Archived Blue Moon Masquerade

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This thread may include adult content including violence, strong language or nudity, readers' discretion is advised.


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Patt, Patts, Petite, Amber Cecelia Argos, Valkyrie
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Dragon said: "Ah... I think it's best if I get away from the food for now. But what's a mu-ze-um?" She asked sounding out the word.

Patts nodded and pointed at the doors to the Punta della Dogana Contemporary arts museum. "That's the place, come on, I'll show you inside."

If bouncing around was possible, Patty would be doing that. Francois Pinault, the owner of the Gucci Group and father-in-law of Salma Hayek put some of his personal art collection up for display in Venice at the Punta della Dogana earlier this year. Some of his friends followed, one with an incredible display of masks based on the beautiful 'Mask of Helen' positioned at the center.

Inside, Patty spotted Carmen and a blond-haired man and tried to think who that could possibly be. "That's her," she whispered to Dragon, "I'm going to go find out if that guy with her is one of us."

She walked up carefully to the man's other side, "Lovely display ain't it?" She asked with a wink in her southern accent, "I'm Lacy Boone, have we met?"


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Boss (situational)
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((Originally written by Kyzano))

Patts nodded and pointed at the doors to the Punta della Dogana Contemporary arts museum. "That's the place, come on, I'll show you inside."
So... that didn't really explain what a museum was. but one thing Dragon did understand was, "That's her, I'm going to go find out if that guy with her is one of us."

Dragon grinned, well this saved her from finding alpha on her own.

"Lovely display ain't it? I'm Lacy Boone, have we met?"
Dragon chuckled. Wow, that human had guts. No bones about it. Well.. time for her move. The prey was within reach and now was the time to strike. Dragon moved to just behind Alpha, where the gold masked female would be able to take a full step back.

"Because you could not stop for Death, I kindly stopped..." She lowered her scythe so that the dulled blade was resting to the side of Alpha's shoulder, right within her vision. "For you."

Dragon has successfully prevented her from getting away, she could really only step forward or back, or turn around, unless she wanted to run into her male partner or the dulled blade.


Confidence Man
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Venice, Italy

24 hours before the new year party

Vic stuck a herbal cigarette between his teeth, and walked around the pavilion in front of the Salut where the party was going to be held tomorrow. He could see gondolas in black and blue docked up around the area, some seaweed being cleaned off the side of the piers, and some workers putting up a display with plywood for the Contemporary Art Museum.

The conman remembered coming here a few years ago where the old Customs house was nothing but an empty dump waiting to be repaired. It's great what the rich and powerful are capable of, these days. They can make a run down building into a place that displays trash. When the workmen were busy, Vic took a quick look inside the museum and found a flier that detailed what would be displayed. The words "Mask of Helen" stood out and Vic held back a curse. This is going to be just perfect.

"You're Vince Fumigalli?" A younger man approached speaking in a French accent, "I'm Tino Carrisi, we spoke on the phone."

"Right, you're the artist?" Vic asked, with some disbelief, "I'd think you were, I donno, Italian?"

"I studied in Paris," he smiled with half his mouth, "you looking for best, I'm best."

They shook hands, "We better get to work, Sonny," Vic was anxious to get started, "got about 24 hours before this thing goes live. How many men you got with you?"

"Ten," Carrisi replied, "all family, you'll see, nothing gets out."


Queen of Crime
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Patty said: "Lovely display ain't it?" She asked [Sarah] with a wink in her southern accent, "I'm Lacy Boone, have we met?"
Patty's accented American English received a proud expression from Carmen, whose mind still fluttered about the Grecian funerary mask. Coincidentally, as she let herself consider the topic, Dragon's sardonic voice recited a greeting with a modified line from an Emily Dickinson poem. At the same time, a cold, flat metal touched her shoulder. Delicately pinching the blade of the scythe, Morgan Kent moved it away, as she turned to face the 'Death' that so 'kindly stopped' for her.

