Q & A Caffeine of Choice

Nace Bilby

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Tea of course, generally English Breakfast tea. However given my partner when I worked in London was an American I developed a taste for coffee as well.

Disclaimer: Not the sort my former partner used to brew, strong enough to double as battery acid. I used to joke that one best not spill her coffee near a graveyard lest the dead rise once it soaks into the ground.
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Hello Nace.

Being a nice American girl (with mostly Irish/Scottish/Danish ancestors) I'm the opposite of you. I've only started to like tea a little in the past few years. Except for ice tea. For some reason, we Americans seem to like ice tea. LOL.

As I've said, my taste when it comes to most things, my tastes are fairly middle-of the-road. And most of the time, I still only drink coffee when I think it's really necessary... either in early in the morning...or if I'm working very late at night. And I have always been known for being a "night owl" anyway..so to speak. So if I drink coffee because I'm up late working, I end up going to sleep in the morning...when most people are just getting up!! Which seems great at the time..but I pay for it later!! LOL!!

I understand what you mean about people with some extreme coffee preferences. Not only do most most of the people in my family like their coffee STRONG but my mother and my uncle (her oldest brother) like it so HOT that it is practically NUCLEAR!! And even if it is in a normal coffee mug (not a thermos) it will stay HOT for an hour, and no-one else can even touch it!! LOL!! :)
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Zack, Z, Lil'bro, Dan, Zack-Daniels, Bacon
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Bunker Coffee is the best stuff ever. I also like to have my red bulls when it's time to burn the midnight candle.
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Hello Zack. Maybe you have really good brain chemistry or something, because you were/are a "whiz kid" but I have heard of an increase in the number of people having full-on epileptic-type seizures because of too much coffee/Red Bull/5 Hr. Energy, etc. I may not have a lot of caffeine, but I have had epilepsy since I was 12. Please be careful with that stuff, OK? !! :)


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Waking Up:
A shower, and fresh clothes/scrubs--especially during overnights in the AMC.

Caffeine of Choice:
Dr Pepper, always Dr Pepper. A Gibraltar from Philz Coffee on 4th Street will do very nicely, too.

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