Q & A Caffeine of Choice


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Earth, Edyth, EB, Sheila Rose
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A lot of the whey protein powders I use contain caffeine. If I'm somewhere fancy like the symphony or the Olive Garden, I'll just have some Jolt gum.​


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I don't particularly drink a great deal of caffeine. On usual mornings there isn't much extra time to get everything done; so I guess the rush does the job.


Airfield Staff
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Euge, Earl Jr.
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I'll usually go for coffee in the mornings, especially if I have access to an espresso machine. Depending on how long the day runs, I'll go for black coffee or iced tea. It's a very rare occasion when I do drink hot tea, and I don't even touch sodas and energy drinks.
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Hello everyone.

I don't have coffee every morning, only on days when I know I have to get up really early, or when I know I will be up all day. (Like when I was at my ACME office in NYC, on St. Patrick's Day, I got up at 5:00 a.m. so that I could have breakfast, before going to Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral at 7:00 a.m. Then, afterwards, I went to Mulligan's Irish Pub, at 267 Madison Ave, and had an early lunch/dinner of corned beef and cabbage, when I got the call that Vic had stolen the Blarney Stone, like the good old days, and my fellow agents and I were off to Ireland. I was glad to have my coffee that day!! LOL!! We got him, of course!! ;) ) On days like that, I will pop a K-Cup Eight O'Clock Original Medium Roast into my Keurig K-130 Brewing System. On St. Patrick's Day, I added CoffeeMate Irish Creme Liquid Creamer, but most days, I will add a little milk, if I have it, or Bailey's French Vanilla Coffee Creamer. (I think CoffeeMate has discontinued this flavor, for some reason. :/)

But, on most mornings, I will have juice. I love orange juice, but I have to drink it very slowly, and only have it while I'm eating, or it upsets my stomach. Although I can eat oranges with no probs at all. I can't have grapefruit or grapefruit juice because of a medication I take. But most other commercially made juice blends are also good. I often have original V-8 juice. But a word to the wise, my friends. Don't get V-8 juice in the big bottle, unless you know you will drink it all, and if it's past the date, throw it out. If you forget, and leave it in your fridge, it will both ferment (turn alcoholic) and carbonate (have bubbles like pop). Yuck!! LOL!!

Speaking of pop, I usually don't have pop, unless I go to a restaurant for lunch or dinner. Depending on the choices, I will have Sprite, 7-Up, Coke, Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper. Choosing between Coke, Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper, Dr. Pepper has the most distinct flavor. I prefer the full-calorie version, the diet version tastes awful!! LOL!! But, aside from ginger ale, which is good for an occasional upset stomach, I really don't have any kind of pop in my office at all.

I have been known to have SoBe Lean water, Glaceau Vitamin Water (all flavors, and also because I like the stories they write on their labels!! LOL!!) I have had Gatorade a few times, and I will drink it, if it is the only thing available, but I don't like it. I have also been known to drink Snapple and Lipton bottled tea, both original flavor and Green Tea. When I go the Japanese Tea Garden, in Golden Gate Park, I usually have Jasmine Tea, which is green tea, with the petals of the jasmine flower added, to make it sweet. More recently, I began drinking Crystal Light and Kool Aid drink mixes in the little squeeze bottles in my Blender Bottle. But with security the way it is, sometimes you can't take beverages like that with you in unmarked containers, which is why people buy all those beverages everywhere they go!! ;)

You already know my feelings about candy bars in general, (Candy Bar Crush) and I have been known to eat many different snack bars, meal replacement bars, and energy bars..as long as they taste good!! LOL!! :)
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Hello Eartha. You are the first person from VILE to Like one of my Comments on here. Thank you very much. :)
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Joe Kerr

VILE Trickster
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Despite my Italian heritage, I'm more fond of a good cup of tea rather than my namesake beverage.

I like all sorts of tea, ranging from the standard Earl Grey to whimsical fruit teas.

My particular favourites all hail from China: Oolong, Tie Guan Ying and Pu Er. There's also a unique type of tea they have there called Chrysanthemum Tea.

*makes note to make a 'shopping trip' to China*
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Hello Joe Kerr. I'm very flattered when our VILE friends like and comment on what I write. I will have to try the teas you recommended. Perhaps I will meet you on your next "shopping trip" to China. ;)
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Hello Jason. I may not know you very well yet..but I agree..those are good choices..and for some reason, that doesn't surprise me!! LOL!! :)
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