Q & A Describe Your Morning Routine...


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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Kks, my turn. If I have class, I get up one hour before. Makeup (with my super organized cosmetics set) will go from moisturizer to mascara in 10 minutes. Then I curl my hair in the car and take it out just before driving to the university.

If I don't have class, I sleep in until, like, noon.

And if it's a weekend, I have no morning routine whatsoever, I don't even see the sun!


Medical Staff
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// This is largely OOC, but written in first-person language. Sophie Conrad would never ever divulge her morning routine--or any routine--in such detail. Her writer did, however, greatly enjoy creating it. //

My morning routine begins with ten minutes of quiet in bed, going through the upcoming events of the day in my head, before actually getting up to make my bed, brush and wash. After, while checking text messages and emails, I drink 500 mL of filtered water. I might pause to reply to any pertinent correspondence, but that is never very often. Events that require my immediate attention are not solely relayed via text. During this time, I also decide on what to have for breakfast, which is usually as simple as possible--a form of bread or pastry, some fruit and nuts, and cheese. I might make myself a smoothie, and I always have some form of juice or milk at hand. The meal is more elaborate on non-working days. The oven or stove will be used.

Breakfast is when I reply to as many text messages and emails as possible. The rest are filed for response during work hours. After the meal and clean-up, I shower and administer skincare. While blow-drying my hair, I read Reuters and the International New York Times on my Kindle, or peruse research articles from various sources. Some form of makeup and dress will follow, but their extent and configuration depends on what the morning holds, work or recreation… I pick out my outfits the night before. All that is left is to accessorise.

The whole affair takes about an hour and a half, and so, I wake between five to six o’clock on most mornings.

There is no routine on Monday mornings. I arrive home from the ACME Medical Center at 0915 hours and spend the remainder of the day at leisure.
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Boss (situational)
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[Read it with a beat, for comedic purposes -- also largely OOC, but what isn't with me?]

5:55 AM -- I like the number -- Rise, Check communicator.

6:00 AM -- Warm-up.
The BBC World Report is on while I do sit-ups, push-ups, or weights for exactly 30 minutes -- depends on what I feel I need to work on. By the time the reporter says 'Stay tuned...' I turn the set off.

6:30 AM -- Grooming.
I Shower at exactly 27 degrees Celsius. My shower gel and shampoo are the same scent, when possible, that also goes for the moisturizer. Sandalwood predominant, Citrus high notes, Frankincense as the spice. Layering scents help keep my hygiene in order, I sweat a lot, on a busy day I'll shower again in the afternoon.

I've learned to space out shaving, so I'll shave only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, subjecting your skin to the blade every day will dry it too much and make it vulnerable to break-outs. Essential oils are preferred over after-shave, I don't like the alcohol -- again, too drying. Occasionally, I'll use a good Eau d'Parfum -- Depending on mood.

7:05 AM -- Meditation.
This is important, it gives me that extra focus I need before my day really starts.

7:15 AM -- Breakfast. In time with IBN's Morning Wrap.
Eggs Benedict, no salt, side of an apple or grapes, a glass of water and 315 ml of lime juice with honey. Every day.

7:30 AM -- The suit.

7:35 AM -- Briefly check through last night's ACME Command reports.

7:45 AM -- Off to work, listening to San Francisco News Radio.

A variation to this schedule occurs on Thursdays -- Where I'll sleep in until 8:00 AM, meditate, get a quick shower, have poached eggs for breakfast, and be at work after 9:00 AM.

On weekends, the grooming routine changes slightly with Saturday for exfoliation, and Sunday for a hydrating mask. It's better if I give my skin a rest once a week, so I don't wake up feeling like something chewed me up and spat me out. As exercise for the weekend I also like to shine my shoes in the morning. It's a habit.

Exceptions do happen when I'm at work late. In which case, I have a change of clothes in the office, and the ACME gym facilitates.

Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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I don't really keep much of a standard routine - can't afford to when out on unpredictable jobs.

The closest I come to routines would be when back at HQ. There, I wake up around 6 am, brush my teeth, shower, have a nice breakfast and then catch up on what's happening before going out to face what the day has to offer.

Carpe Diem!!!


Queen of Crime
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'Morning' is subjective, and so is the word 'routine', but here is my general morning in 'as much detail as possible'.

I'm a slow riser, in the sense that I'll wake up but lay in bed meditating for up to 30 minutes about the day, the week, the month and where I may be in relation to my goals.

Light yoga follows, I like to stay limber.

Grooming... Yes, but that's tediously varied, let's just say I'm very efficient.

Breakfast largely depends on season and terrain, but will often be two cups of still water, yogurt, and local fruit. If available, I prefer my first meal of the day to come with a conversation. I often speak to a contact or friend and get a feel for current events.

I like to also see how far my eyes can travel into the horizon and spy physical notions of the world around me before I scan the local papers or absorb additional news via the Internet.