"Well met," she smirked as she placed the worn leather straps of Chase's Patek Philippe watch around Dragon's upper arm. In this position, Death's dark robe would provide sufficient cover. "Keep that hidden," she instructed quietly, "and guard it well."

Smoothly transitioning to avoid suspicion, she continued. "Mr. Willam Blake, Miss Boone, if I may introduce a friend... Malach Hamavet, from Tel Aviv."

[Malach Hamavet, Hebrew, "Angel of Death"]


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((Originally written by Crimson))

Cassandra looked over at the 'Mask of Helen.' Those 'crazy guys at VILE' are probably enjoying eyeing up these masks. She knew she was. The way the lights hit the masks made them look divine. They were artifacts. No one had worn them in years. Thousands of years, really. To put it simply: the mask was beautiful.

Cassandra then realized her partner said something about Chase Devineaux. Here goes nothing... She turned to her partner and said "You work with Chase Devineaux? I have heard so much about him! Could you introduce me to him... um, Je suis désolée, but your name is?"

Sarah Nade

Musical Genius
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"The museum closes at 2330 hours," she whispered to her escort, "everyone will be asked gather at the pavilion under the moon for the countdown. Whatever happens, meet me here at 2340?"
William Blake nodded. The target was clear, not necessarily the plan to get it or the escape route but that was understood and at times expected. Sarah couldn't help but feel the urge for a cigarette now that she knew something was going down other than partying in Venice but it could wait until after the night's events.

Turning William smiled as 'he' was approached by, what was obviously, Patty in disguise.

"Lovely display ain't it?" She asked with a wink in her southern accent, "I'm Lacy Boone, have we met?"
Good girl Sarah couldn't help but think. It was expected that not many would recognize her as a man, the fact that Patty was checking on Carmen's accompaniment made Sarah smile. "Perhaps." William replied, "I'm William Blake... I deal in music..." then he leaned in to whisper "I'm always looking for a good... serenade." Pulling away William grinned, that was until out of the corner of his/her eye a sythe came to sit on the shoulder of Carmen.

Sharp eyes narrowed, immediately wanting to know the meaning of this and the identity of the person who did that, only to watch as Carmen reacted as calmly as if she'd been given a rose and quickly gave the figure the watch. Giving a small exhale of relief Sarah smiled once again.

"Mr. Willam Blake, Miss Boone, if I may introduce a friend... Malach Hamavet, from Tel Aviv."

"Very nice to meet you..." 'William' paused at calling Death sir or madam, as already the body type of this death, upon further examination, was leaving Sarah quite confused. William spoke lowly "Newly hired, I assume?"


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Boss (situational)
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Somewhere around 10:30 PM (2230hrs) local time

The children running about at the beginning of this party were now going home. Families with older and younger members, while enjoying parties of this caliber, could rarely afford to stay until the wee hours--whether or not this was the last night of the year. They were going back to places that mattered most; some would head to smaller community gatherings, while others would return to their homes or hotel rooms to enjoy the countdown there.

Chase Devineaux spent the past two hours speaking to members of the Venetian Government. As all ruling offices, they were interested in security consultation, but didn't understand all the implications. The Field Director scheduled a more formal meeting with ACME's International Relations department later in January. Finally free from 'business', Chase entered the museum. Near the middle of the hall, Morgan Kent divided her attention to a Harlequin, a Grim Reaper, and a blond-haired man... no, woman in a tuxedo.

From where Devineaux observed, Morgan's poise and manner, added with the way that dress fitted, and topped with the crowning mask, attracted nearly every pair of eyes in her wake. She mesmerized the party tonight, and he was glad to see her still here.

Next to the mask exhibit were more friendly faces. Ivy Monaghan, with her red hair and gatto mask was quietly looking around. Melissa Wayward stood in green and silver with the Three Musketeers. Judging from their height and frame, the boys were ACME's Daniel Ainsworth, Nevon Blair, and Pete Moss.

The two women with them did not strike as ACME employees, and were likely party guests. The Agent walked towards them, where he would be most comfortable.

