack to eat and then go on a run for about an hour. When I return to my room, I take a shower and fix a larger, balanced breakfast with a fair amount of fruits. During breakfast, I plan out my agenda for the day. After that, I pick out my clothes and fix my hair and makeup. This can be a long process. I'm usually ready for the day by 0730.

Weekends are similar, but sometimes I wake up quite a bit later since I do tend to stay up on Friday and Saturday nights. I also don't run on Saturday or Sunday.


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Up at six o'clock. Make breakfast. Eat breakfast. Take kid to school. Go to the gym or on a run, depending on the day. Freshen up. Then head off to work to be there by nine o'clock.

Weekend mornings are a little more laid back. I'm still up by six o'clock, but breakfast isn't usually till eight. Sometimes we go out for pancakes on Sunday. The new schedule still needs some work on the executing part, though.


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Zack, Z, Lil'bro, Dan, Zack-Daniels, Bacon
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Weekdays in San Francisco:
Wake up at 6:00am and hit the snooze button an average of 3 times. Then, I'll probably force myself to treadmill while catching up on the news in whatever language I'm focusing on for 30-45 minutes. Shower, shave and work on getting my hair to do this awesome stand-up-ish thing (using a patent pending hair goop that I'm calling the Zack Spray.)

I'll have a breakfast full of bacon in the Bunker (if any of the guys are present) or at the Accolade Cafeteria if it's waffle day.

Longe around and veg like a couch po-tay-toe.


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Wake up at clock 6. Not necessary to get dressed--I already changed into fresh clothes before bedtime. Drink a glass water. Wide pushups, narrow pushups. tiger bends, crunches, pullups, planks by 07:00. Toast and eat waffles. Drink Gatorade.

Political Science at clock 8.

Deric Storm

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Farmboy, Calamity, Stormblood
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Usually wake up at dawn and do some stretches. Then, I feed Ghost, my siberian husky-wolf mix, before going for a quick jog with the dog along the beach. After that, I shower, dress, and eat breakfast before driving to ACME.


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I wake up around 4:30 AM and have "coffee" with breakfast. After yoga or a run, I do a quick sanitzing bleach with the kids (aka robots). Then, it's off to class.
Weekends are much more relaxed: up at 4:40 AM and knitting instead of exercise. Sundays, I skip the sanitizing and do a little white hat hacking.

*does not mention occasional viewings of T-1000 scenes from Terminator 2*


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[Molly works the night shift at ACME Crime Labs from 11:00pm to 7:00am]

I'm up at 7:00pm, about the same time the automatic sprinklers in the garden turn on. Weekdays, start with taking out the rollers in my hair, a shower, brushing my teeth, choosing an outfit and then makeup: foundation, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. I'll feed Foxglove some canned catfood and check the greenhouse for any stray weeds before leaving to ACME for 'dinner' at Accolade's Cafeteria. Then it's off to the crime lab until daylight.

Friday and Weekends I wake up a little earlier to help out at O'Sullivans, but otheriwse it's the same old routine.


Press Director
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  • Weekday mornings, I get up dependent on when the first reporter or source contacts me. This usually happens between 600 - 700 hrs. to check text.
  • If texts are important, I forward to the correct departments for immediate action, if not, they go into the trash.
  • After is breakfast, grooming, and make up, and then I will answer emails until noon.
  • There is always a press meeting at 1400 hrs for tomorrow's releases and events, so I will be in Accolade by that time up until approximately 2200 hrs.
  • My usual morning stretches and exercise have been moved to Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
  • Sundays, I have no morning routine... and actually wake up about noon.


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There is not so much a morning routine for me. I like to shower first thing in the morning, and then I will have breakfast while watching the news. I spend some time for make up before I leave the dorms. I will go through the itineraries for the explosives lab as soon as I get to the Academy, and will exercise just after lunch because I have one hour free before supervising lab classes.

For the weekends, I engage in some 'me time' and practice Rumba in the mornings.

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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((So... the latest is that the woman who reported the folks to the police, called the guy who handled the appeal (after we left the room) and told him that if he doesn't make sure to get the folks out of the building, she'd make things difficult for him. The property manager told ma a few days ago, and ma told me today. So, anyone know what that would be called? Coercing, bribery, influence peddling? Would that invalidate the eviction? This is Section 8 housing, so low-income housing. The appeal decision should in theory get here next week or maybe Friday, and they can appeal again, maybe this one would be in real court... don't know. I will advise the folks contact legal aid and see what they say.))
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((Correction: the parents are caving, they are planning for the move ON January 1st, without waiting to hear what the appeal decision is, and not willing to fight it. I stormed out of their place tonight (punched the call button for the elevator... they may have heard it), because I know they could win the second appeal hands down (they don't want "more of the stress from all this", they would discuss shit when I went to the bathroom tonight). I reminded them they may not get the entertainment center through the door to the apartment, we probably will have to take the claw legs off the table for the first time ever, but they have their heart set on it. ))
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((Sorry for language... it's a copy-and-paste from conversation with my sister. I'll sit in the corner))
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((My right middle finger, behind first knuckle, left a bit of skin on the button... I was that angry. They decided this without talking to me, saying they were "tired of the stress". They're set on a two bedroom apartment ($154 more than the current, at least), it's up to me if I want to move, they said. Once we leave this place (section 8/low-income housing, the waiting list is over 2 years), that's it... the building manager retires later 2025... she pulled a string to get me in here))
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Notre Dame Cathedral In paris is going to open its doors in less than ten days woot woot
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Will the Hunchback be ringing the bells?
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Lol 😆 maybe one of the curators could dress up like him
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((So... my Facebook got password hacked, and the recovery options aren't working. And, over the last two days, haven't slept more than half an hour total, despite my trazodone. Had like 6 beers tonight, have a couple left, will take a full pill tonight, and hope to sleep. And, finished the application for the new place, probably will have to help the folks tomorrow.))
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((Log into Facebook <-- the person who found a way to hack my password... don't report it and nuke it... I want to get the pics from it if I can))
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I'm glad you were able to get back in Jon.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Did you know.....The original candy canes were straight sugar sticks that were often used to decorate Christmas trees. The first historical reference to the cane shape was in 1670, when the choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral in Germany bent the sugar sticks into the shape of a shepherd's staff. Candy canes remained white until the early 20th century when red stripes and peppermint flavor became popular.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    @Tenchi Masaki when i open the website on my phone I immediately get a "translate page" pop up. Is this from my own settings ?
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    (Everything is in English but it says Translate from Italian)
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    ((So... the folks called me upstairs to help figure out how to get their SSI paperwork to the new landlord... we were discussing it, when the landlord emailed that all three of us are denied... mostly the main thing was "poor rental history; insufficient income (they're on SSI); no credit file; if no judgment was rendered on them after they appealed the initial eviction notice, then they gave their 30 days notice, can they rescind that (this is Minnesota, ya shure, ya betcha) and stay?
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    @Lucy you got back in!
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  • Jon Eckart Jon Eckart:
    (my question depends on someone knowing legal loopholes... will look into that tomorrow)
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Awww dang it. I lost #whamageden 😞 😕 😢
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Michelangelo wrote a poem about how much he hated painting the Sistine Chapel...One translation of the poem he sent to his friend begins: I’ve already grown a goiter from this torture, hunched up here like a cat in Lombardy(or anywhere else where the stagnant water’s poison).
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    *Leaves Christmas cookies in the shape of Carmen out on counter*
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    Lucy Lucy: *Leaves Christmas cookies in the shape of Carmen out on counter*