Q & A AMA - Ken U. Belevitt

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Kenneth (by Carmen), Kenny (by other VILE agents), Crackpot Kenny, The Anti-Player, Contestant #3
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Can you give me an example of some of the things that he's letting go of, or how he's coping with his mental eccentricities?
It's hard to explain, because he's still Ken, and he still has a somewhat lopsided approach to his logic. You could say he's burning the candle at both ends. He can no longer deny to himself that he's afflicted, and he can now control his contrarianism in small spurts by thinking really hard on what he intends to say and then speaking the exact opposite. The other end of the candle is slightly less affirming: he's basically given up on ever being anything other than a complete social misfit. In lieu of ever being a liability to Carmen and VILE, he's elevated himself to the same supercriminal status as Vic or Contessa, specializing in internet black ops. and while he still considers VILE the only place he really fits in, he's given up on trying to 'fit in' and really be accepted on a personal level with anyone.

In regards to how he feels...about Patty...It's become a very sensitive issue. So far he's only said that he owes her an apology, and a thank you for helping him with his fashion.


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Zack, Z, Lil'bro, Dan, Zack-Daniels, Bacon
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How many pairs of socks does Ken own?
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Kenneth (by Carmen), Kenny (by other VILE agents), Crackpot Kenny, The Anti-Player, Contestant #3
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His favorite color is RGB 255, the same type of green that originally appeared on monocolor computer displays.

In his classic dossier, Ken's food is described as "junk," but there's more to it than that. He is to recreational malnutrition what Carmen is to gourmet fine-dining. Traveling the world under VILE has only succeeded in expanding his palette of candy bars, snack cakes, sodas, fast food, and re-heatable meals. His staples are ramen and rib sandwiches, and in fact he once plotted a caper where he stole national treasures along the path of a certain rib sandwiches re-release. Probably the healthiest thing he likes to eat is popcorn, and stranger still is that he tends to avoid the butter and sugar particularly in the popcorn.
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Kenneth (by Carmen), Kenny (by other VILE agents), Crackpot Kenny, The Anti-Player, Contestant #3
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I'll be happy as long as that sadistic little Tweety-brain stays behind bars where he belongs, but I can't deny it, it's changed me. Some of it's good, you know, now that it's pretty out in the open that I'm...not so sane, I can work on being mature enough and working to fix things. But it's made things really hard when it comes to my alliances. It can be gleaned that the only reason I AM in VILE is because Carmen took pity on me after Jasjiv's attempt on my life. Then there's the fact that all this happened because of an attempt by both ACME and Jasjiv to catch Carmen in the first place...Makes me feel more than just hit in the head, you know.
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Kenneth (by Carmen), Kenny (by other VILE agents), Crackpot Kenny, The Anti-Player, Contestant #3
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Your boss eventually got the win on that one. Jasjiv sent Chase to find me in Paris, where he had a warrant that he intended to use to frame me for the entirety of his crimes. I was put in the paddy wagon in France, and they both tried to fly back to ACME. Fortunately, Jasjiv showed his hand too early...tried to shoot Chase....got his keister kicked, and got arrested. I was let go the next day.
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Kenneth (by Carmen), Kenny (by other VILE agents), Crackpot Kenny, The Anti-Player, Contestant #3
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Oh...things were bad when he used to think his opposition to ACME was merely because of a conspiracy. Now...he's got a beef with ACME over the fact he was led out to become a potential agent....it makes them indirectly responsible for the reason he's now bonkers.

He is able to grudgingly hand it to Chase, though. Chase was willing to release him once he was able to get to the bottom of the whole User conspiracy. Ken doesn't have any intention of ever being on the right side of the law though.


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Morgan Cedesina
You've had quite the adventure, Kenneth. Did you return to our headquarters only to gather your things, or have you other hopes in mind?

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