"They found the mask without a body inside a Mycenaean casket," he added conversationally to Daniel's and Nevon's comments, "and named her 'Helen' from the amount of wealth buried with her. There's still a debate on whether it really is a funerary mask, or something ceremonially buried to change the luck of an empire."

Chase turned back to the two guests, not wanting to be rude.

"I'm sorry, we haven't met," he extended a hand, "Chase Devineaux, Special Agent, ACME United States."


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Cassandra said: "You work with Chase Devineaux? I have heard so much about him! Could you introduce me to him... um, Je suis désolée, but your name is?"

Oh sure, all the cool girls must have heard of Chase Devineaux. He's the best kind of celebrity, real, the kind that doesn't only act like he's cool on screen... Nev imagined the glitz and glam that came with that then remembered that Cassandra was waiting for his name.

"I'm.." Before Nevon could answer, a familiar deep voice joined in and Nev snapped to alert. He watched Chase smoothly talk about the mask with information that couldn't have come from the pamphlet that came with the invite... not that Nevon read it. Then the special agent introduced himself. (So that's how to do it!) A part of Nev wanted to reach over and shake his hand first, but he settled for introducing the girls instead.

"Mr. Devineaux," he said, "this is Cassandra Kennedy, and this is..." (what was her name, what was her name?) Nev looked at Dan for help.

E. Mayhew

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That was a nice mask, and would be the only thing Pete wouldn't consider as modern junk in here. "Never been to a party like this, I'm good with more laid back things," he added for Missy, "after this, you gotta come to more of the 303 parties, mate, we like fun people, ai?"

Missy chuckled. "Yeah... yeah I should. Now that my testing for special operations is over I can actually enjoy my nights off." She took another sip of her drink and looked around for more familiar faces, unable to stop herself from hearing the name and voice of HER boss.

She glanced over and smirked just a little. At least he'd managed to get away from the dignitaries. She didn't know about him but the idea of spending the night talking to the mayor of Venice did not in any way sound interesting to her.


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((Originally written by DetectiveAwesome))

'Abrielle' said:
"Do you know of the location of any VILE agents?"
"Sure, we always have some under surveillance. You know you've got to really keep a close eye on them. Most that get of jail go right back to doing the same thing. Some of the good ones, like Philo see the light and join ACME."

Just then Chase Devineaux joined the small, but growing group.

Chase said:
"I'm sorry, we haven't met," he extended a hand, "Chase Devineaux, Special Agent, ACME United States."
Nevon Said:
"Mr. Devineaux, this is Cassandra Kennedy, and this is..." "…This is Abrielle Fiore, from Mestre." Danny interjected, hoping he got the pronunciation of her last name correct.
Danny turned to find 'Death' and 'Lacy Boone' curiously hovering around a beautiful woman in a gold mask and a blond man in a tux. Something about the way they all approached each other was odd. Especially 'Death', and her use of the scythe.

"Hey Boss," Danny nudged Chase Devineaux, "You met that lady right? Is she some kind of actress?"


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Boss (situational)
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((Original written Kyzano))

Dragon couldn't help but grin as Alpha calmly led the scythe, not that there was any resistance from Dragon to let her do so. She ignored the glare from the male... who she was beginning to think wasn't so male.

Sara Nade: "Well met,"
Dragon gave her a nod, but as something was strapped around her upper arm Dragon's face took a touch more confused and serious face. Not that you could really tell behind the mask however.

"Keep that hidden, and guard it well."
Letting the butt of the scythe rest on the ground as she held it Dragon just gave her Alpha a small smile. "Of course." She'd switch which hand she was holding the scythe with at some point in the conversation. Less chance of whatever was now hidden on her arm being seen.

"Mr. Willam Blake, Miss Boone, if I may introduce a friend... Malach Hamavet, from Tel Aviv."
'I'm who from where now?' Dragon wondered. Pushing that aside she gave a smile to the two she was being introduced to.

Sarah: "Very nice to meet you..."
"Just call me Death." Dragon replied, for now that alias would have to do. Least until they could speak more freely.