And then, just for fun, I'll think about how I might change the world today.

Ann Tickwittee

Archaeology Expert
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Tick, Ticky, Blinky, Annaconda
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For Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I wake up to my phone alarm at 6:20 because I will invariably tap the snooze button twice in a row. (For Tuesdays and Thursdays, all times are set back 90 minutes.) By 6:40, I am sliding off either the bed or the sofa, depending on how my night progressed. Then I scour my living room for a wine bottle and glass. If I find them lying around, I will put them in their proper places, then check for stains on the carpet or last night's reading material.

At 7:00, I am looking in the mirror to make sure all my rings and studs are where they belong, and evaluating whether today is a good or bad hair day. It doesn't matter much either way, but it will determine how much time I need to devote to fixing it. I may undress, and then I will proceed to take a shower around 7:03. I make sure to gratuitously soak my hair under the jet. I spend about 15 minutes in the shower, where I usually discover if my anklet is still on my person.

Afterwards, I immediately slip a toboggan on my head and visit my closet to browse for the day's wardrobe. Then I select a necklace, bracelet, and timepiece with the depiction of a certain internationally-renown character. At 7:25, I remove my toboggan and evenly fluff and strew my hair whilst applying a minimal amount of gel. At 7:35, I grab a handbag, a box of granola and a spoon, my car keys, and then head out the door. I open up my day at ACME by walking into my classroom to teach World Civilization I at 8:00 sharp.

On weekends, I may sleep in until noon, or I may not sleep.
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Iv', Ives
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[Disclaimer: this is the morning routine used when Ivy is still an instructor at the Academy]

I'm not really a morning person... but here goes.

At around 7:00 am, I'm awoken by an alarm that gradually gets louder (placed on the opposite side of the bedroom) because I tend to ignore or destroy alarm clocks that are obnoxious and at close reach to my sleepy self.

By this time, I'm smelling the espresso that was set to brew at 6:55 am. I'll quickly check my horoscope or any non-work correspondence while I drown the coffee. Still trying to wake up...

Mondays and Wednesdays I teach Flight 101. So exercise has to be done early on. I'll start with a few stretches then either go for a jog with killer (if the weather is nice) or just take him around the block and do indoor cardio (kick boxing).

Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday I'm training or teaching Advanced Close Quarter Combat Strategy Classes, so I take my time and I only do 15 minutes of stretching since the bulk of exercise happens at work.

When I'm done, it's a quick shower, and a pretty set grooming regime takes place: combing/drying my hair, brushing my teeth, washing my face, then applying lotion or sunscreen. I'll pick out something random to wear, feed Killer and pack my bag with whatever I need.

Breakfast: If it isn't cold leftovers from the night before, it is usually bought on the way to work from the local bakery, and comes in the form of donuts or bagels, anything with lots of carbs and calories to burn off during the day.

Weekends is when the whole morning routine takes a nosedive. Forget it. Don't wake me until Monday.


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Adrianna Covrenzi, Tessa, Anna, La Contessa Covrenzi
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My mornings always start with a breakfast in bed. Unless otherwise specified the night before I will have an egg white omelette with Iranian caviar, buttered croissant, 0% milk, orange juice, manuka honey yogurt and fresh fruit (usually pineapple, melons or mixed berries.) This is my time to watch the news or read a newspaper.

I will have a shower or bath with citrus and grape seed essential oils. All standard grooming takes place here using a set of products personally formulated for myself using mainly marine ingredients. This includes face cleansing solutions, exfoliants, toners, daily masks, serums and moisturizers. When I'm done, a small team of three people would have set up my home salon, ready to wash and do my hair, apply makeup, and select clothing accessories according to my direction. During this time, I am briefed by my personal valet on what activities I have planned. The last thing I do is select a signature scent before I am off to face the day.


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Derrin, Der
Mornings usually consist of me hitting the snooze button at least three times before I drag myself to the shower. In there is where I really wake up, and put my cellphone's waterproof case to good use by checking Facebook, Armslist, and responding to text messages I've missed. By this time I usually have 15 minutes or so to spare, which I spend simultaneously trying to get dressed, eat a quick breakfast (usually a banana or a piece of toast), and begging my next door neighbor @Jason West to hold on a few more seconds so we can carpool together.

Weekends -- it's a miracle if I'm up before noon.


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When I'm not on a case, I'm a night researcher. That means I'm in contact with the other side of the world, so I'm working from 8 at night until about 8 in the morning, then I sleep until 4 or 5 pm.

My routine then starts with a catching up on what I'd missed while I was asleep. Intel, informants, info, all that gritty nasty stuff. I put them in files while I'm having my first meal of the day, dinner.

After dinner, it's the same o' grooming routine until 8 pm, then I'm at the office to access data from servers and make sense of the stuff I got the day before.

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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    I want pretzels! 🥨
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    Me too!
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