Sarah "Newly hired, I assume?"
Dragon gave a smirk, her canines showing a little more as she did. "If you can call it that yes." Hired? Er, would help if she knew what that word meant more or less. She had a basic idea, but she wasn't completely sure. But yeah, she was with them if that's what they wanted to know.

Usually a handshake would follow an introduction, though Dragon rarely gave them out, claws can be tricky that way. She hoped that Willam Blake wouldn't mind the lack of manners. Dragon preferred not to have her cover blown by accidentally scratching someone... specially with eyes watching.

Oh she could feel them alright. Spending time in the wild made you know when you were being stared down. She tensed a little, but quickly schooled her features back into neutrality. Now was not the time. Plus, Alpha was right here, anything went wrong, it would be easy to get her away form danger and the cops. Right yeah, them too.


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EarlJr said: Euge lightly nudged Ennai and whispered in her ear, "I'd lay odds whatever V.I.L.E. is after is part of the special exhibit. We may want to move in that direction. You packing?" To Mac and whoever else may be watching, it looked like Euge was telling her sweet nothings instead of business talk.

Ennai smiled and looked away as though he had just given her an embarrassingly touching compliment. "Always. It's a rather dismal arsenal though. One snubnose and two stratofighters." Ennai hated the snubnose. It only had six rounds and was rather pointless except for it's discreet size. She hadn't even brought extra ammunition. If she were to bet their lives on her weapons alone, she would place her money on the stratofighters. Ennai was extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Her knives were folded in easy access calf straps. Her snubnose was in a holster strapped below her knee, which made it difficult for quick draw. The dress she chose was impractical for combat. It had no slit and none of her usual compartments for weapons. Her long hair hung loose instead of in an up-do out of her face. She was, in every sense of the word, unprepared. Of course, this not a problem for Ennai. It wasn't even a setback. She could handle it.

In actuality, she wasn't expecting anything to happen tonight at all. She was almost always armed, but tonight what she was sporting was even less than her civilian outfitting. Normally at an event like this she was decked out in her best stock. But she was usually at these events for work. Tonight she had let her guard down. Somewhere in her mind, she had felt that things like this didn't happen in her Venice. In her mind Venice in winter was, irrationally, a completely different universe than the city at any other season. It was different from any other place in the world. It was safe and perfect. Ennai felt like a fool. Venice was her love, but her work followed her everywhere. She couldn't pretend otherwise. Euge was right of course. If V.I.L.E. were here, it would be for the art in the museum.

"Right, let's get moving. " she said in a clear, low voice. She rested her hand at the crook of his arm. They were just a couple, off to admire the generously donated mask collection. Just the type of collection that has, time and time again, proven to be catnip for crooks.

((Sorry this took so long, Euge.))

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    I did not know that pretzels were made by monks and given to children as little treats :D
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    I want pretzels! 🥨
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    Me too!
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    leaves a bunch of freshly made pretzels on the counter in the break room*
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    Hey @Tenchi Masaki You remember the threads where we put 5 words in French, Spanish amd other languages? Could you teach us some Japanese words please? I think it'd be fun!
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    You know, I miss Carmen too. I hope she's doing well :(
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    I'm sure she's living the best stolen life possible
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    someone said job interviews are humiliation rituals and I coudln't agree more......
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  • Claire Yeon Claire Yeon:
    ||As someone who recently conducted several job interviews, I am happy to advise.||
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    Clare.....I've been doing mock interviews with people and they aren't giving me feedback LOL
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    I remember some rules but I forget others....such as don't bring your children, don't chew gum. don't arrive late. Bring your resume.
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  • Lucy Lucy:
    give a good handshake
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  • Tenchi Masaki Tenchi Masaki:
    Having children ask why every time you answer a question would be a little awkward
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    In other much for being enthusiastic about the new Carmen game. I'm finding disappointing spoilers from the first ones to play it...
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    Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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    Lucy Lucy: Maybe later when I have time and if people are curious enough I can post the spoilers here....
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